
Love is Righteous!

This fanfiction is about how righteous (wrong) Lan Xichen was at the time of Guanyin temple, and how right the Lan Clan was for Weiying, basically dark side of Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren is shown. And after knowing about these things we will see what's the Wangji reaction will be. What if he imagines that cos his brother said :Every Night... Every Night, You Had To...' That's the reason why Weiying is doing every night with him? Will, Wangji able continue to love Weiying and forgive himself, and stand against his dear brother (Lan Xichen) to stop the injustice... Update: every alternative day.

anonymouscat123 · TV
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6 Chs

Part 6.

'And, now, I invite myself for a tea with you both for the last time before moving out of the sect with Weiying and my children's'

By saying that Wangji entered inside his uncle's quarters and Xichen and Qiren was looking in the direction Wangji went with shock, calming down a little, Xichen went inside the quarters and his uncle followed.

'Wangji, are you sure? I'm sorry if I made the decision which hurt you I never mean to, but Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui education is not completed yet, it would be good if you reconsider your decision of leaving.'

'I won't leave them within the sect to be bullied and as a good parent, I take a good decision for my children's future, this sect is not safe for them.'

'Wangji' Xichen said.

'What do you mean it's not safe for them? Do we harm them? We let you keep them without arguing, much, and you're ungrateful for that, I never expect my second nephew to be like this.'

'Who are you to let me keep them?'


'Who are you to decide that I should keep them or not, and who in the sect got this right to decide whether I should keep my children's with me or not?'

'You have been taking all the decision of my life cos I let you do that out of the respect, I showed you, not cos I'm bound to do so, I never let my sperm donor control or interfere in my life, then who are you?' 'Hope I'm very clever of to you, I'm taking my both children's and husband away, annihilation all the connections I have with this sect.' With that Wangji stands and went away.

'Wangji you can't, I...' his uncle holds his hand to his chest, but without looking back Wangji left the quarters.

He went in front of the Jingshi and smile thinking about his Weiying when he would tell him they're moving out how happy he will be, after a minute, Wangji step inside the Jingshi.


'Hánguāng-jūn, dad' 'Oh Lan Zhan you're back'

'Jingyi call me dad like Sizhui'

'Lan Zhan' Weiying said in an amazed tone.

'D-Dad... Father...' Jingyi eyes filled with tears and Lan Zhan opened his arms and hug both Sizhui and Jingyi giving an assuring smile to Weiying.

Both of them are shocked by their father's reaction as Wangji never hugged his children's like that before, but they had been very happy with this.

Weiying also joined them and four of them group hugged.

'We are leaving, pack your things!' Wangji said.

'But where father?' Sizhui asked.

'Somewhere far from the sect, I will find some right school for both of you, now let's pack up the things and get ready for departure.'

Both the kids nodded and left Jingshi and Weiying went near Wangji and hold his arm.

'Wangji, what's with this sudden decision? Where are we going?'

'Somewhere far from Gusu'

'But where are we gonna live?'

'In inn, for now then we will look for some work and buy a house, we can easily earn money with our skills and we will teach our kids cultivation by ourselves, we both are probably a better cultivator then all of them combined, so who can teach them better than us, especially no one holds more knowledge and experience in different kinda cultivation methods than Wei Wuxian so why not.'

Weiying smiled and hugged Wangji, 'You did it for me, nah'

'No Weiying, I did it for us and our children's'

'Thank you Lan Zhan, and sorry cos you have to leave your sect cos of me'

'No I'm not leaving cos of you, I'm leaving cos they disrespect me by disrespecting my family and I won't let anyone harm my family.'

'But Wangji, they're your family too.'

'Weiying, stop caring about others, care for us now, we both cared for others our whole life, now it's time to take care of ourselves and our children's they need a better environment from here, I won't let them grow up with two faced people, I don't want them to become like you, I want them to be like you.'

'No, they should be like you'

'No they should be like my Weiying.'

'No, Lan Zhan'


'Father, Dad.'

'Oh, you both packed your stuff okay then we will be ready too in a few minutes, Weiying let's pack the stuff.'

'We will help.'

All four of them packed their belongings and fly away, Lan Xichen was waiting for them at the gate but Wangji don't bother to look back while Weiying just gave him an assuring look that they will meet again, and he will bring Wangji back one day to meet them.

With that all four of them went to a village far away from Gusu to start their new life.