
Chpt #48

As soon as Nancy wanted to step out from the office, Chairman Gu came in.

Fanny reported what happen today to Chairman Gu.

"Just nice you are here. I give you 2 choices. Its either you resign or you take a break for 1 month, no pay and we will transfer you to other hotel!" Chairman Gu raised his voice.

"Grandfather! She is my staff and i have every right to punish her the way i want!" Ryan screamed.

"Ryan Gu! This is workplace and you are supposed to call me Chairman! This one mistake she caused if not for Fanny, things might go haywire!" Chairman Gu screamed back at Ryan.

Nancy who hated arguments softly reply…"Fine…I'll resign instead" Nancy threw her work pass and went to her desk to pack her things.

Chairman Gu and Ryan was still debating in the room and Nancy quickly tried to clear her desk.

Ryan ran out to stop Nancy.

"Nancy stop I'll handle this. Don't leave"

Nancy who continues to pack her things.

Ryan holds on to her arm to stop her.

"RYAN GU! WHAT ESLE TO YOU WANT FROM ME!!" Nancy threw everything that is on her hand and took her bag and left instead.

Ryan continue to grab hold of her and Nancy stops. Nancy was filled with anger and tears.

She took a deep breath, turns, pull out her necklace and throw it by the side "let's break up"

Ryan who was in shocked let's go of her hand and Nancy ran off bumping into Ricky and Alice.

Ricky and Alice was in shocked and tried to understand what just happened. Soon after both of them chased after Nancy.

Nancy cried and ran off towards the road without even looking if there's car.

A silver car honked at her and Nancy stops in shock. The car didn't manage to stop on time and hits her instead. Ricky and Alice saw what happened and the driver quickly calls the ambulance.

Alice went towards Nancy to see the situation while Ricky ran back up to tell Ryan.

"Are you happen now Chairman Gu? She left. What else do you want?" Ryan was disappointed in himself.

"Marry Fanny" Chairman Gu firmly replied.

"Can't you see the person i love is only Nancy?!" Ryan cried and pleaded Chairman Gu.

"Mr Gu!!" Ricky panted and shouted Ryan's name.


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER!?" Ryan panic.

"She got into an accident" Ricky finally say it out.

Ryan pushed him away and ran down.

Chairman Gu was shocked and guilty as that is not what he expected.

Ryan manage to get into the ambulance on time. Ryan cried and keep holding on to Nancy hands.

Alice who was with them felt the love they had for each other.

"You will definitely get well" Ryan kissed her hand and whispered.