

Emily woke up early as it was her first day of high school. She was all ready for her first day.she took a bus and reached there.she was no doubt beautiful but her wearings like her not so new sneakers, old bag,greasy hair makes her a little embrass.Emily was a late admission so on her first day there was a sport competition in her school that's why there's not much kids in school.when she entered her class room more than half benches were empty . Her teacher asked her to introduce herself to the class.emily said in a nervous voice "Hello,my name is Emily and I am a new admis...".Someone Interrupted in a low voice "yeah, yeah scholarship free admission" it was Betty's voice a girl with black long hair,grey eyes pretty but rude. "I hope I get along well with all of you" Emily completed her sentence.Emily sat on the second last bench of last row.after the teacher left a chubby girl with short hair with bangs came and said

"Hi Emily, I am stessy"

"Hey, nice to meet you" Emily replied

"Me too, actually don't mind what Betty says she is a little rude with scholarship students but she is good at heart"stessy said

"No,I will not actually I don't care what others says"Emily replied

"That's pretty cool, tell me if you need anything"stessy said while leaving.

"Sure, thanks"Emily replied.

During break time Emily goes to the restroom and someone locked her in it she heard some voices of girls giggling . She got stucked and started screaming for help after more than 15 minutes someone opened the door it was restroom cleaner . She gave Emily a questionable look and asked "what you doing here"

"Someone locked me in here , thanks for the help"

Cleaner raised her brows and said " Now leave the break time is over around 10 minutes ago."

Emily got tensed as she got into all of this on her first day . She hurriedly ran towards the corridor till her head bump into something hard as metal but it was a head of a brown coloured hair and eyes with big eyelash, fair skin but a little tanned , sporty teen boy Bruce.who was wearing school basket ball team uniform and was coming out of the sports room.

He said"Ahh,is that a head or stone be careful ma...."

He opened his half closed eyes and saw Emily holding and rubbing her head , her hair were messy she was panting and sweaty ,her eyes were close as she got hurt but inspite of all of that she still looks beautiful. Bruce kept looking at her till she opened her eyes and said "So, sorry actually I was in a hurry"

"No I didn't notice you were coming" Bruce replied

"That's okay , bye i have to reach at my class"Emily said

She ran then Bruce said "Be careful stone head"

Emily goes back to her classroom the teacher scolded her for being late sawing all this betty was having a good laugh.Emily ignored her as she never exist.After school Emily goes to her work place.she changed her dress and wears a baggy t shirt and cozy pants .she tied her hair in a low pony and wears a cap she worked overtime as promised . Then she head back to home as she was crossing the road to reach the bus stop which was other side of it.then suddenly she turned back by hearing a voice of a child. She saw a child was standing in middle of the road and then the red light turns to green and the vehicles start moving towards him.without a thought she ran towards the child and pushed him towards the footpath where people were standing who catches the child.but then suddenly "BOOM"a luxurious car hit Emily on left side . For a moment it felt like she is floating in the air and the next moment there she was lying on the ground her left arm was bleeding and everything infront of her seems blur a picture of handsome guy came in front of her eyes then she lost her conscious.

Alot drama on a very first day of highschool, what will happen next?

asfiyacreators' thoughts