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We have been married for 6 years, we have 2 baby boys. The day they arrived was his happiest day, apart from our wedding day according to him.

Fast forward 5 months after the birth of our boys, it's has not been easy! Taking care of the boys, breastfeeding till dawn, making breakfast, lunch, and dinner, cleaning shopping with little or no help, (everyone who came to help left after my boys clocked 3months) sigh....

My relationship with my husband has been affected, but I trying as much as possible to make things work in the bedroom, in the kitchen and all, but I just noticed he's been keeping his distance from me, acting shady, receiving calls in the toilet or outside our room. Not to forget, he's very good with the children, whenever he's around he helps me pacify them and plays with them as much as he can. A day he said to me jokingly, "you don dey fat oo. Your back side no look sexy like before". ( I smiled, but was shattered inside). Went to look in the mirror and I didn't believe it was me, I took it up as work and made sure I looked my best after then. I must have gained weight and looked more stressed due to the handling of the children and house chores.. I couldn't do strict dieting because I am still breast feeding, my scar from having my C Section was still healing, but I made sure I didn't eat too much just to be in shape.

Last week I bought a new sim, I put it in my phone to surprise my husband who is seated on the couch in the living room. I go into the bathroom in our bedroom, I try to sound sexy & call my husband with the new number "hi darling", my husband responds quickly in a low tone "let me call you back later honey, that pig is in the house... Am broken... Am shattered.... Am in pains....