
Love is a Sweet Poison

Finding true love is not an easy thing. Especially when your parents ask you to go to marriage interviews. You worry constantly and need to take Daily vitamins to be able to help your weak body. This is what Amelia's life is like. She dreams of falling in love, maybe setting her eyes on someone and knowing that he was the one. Next in line to take over the Hospital Gabriel is stuck going to arranged meetings in his spare time but honestly what spare time does an eighteen-year old medical student really have? He dreams of the one that is always matching his scores and his eyes are drawn to her even if she doesn’t notice him. Will fate allow him to be with her or will his parents tie him down with someone else. How will their love story pan out? Will they be forced to marry someone that they do not care for or will their parents' cave and let them fall in love and live in bliss? A glimpse of the story ahead: Amelia walked through the field that was full of flowers smiling and was chasing a child that was no more than two years of age. The child was giggling. The child had stopped and picked a lily. He turned and ran back to Amelia. "Mama! Flower for you!" The little boy handed the flower over and smiled.  "My, what a good boy you are. Thank you for your gift." Amelia took the flower and placed it in her hair.  Gabriel walked over carrying a girl that was also two years old. "Mama!" The little girl started to squirm in Gabriel's arms trying to get to Amelia.  Gabriel laughs happily and lets the girl down then watches her run to Amelia. He walks over and kisses Amelia on the cheek. "I can not believe that we had two beautiful children. Your illness hasn't spiked back up has it, my angel?" Amelia smiled up at him sweetly. "No, not as of late." She rests her hand on her belly and smiles up at Gabriel. "But I do not think that our twins will mind having another sibling, What do you think my love?"  Gabriel's eyes light up. He picks her up and spins her around. "When did you find out and how did I not know about it??"  "Just yesterday. Kazuki is the one that diagnosed me. I never thought that I would be strong enough for this and yet here we are." Once her feet are on the ground she hugs Gabriel, rubs her stomach then bends down and hugs the two children on the ground. "Are you two ready to be a big brother and big sister?"  "Mama has a baby growing in her tummy?" The little girl looks up and tilts her head to the side.  Gabriel happily bent down and kissed both children on the head. "Don't worry. You will always be our babies too." 

Shirokitsune · Fantasy
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236 Chs

29 Meeting Delayed

Gabriel feels her fall asleep in his arms and kisses her head. He sat there and an hour or so later the door opened. Edna and Clarence walked into the room. "Good morning, Mother and Father."

"Good morning, Son. It is unusual for you to hold someone so close to you. I would ask you to move but she looks so comfortable in your arms." Clarence looked at Amelia and smiled sadly.

Edna walked closer and smiled at the picture. "Do you think the family will accept if we let her live with us in our place? We have all those cherry trees in the courtyard and the air is purer there. It might help her out."

Amelia had woken up when the door opened and tapped Gabriel where the others could not see.

Gabriel looked down and smiled, "I can not see why they would not accept. We will give her the best life or at least that is what I want to do. What do you think, Amelia?"

"I would like to accept but we still have to have a meeting so that everyone will be on the same page. That is if you guys are okay with this request of mine? Both sets of parents can come and discuss everything together." She turned her head and she was blushing.

"Of course there is no issue with that. We can even finalize everything at the meeting. You are such a wonderful girl." Edna smiled and looked at the two before stepping back.

"Thank you," Amelia sat up slowly and then slid off the window sill. She stood up and coughed a little bit.

Gabriel got up and guided her back to the bed before helping her sit down. He then went and grabbed all three colors of medicines. "Mother, could you get a cup of water?"

Edna placed her stuff down before heading to the door. "Of course, I will be back."

Aiko woke up as the door closed and looked up at Amelia who was sitting on the bed. She blinked a few times before realizing what happened.

"Good morning, Aiko. Did you rest well?" Amelia took the medicine packages and placed them on the bed. First, she picked up the yellow package and took it.

"I am so sorry. I must have fallen asleep." Aiko quickly got up and saw Clarence at the door. "Sir, I am so sorry." She started bowing deeply.

"Father, do not blame Aiko. I slept and she fell asleep while I was in the shower. When I returned I saw her asleep so I grabbed the blanket and placed it over her. I decided that I would be able to watch Amelia on my own and I was no longer tired. Amelia woke up do I made us tea. Amelia and I watched the sunrise in the window before she fell back asleep. Nothing serious happened while Aiko was asleep." Gabriel was looking at Aiko and his father.

"Then there is nothing that is wrong. Aiko, you took the first watch and Gabriel took the second. It looks like he got everything that he needed to do. Although, I am surprised that you have a book of herbs. When did you have time to get that?" Clarence was looking at all the notes on the table.

"When I went into town and picked out the gift I wanted to buy. I saw the bookstore and decided that it would be a good idea since I was unable to distinguish the herbs used in Amelia's medicine or should I say at the time vitamins? I did not think that everything would be in there but it was all there. Thank goodness. There is a note that one of the roots only grows in the north about a two days trip from here. So that will have to wait until you give me permission to go and collect it. All the others are not too far." Gabriel walked over to the book and showed his father the information on the root.

"If you need to go and do that I do not see an issue with it, Gabriel. You usually make all the medicines that are sold in the gift shop but you made extra tea and we can always limit how many get put out." Clarence patted his son on the back. "I will not be able to go with you so you can take Suzuki-san with you. He might be able to learn more about what we sell in the shop this way."

Amelia picked up the green package and opened it and took it with no issues. "I think that is a good idea. You could get to know my father while you two go on this journey but if you are going we will need to delay the meeting until your return."

Edna walked into the room and heard those words. She brought the water to Amelia, "now, now let's not be too hasty. Delay the meeting?"

"Mother, I am going to be gone for almost a week gathering roots and herbs that will be needed for Amelia's medicine so of course, we will not be able to hold the meeting this week." Gabriel watched as his mother relaxed.

"If that is the reason then yes I agree wholeheartedly." Edna passed the water to Amelia and sat down next to her, "but we will still use that room. The three of us ladies will go and have tea. Of course, it will be my treat. What do you think?"

Amela drank some water then placed the cup down on the table and took the white package and drank the rest of the water frowning from the taste. "I do not mind but it also depends if Saito Sensei clears me to go back home or not."

"By then you should stabilize. So I do not see any issue with it." Clarence looked at Gabriel and saw that he was relaxed. He walked over to Amelia tested her temperature and saw that some of her color that was off yesterday had come back. "Okay, I want you to keep drinking tea today and stay here. If you have an episode then you need to stay longer but if you go the whole day without one then you will be allowed to go home."

Meeting Delayed

“The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.”

― Mother Teresa, A Simple Path: Mother Teresa

I am excited and nervous as I now have three books on the go. Today I did a little calculating and I have written roughly 70000 words in 15 days! Please enjoy the chapters. <3

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