
Love is in the neighbourhood

Boss and Babe lives in same neighbourhood. But both families have conflicts between them . It's almost like rivalry was passed as a family heirloom and the boys become rivals too. This makes their relationship complicated. But one time they felt a good attraction towards themselves and became good friends. But they have to keep their relationship a secret from their parents. Because of their rivalry Will they be able to began a sweet secret romance journey?

daonuea · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Honeymoon trip to Kanchaburi?

"Everyone are you ready ?"

" Yes ."

" Then let's go ."

" Yay."

The trip started and i told pan to sit with me .

" Pan , Come here . "

" Okay. "

" Where were you yesterday?"

" I went to see my grandma in the hospital. She sprained her ankle. "

" whaatt? Why didn't you take me with you ?"

" You are with him everyday. How can i disturb you?" He pointed to Boss .

" Stop talking nonsense. He just follow me everywhere and get on my nerves. "

" Are you sure ? Today i heard someone talking about you two that you are dating . They also have pics of your being clingy to each other. Here take a look ."

" They are misunderstanding . We are not couples. That time he just helped me out . "

" No need to explain now . They are just shipping both of you ."

" This is so frustrating. Let me sleep . Wake me when we reach there . "

" kay ."

After 4 hours we reached at our destination.

" Babe wake up . "

" oh did we arrive?"

" Hmn."

" Take out your things . "

" Okay. "

Me and pan shared a room together .

" Wow the bed is so soft and big ."

" Let me sleep first. I'm so much tired ."

" Okay then I'll see around the hotel ."

After sleep i woke up in the evening.

" You slept for too long get up . Everyone is calling us . "

" Where are we going?"

" We are going to have a BBQ party tonight ."

" Wait let me freshen up ."

" Be quick. "

" Hmn."

At the backyard of the hotel

" Babe come help me grill the meat ."

" Okay phi ."

" Don't burn the meat be careful. "

" kay."

I was grilling meat and saw Boss coming with a guiter in his hand. He was looking so cool .

" Bring the meat quickly. "

" Yes. "

" Then let's start the party here let's cheers . "

" cheers."

We were enjoying but then a senior said that " How about we play truth and dare ?"

" Sounds good ."

" Then spin the bottle and if you don't answer you wil drink . "

" okay bring it on ."

P'thee spined and it landed on pan .

" Truth or dare ?"

" Truth ."

" When was your first kiss ?"

" When i was in elementary school. "

They again spins and it was good until it landed on me .

" Truth or dare ?"

" Dare ."

" I dare you to kiss Boss on his lips . "

" Change it phi please. "

" No this will be cheating then just kiss on his cheek or drink ."

" Babe you are a coward . If you don't feel anything then you can kiss him without any hesitation. "

" But what if Boss feel weird ?"

" Hey Boss do you have any problem?"

" No phi ."

" Don't look for excuses just do it ."

I became angry and kissed him on his cheek and went to my room . My heart was beating too fast . I washed my face and changed clothes and then went to bed . But i was tossing and turning into the bed but couldn't sleep . It was almost 1 a.m. and pan didn't came to sleep yet so i went to see outside . Then someone told me that he was sleeping with the seniors . What a bullshit!

I wasn't able to sleep so i took a stroll around the pool and sat near the pool . I kinda feel relaxed and was enjoying the view but then Boss came there along with his guiter .

" What are you doing here ?"

" I couldn't sleep so i took a stroll around the pool. You ?"

" Same ..... "

" Could you play the guiter for me ?"

" Of course. What do you want to listen ?"

" Anything is fine ."

He played MORE THAN FRIENDS " for me .

His voice sounded like pure music and the melody went through my heart . I could hear it everyday.

" What do you think ?"

" Good ."

" Why did you learn playing guiter?"

" Whenever i plays it , i feel that I'm free from every problem like a bird flying in the sky freely .

I play it when I'm happy , when I'm sad , when I'm angry . It's like a relaxing thing for me . "

" Looks like you have a very good memories with this guiter. "

" Hmnn . A very special person gave me this . I'm very grateful to him for this gift . "

" Your lover ?"

