
Love is A Closed Closet

When the person you hate becomes your lover, Will you be accepted or shall you escape into your fantasy world?

Spr1te_Stories · LGBT+
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3 Chs

| Help in the Love department!

As we approach the cafeteria, I started hearing screaming? I wasn't sure but when we got there it was a food fight! I saw that Julie look concerned and tried to comfort her but then… SPLAT! I GOT FUCKING HIT WITH A WHOLE TRAY, what the hell?! "Oh! Vinyl you, okay?" 'Yeah I-' "BWAAHAHHAAHHA, you look so stupid! HAHA" Of course Nemui had to laugh. Trying to be serious I grab both and bring them to the outdoors tables. 'Let's get out of here…'

Me and Nemui go to the locker room so Nemui can help me get cleaned up, to pay for her laughing at me. "You seem to get along with Julie well, Vinyl… perhaps you got a crush~?" 'W-what! No way. It's just a normal friendship like ours, Nemui.' "Well, you hated her before so what happened to that?" I sit in silence as washes the cloth wet and hands it to me. I murmur to my self and head to my locker to put on an extra shirt. 'Its just that I see how nice she really is, guess I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.' "Then you like her right?" 'Yeah, I like her… Uhm as a friend! She is likable as a friend, she has uhm… friend potential with me.' "You mean she's girlfriend material for you? Heh!" I look at her flustered and I exit the room but just before I leave… "Hey, you know I'm your bestie. I'll support you, okay? Just ask her out and maybe you'll love to love! Take care Vinyl, 成功するためには,最初に行動を起こさなければなりません!" I still don't understand what she's saying but I guess she is right. I do kind of like her, maybe one day. One day…

A few days past and me and Julie expand our friendship and she shares that she works for her money! Guess she isn't one of those spoiled rich girls. I'm not so thoughtful am I huh? I could see Nemui spying on us, typical weird, hyper, bestie. I tell Julie that I'm heading to the bathroom to see why Nemui was spying on us. "Oh, okay then. I'll wait for you okay Vinyl?" I wave back at Julie before I head of, and I sit down near Nemui who happens to be looking at her phone. 'Whatcha doing? Spying on us huh?' Then Nemui quickly puts her phone down and slowly grins at me in a somewhat nervous way. "Well, I just took a love compatibility test and you with Julie is 92.6%! Perfect pair!" I look at her and can't believe why she'd did that. Probably because she ships us so much… "I even took pictures of you two!" 'Nope... Nope, goodbye I'm going back.' "Okay the, don't make out with her Vinyl!" OMG WHAT. I mean I might like or love her, but no way am I going to make out with her! Geez Nemui… I head back to Julie and she seems occupied writing something. 'What's that?' "Oh! Just some uhm, worksheets." 'I can help you with that if you'd like.' "No no, I'm good. But if you want, we can hang out on Saturday, and you can stay at my house for the week? It is goanna be spring break after all." I accept the invite, but I do wonder what she was writing.

I head to her house and damn that's an enormous house…Can one really pay the bills for that? I knock on the door and some old man opens the door. 'H-hello sir.' "How are you?" 'I'm here for Julie, she's my friend.' "Go in if you must." I walk in and wow, the place is BIGGER IN THE INSIDE. I scurry around the area looking for Julie, turns out she was I the kitchen. 'Hey Julie!' Julie then jumped from her seat; guess I was too quiet then loud. "Gosh Vinyl! Don't scare me, I could've burned myself!" 'You don't have any personal chefs?' "Why would I need a chef when I can cook for myself?" Oh, my goodness… such wife material. I apologies and we head to her room, when we entered, she had LED lights hung up neatly, a bed that could transform into a table, A FRICKEN MINI MOVIE THEATHER! GOD PINCH ME IF I'M DREAMING. I could never afford something like this. Wait, am I gold-digger? No, I can't be, maybe Nemui is right. I think I learned to love. I think today is the day, after all we have been hanging out for a while. "Hey Vinyl, have you played Genshin impact? (I SWEAR THIS NOVEL IS NOT AN ADD FOR GENSHIN)

'Oh, of course!' Maybe not today… still we had fun and time pasted. Nighttime came and Julie showed me the guest room, the bed was SUPER comfy. I turned on my night light and dreamed away. In the morning I changed into spare clothes I bought and when I was looking for spare socks I saw leggings that look a lot like Ganyu's from the game we played last night. (AGAIN NOT AN AD ToT)

I didn't bother because it was probably a cosplay, I then head downstairs to eat breakfast. But after I get ready in the bathroom. I sit down next to Julie, just silence…

'Hey Julie, you know what cosplay-' Julie quickly turned around to shut my mouth. Ouch, kinda hurt… "Don't say about, you know. My dad HATES it and says it's immature. Maybe in my room we can." I finish breakfast quickly, and neatly, then head up stairs to talk to Julie. 'Sorry I'm late!' "Oh, no worries sit down." 'So, what about cosplay?' "Well…" (hehe cliffhanger)