
Chpt #14 - Traumatized?

On their way out from the hospital, Desmond was calling Nancy and Ryan from the back but they were too happily talking to each other that they couldn't hear him.

Desmond ran and hold on to Nancy's shoulder, panting.

Nancy was shocked and she jumps and slaps Desmond hand away. Nancy then landed to Ryan's arms but she felt rather secure with those touches.

"Sorry Nancy sorry! Anyways, I've been calling you guys from the back…" Desmond vents out but was cut by Ryan.

"Nancy, you okay? I shall send you home" Ryan softly pushes Nancy away from Desmond.

Desmond shakes his head and said "I go start the car. You guys just wait for me at the entrance"

"Yup…I'm fine. But I'm not going home. Can send me to the child center instead? Whenever i feel down, i will always go there to play with the kids" Nancy softly asked Ryan a favor while looking straight into his eyes.

Ryan was so immersed in her that he didn't replied what she said. Ryan only snaps out from it when Desmond horns the car.

"Oh okay sure. We will send you there and you can take 3-5 days break too and have a rest. No events going on and no other important task too at work" Ryan looks away.

Upon reaching the centre…

"Hey do you want to drop by and meet the kids too?" Nancy smiled and asked Ryan.

Both Ryan and Desmond was stunned.

"Oh…ah…boss! You have a meeting later and you need to get back to the hotel now" Desmond safe Ryan from getting exposed.

Ryan apologize and they drove off.

"Hey tell the team that I'll be on business trip for 3 days." Ryan smiled as he plans to be Randy to accompany Nancy overcoming her trauma.

Nancy received a text message from Randy.

"Hey! How has it been so far? Have not seen you at the centre ever since. Wanna met up there and play with the kids?"

Nancy replied;

"Hmm, it hasn't been good so far and i fainted again yesterday 😭. And oh! I'm here at the centre! My boss gave me 5 days off hehe let's meet up!"

Randy replied;

"I'm coming now and you better explained to me what happen!!"

Nancy puts down her phone and smiled. While waiting for Randy to arrive, she plays with the kids.

"Nancy! Glad that you will be here for the next 5 days. Tomorrow will be Alice (one of the kids) birthday! So, I'll need your help to organize it. There'll be other volunteers too coming to help as well" Lucy approach Nancy to let her know the agenda for tomorrow.

"Sure! Why not!" Nancy agreed thinking that its the best way for her to get distracted.