
Tragedy And BETRAYAL

The desk at the front of the class room combusted into flames, we were speechless we had no idea what to do. The sound of the fire alarm pierced through the air and into our heads, everybody ran for their lives. Everybody except Grace, she sat there as still as a ghost. She wasn't a ghost she was a goddess sent from the heavens above to save me. The more I looked at her the more I fell in love, if that was possible. Her raven black hair glinted in the light of the flames, a ruby red. She must have known I was staring because she turned, instead of the baby blue eyes I was accustomed to seeing I was met with the dark blue of a stormy ocean. Just like that the flames disapeared, I reeled backwards in shock.

                    I felt a pair of nails scratch a trail from by neck down to my torso, Anasteshia. I couldn't take my eyes of Grace fire raged in her eyes and she said " Stay away from him Tesha, he is not one of your playthings!! she exclaimed with vigour. Anasteshia cackled and said "Little sister, you know our destinies. We can't fall in love with silly little pesky mortals. If we do you know what will happen. Death, darling not yours but his" just like that the fire left Grace's eyes.

                     With that Grace said " His death will be over my death body, as long as I am alive none can lay a finger on him". The fire was back in her eyes. Anasteshia's sickly sweet voice replied " What am I doing know sweetheart? . Don't make empty promises and challenges that you know you can't keep."

                     "I think you need a lesson to make you understand the consequences."Anasteshia said.  With that Anasteshia bought me to the window. She said to Grace" One little push and everything will be back to normal. One little push if you can't do it then he'll jump himself. Isn't that right Johnathan?" She asked with a cackle.

                      "It's Jacob!" Grace and I say in unison. I smile at Grace  and she smiles back. All of a sudden Anasteshia plunged a dagger into my heart. The last thing I remember was Grace' s agonizing screams of pain. I hoped that I would be with her once again in the after life. I didn't get a chance to be with her in this life but seeing her know was more than enough.

               I felt her hug me and sob, I felt her hand in mine, her head against my chest and her tears making my shirt wet. I said "I love you, more than you would ever know. You were the one for me and I'm happy it was you." With that I coughed blood and then I continued " Don't spend the rest of your life mourning over me find somebody who will love you." Maybe more than I ever could."

             I closed my eyes. I heard a strangled cry and with a voice full of tears she said." I love you, I came this far and I found you. How can you leave me I can never find someone like you. I will avenge you and I will find a way to bring you back to life. I love you the most" . With that I went into oblivion with a smile on my face.

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