

Venom,handsome and hotness that every girl want to die for,but actually a playboy wanted to flirt with a new girl in the school,but the girl didn't pay him attention cos she's falling for her childhood best friend, but her best friend didn't pay her much attention also cos he already have a girlfriend. After she find out her best friend already had a girlfriend, she started having feeling for Venom and her twin sister for had feeling for him too since when she met him and she find out they are dating she turn her twin sister live a living hell,at the end of the day he break her heart "how could you do this to me" she ask crying. Then he hold her waist moving her closer and whispered into her ear " love is just a game" she cry her heart out " I have no to call friend,sister,lover how did thing get out of hand" she said crying

Cynklope · Fantasy
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26 Chs

chapter 25--- getting an apartment for the girl

Mr Zach & Mrs Sonia POV

"Do you think its right to get those kids an apartment" Mr Zach asked "I think that's the best idea since they are grown ups" "but why do you think florae will want to move out?" Stress I think " "okay I will look for a nice apartment for them,it's just that I will miss them a lot.


Florae and Monica are on their way home when mark called them " florae ,Monica. Wait up""that must be mark"Monica said facing back "are you guys going home already" "yeah""oh I see,I was just wandering if you guys could have lunch With me" "hmm....okay" "come on let's go"


"Mark... You know what" florae said facing mark and Monica "I and Monica are moving out"" to where? " "somewhere around here ,we think it's stressful for us to be taking the long journey everyday, so we are moving to somewhere around here"

"I see,so when?" "Don't know yet,dad and mom have to decide,so we will have to wait for that" "wow that's good to hear,isn't it Monica?" "Yeah just that she didn't ask for my opinion before taking the decision"

"c'mon we've settled this already" "I gat it ,just don't forget your words" "okay I won't,are we good now??" "C'mon let's eat " "okay

Venom POV

Venom went to meet Andrea (his forth girlfriend)in a café ,she was sitting at the window near by "am here" "oh"she got up to hug immediately she hear his voice"I miss you soo much babe,hope you are feeding well" "of course" he break the hug

 "I miss you too love" "liar"she went to sit down" "you think am lying" " if you aren't why don't visit sooner?" " am busy you know?but I'll make it up to you today "he look at her boobs and smirk " I hope soon" " am hungry " "what do you wanna eat?" " you" "oh... " she looked at him and smiled "let's go"

Flora and Monica walked the kitchen to meet Sonia cooking "hi mom" "hi darlings,how's school today?" "Good,where's dad" "over here" Zack peep from the kitchen door "hi dad" "hi kids,guess what? "

" what "they both chorus curiously" I just brought you an apartment" "wow that's great dad" "isn't it?so when are you guys parking out?" " hmm...give us some days dad"Monica said reluctant "okay,no problem" "thanks dad" they both hugged him

Venom POV

"I need to go babe" venom pecked Andrea on the lip "can't you wait for a little more time?" Andrea said childishly "I'd love to but I gotta go" "okay,am letting you go just today but not forever" she said and smirked

 "if you say so,my lady" venom smirked too but just as he was about to say another sentence, his phone beep "hello?"


if you like the mafia lord want me you should check my other story THE DEMON SEX SLAVE or THE MAFIA LORD WANT ME pls vote for me send your power stone the more you vote the I update my story comments down I will replied to all your comment pls review my book too I will appreciate so much love you guy