
Love is like a Lemon

Hillary_Davis_0970 · Urban
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7 Chs

The cab experience

The two young adults very happy to be hanging out together both had smiles all over their faces. If you saw them you would wonder why they were smiling so much. This new feeling that they both had was brightening them up. Ben's face was lit. As the two stood at the road said waiting for a cub to come to pick them up Ben started a conversation.

"Hey, so what is your favorite place in town? " Ben asked Natalia.

"I love Mika Mall it is my favorite place, it is a building but you can live there and never luck anything." She replied smiling.

"Will you take me there someday so I can also see this lovely place that you love so much?" Ben with a calm voice answered.

She shook her head up and down as she was about to answer a cub came by and the driver distracted her asking if they were head for town. They both entered the white saloon car with a taxi sign on the top of its roof. And they were off for town.

Natalia and Ben were heading to town together. If not for mentioning, this could be called a date. Ben and Natalia talked to each other as they headed the city. Natalia was a happy girl, she was very smiley and had the energy to keep a conversation going all the time. This was a vibrant young woman full of confidence and energy in her. On the other hand, Ben was a silent guy who only opened up when he was around people he knew and was familiar with. In his mind, what he thought about was unlike poles attract and all he wanted was to impress this girl he had never imagined meeting. He was so into the girl that he could find himself staring at her. He stole glances at her when she was talking to him. He liked everything physical about Natalia. The way she talked, the way she smiled, and just the way she was. In his mind I kid you not, he thought about her more than he thought about anything else. The way he looked at Natalia he just seemed to even probably like the way she used to breathe.

This whole time Ben was looking at Natalia as she was talking and he nodded his head agreeing and smiling all the time. He was not listening because he still was not in his right senses. Ben was attracted to the girl and he had never been so thrown off by a girl before. This was a new feeling to him. As hard as Ben tried to listen to Natalia talk, he found himself lost in thought.

"Hey, Ben are you listening" Natalia with a pretty smile asked Ben.

"Why are you staring?" She added before Ben could answer her previous question.

This question found Ben off guard and he didn't know what to say. Ben thought to himself what to say and decided to throw caution in the wind. I mean what's the worst that could happen. He didn't know what was happening to him but he found himself talking.

"I am sorry you are just so beautiful and I can't help but stare, I have never seen a girl as pretty as you. I am trying to focus but my whole brain is just taken on a journey by the beauty in your eyes. I don't know if I will be able to focus on anything else but you." Ben said.

These words flew out of his mouth so quickly he did not notice what he had done until he was done talking. Bens heart was racing, he had just met this girl the previous day and he was already falling hard for her. Was this just a crush or what was this he was feeling? Ben had a million thoughts and questions race through his brain. What is this he was feeling? It was too quick to say it was love at first sight. He was the ring leader when it came to people who did not believe in the love at first sight theory. This whole time he was asking himself these questions the girl making him go through this was seated right next to him. Ben waited to see what the girl would say and for a second her lips were sealed. This was a huge moment Ben was counting on her not to say anything that he did not want to hear. She looked at him and smiled at him. Ben was a shy dude, so he looked aside for just a split second to brush off the embarrassment that had taken over his whole body. Every part of his body was feeling funny. His stomach was hot and he felt butterflies fly up to his throat. In his mind, he was begging his lord to just get the girl to say something. It is like the devil was playing with Ben as the girl took a few more seconds before uttering anything.

Ben's ancestors came to his rescue because he heard the girl clear her throat preparing to say something. He turned to look at her with eyes that showed so much affection. Even the cab driver was quiet and it was as if he was vouching for Ben. He even smiled at Ben through the drivers' rearview mirror.

"Hey Ben, we just met yesterday." She said and paused a little to pull in a huge breath.

This second that she paused, Bens' mind again sent him to making conclusive calculations. Now he knew he had just embarrassed his whole body mind and soul. Why did you ask her now bro? You couldn't wait for another time? You just had to do this to us in front of the driver? Wow, you are such an embarrassment to us. We are packing and leaving. These thoughts ran up and down his mind.

"I like you too and we seem to vibe with the same frequency but can we take it slow and see, maybe you are just excited and that's it don't worry. I am here and when we know what it is we will cross the bridge then." She finished her statement and looked at Ben with innocent but real eyes.

These few words that came out of Natalia made Ben fall for her now more than he had before. The lady made Ben feel like she was the most mature and intelligent person he ever met. The feeling of embarrassment had already left Bens' whole system.

"That's okay I don't know why I said it so quickly I have just never felt this way before." Ben calmly answered.

This conversation had gone on for some time and neither Ben nor Natalia noticed they were almost entering the city. Ben was glad that the weird moment had passed by as fast as it came. Natalia was still looking at Ben and kept smiling every time he looked at him. It was as if they couldn't stop giggling with each other despite the serious talk they had just had a few minutes ago. Natalia looked at Ben and told him they should go and buy the kit she was going to buy. Ben looked confused and shocked at what she was talking about. He didn't understand why they had to go all the way to town to buy just a kit. And she had to take time explaining why she used a specific kind of makeup kit from a specific shop. This shop belonged to her friend called Mercy and this was why she came to town so she could promote her friend's business. Everything about her was impressive to Ben. This meant she kept her friends closer and the fact that she supported her friend Mercy was a check for Ben. Ben was so happy he was going to meet her friend. This gave him hopes because of an article he read. The article said if a girl introduces you to her friends then she is looking for some kind of approval from them. These thoughts made Ben feel important to the new girl he had luckily bumped into.

"Hey, that's very nice of you to support your friend's business," Ben said something after being quiet for a while now.

" Yeah it is a good thing to do support each other, one day I may have a business, and my deeds here won't be forgotten" She answered Ben as the driver packed .

"Here we are guys" The driver interrupted.

They were finally in town.