
Love Is Hard For An Introvert

She is that masked maid he keeps seeing at the cafe whenever he needs someone to talk to, and he is that anonymous online friend of hers that constantly makes her smile whenever she's feeling down. But what happens when these two keep crossing paths with one another at school without knowing about each other's secrets that lie beneath their sleeves? Join Hayashi Sakura and Mori Ken in this romance-comedy novel that will make you realize that love may be as hard as others were saying for introverts like them. ---- Message me at my discord account for any inquiries: AteJanz#0657 Book cover by: Chainslock

AteJanz · Teen
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252 Chs

How Can I Unsend It?

By the time Hayashi Sakura and Yamaguchi Alan arrived at their apartment, Sakura's mouth had opened up wide with a yawn, and she was forced to cover her mouth as quickly as possible.

Sakura then rubbed her eyes sleepily and faced Alan. "Boy, I feel sleepy already."

"Yeah. Me too, actually." Alan chuckles and waved his hand later as he greets the girl good night and bids his farewell before going up the stairs to his room.

The moment Alan went up, Sakura quickly turned around and was just about to type in her apartment code when she saw something hanging on the doorknob. It was actually a large white paper bag with a box inside.

"What is this?" Sakura narrows her eyes at the bag before deciding to pick it up from the doorknob before typing in her apartment code and pushed the door open so that she can walk inside her room.

With her eyebrows hunched together, Sakura plops herself hurriedly on her couch and gets the box out of the paper bag.