" No . "

" Ex ?"

" You are too bad at guessing. Stop it . Do you know how to play it?"

" No but i want to . Teach me . "

" Then I'll take 2000 per hour . "

" Are you kidding me ? I don't have any money teach me for free . "

" Nothing is free in this world. You have to pay for everything. "

" Then I'll go sleep bye ."

" Heyy i was kidding. Come come I'll teach you for free . "

" Looks like you have a brain too ."

" Want a fist ?"

" Will you teach me or not ?"

" Okay. Here put your finger first here and then this here and start playing slowly ....you have to play with your heart or you will be off key . Here start again . "

" I will learn slowly give me sometime. ... see I'm getting better ."

" It's not better it's worst . "

" Help me

He came closer to me and holded my hands and we played it together. I was staring at his beautiful face .

"Boss can i kiss you now ?"

" w...hat what are you saying ? Don't joke over this thing . "

I kissed him and our faces become red . I felt guilty and went up but he grabbed my hands and jumped into the pool .

" Let me show you how to kiss properly. "

We went inside the water and he holded on to my head and closer it to his and kissed passionately for very long . I couldn't breathe and went up . We laughed awkwardly and " Then how was it ? He said .

" Don't talk about this I'm embarrassed. "

" Wowww you are blushing too much . Let's change clothes first or you'll catch a cold . "

" Okay . "

We went to my room for changing.

" You can change first I'll wait . "

" You'll catch cold come let's take a shower together. "

" no you go first ."

" Why ? Are you afraid to shower with me ?"

" Who is afraid ? Let's go ."

I agreed and he smirked like it was his plan .

We took off the clothes and started showering.

" Babe apply the gel on my body . "

" You have hands do it yourself. "

" Please my hands can't reach on my back . "

" Face against the wall . "

" hmn ."

I applied gently on his back but suddenly he turns his face towards me .

" What ?"

" Apply here ."

" Your hands can reach there help yourself out ."

" Your hands are dirty now please apply please. "

" Okay close your eyes first ."

" Hmn....but why is your ear red? Are you thinking about something dirty?"

" What thinking? I said close your eyes. "

" I'm closing see . "

He leaned his face closer and " Can i do something inappropriate with you ?"

" You pervert! "

I was going to punch him but he stopped my hand and pushed me against the wall .

" Let me go ."

" I was holding it for you but now i can't anymore."

" Yo..."

He kissed me aggressively and was touching me everywhere.

" Boss stop....."

He holded on my bare waist and was looking at me with lusty look in his eyes .

" Why is your lips so juicy . I wanna suck it ...please. "

I was in heat and agreed with him . I whispered in his ears " Fuck me baby ." With a gentle voice .

He smirked and bite on my neck . " Ahhhh....."

" Don't stop me today Babe ."

He was kissing my bare chest and i was moaning . He tasted my whole body. I was holding in his hair tightly . It feels so good .

" Babe are you afraid of the pain . If you say i can stop now . "

" Just do it Daddy . "

" You are so sexy . I want to eat you alive ."

" If you have the guts then...do...it."

" Let me apply some lube ..."

He put his hand on my dick and stroke it gently.

" Feelss so good ."

I closed my eyes and feeled it . He was gentle with me and then we laid on the bathtub .

" How was my performance today ?"

" It was 9.9 out of 10 ."

" What ?"

" Why not 10 ?"

" That is because you lied to me . "

" Whatttt?"

" Let's finish and sleep today . "

" Are you sure that you want to sleep only ?"

" Boss kha I'm so sleepy take me to the bedroom ."

" You are again testing my patient huh ."

" I'm not I'm really sleepy today please. "

" Okay . I'll spare you tonight. Come I'll take you ."

I get on his arms and he dressed me and took me to bed . " Sleep tight and dream of me ."

" Kubbbb." He gently kissed on my head and stroked my hairs . Then we cuddled and went to sleep together.