
Chapter 15

Finally, after waiting for four hours the door (operation theater) was open. The doctor came out, Tayna and Eric went to him.

"What happen to? is she...?" Eric was voice was shaking.

The doctor look at them with pity, sigh " Am sorry, her case is worst... her condition is..."

"Wh..what going on...hic.." Tayna felt her body was getting week she start to sob.

"She doesn't have much time left... am sorry we ca..cannot do anything for her may to pray for a miracle to save her" as a doctor he was sorry for the family of his patient.

When Ester fall she got internal injuries, the doctor stop the bleedings but her condition is deterioralizing, Ester body is very weak as it was not long she had an accident from wich she stayed for a month and i a half.

"What are you saying bastard..." Eric grab the doctor collar as he was angry on the doctor reply.

" Your are a doctor, how can you say that..."

"Am sorry mister but there is nothing we can do, please calm down"

Eric let go of the doctor and rush in the operation theater along with Tayna, Ester was lay in the operation table. Tayna went closer to her and take her hands and start to carress it " mamaaa"

Ester open her eyes to look at her daughter, her heartache she wanted to comfort her but how can she do that?.

"Bbaby...(sob) Tayna come close it is cold" Ester can feel her body weak.

Tayna bend down and hugged Ester who was lay in her bed.

" Am sorry my child... forgive me, I failed you ...(sob) i promised that i... won't leave...".

Eric looked at Ester from were he stood, Ester was in the arms of her niece, guilty and regret was all over him. Ester looked at him and smile faintly thought it was his fault she doesn't want to leave this world with grudges on anyone especially her brother.

" I forgive you, now you don't leave i'll right? mmmh mama please don't leave me...". Tayna voice was hoarse as she felt her throat dry, Tayna tight her the hug.

" Ta..yna you..." Her breath was leaving her Ester start to blink her eyes rapidly, Tayna sense her panic from the hug so she let her go and looked at her face.

" Tay...na my baby..." Ester didn't want to leave her daughter but she cannot fight with destiny her throat dry and her voice hoarse ' I will always be with you my child, am sorry i fail as a mother...but please by happy am selfish to ask but without me please be happy for my sake...Oh might lord protect my angel from this hursh world, it is my last request...'

Eric went closer and hold her hands in his and say to her " i'll take care of her, this is...only thing i can do for you Ester" For the first time Ester saw tears in her brother cheek.

"I promise...i...so please forgive me sister"

Ester smiled at him, at least he knows he was wrong, Ester start to close her eyes slowly and welcome darkness, she felt pain as she can hear Tayna crying and calling her but at the sametime happy as know she is sure Eric is with her daughter, Ester soul leave her body and her eyes shut indicating she is no more. Tayna hugged mother tightly in her arms, The girl cried and mourning for her lost.


Two figure can be seen in the cemetery Tayna was setting near the tomb she can't believe her mother was laying in there, Eric did not alter a word sense the night before his felt guilty as he was responsible for Ester death, Not responsible but he killed her how can he leave in this word with this guilt.

Tayna wipe her eyes with the back of her hands and she stand up from the ground but sudden she felt dizzy her vision was get blurry, she fall on the ground and lost consciousness.

When she open Tayna open her eyes she was in a hospital bed with a drip on her left hands her head was paining like hell. Tayna curse under her low breath for her negligence but who can she blame? she hadn't take anything for almost two days since her mother death.

"You are awake?" Eric voice was full of concern, he was the one who took her to the hospital and didn't leave her since as he was scare for her, he plan on fulfilling his promises to Ester.

Tayna was surprise to find his uncle by her side and she felt some warmth from this action.

" i'll get the doctor..." rush to get the doctor but the door from outside was open, Eric halt half way three man walk in the ward with police uniform.

Tayna roll her eyes with shook and look at her uncle's back before she could digest what was happening she heard one of the man say

" Mr Eric Sakar, you are under arrest for murder, please come with us to the police station" Eric was shook from the accusation he peek at Tayna who also looked shooked.

"Whi...what murder...?" "No you guys are mistaken...his not a murder" Tayna budge in while position herself to sit.

"Am sorry Tayna..." Eric went closer to her and "Am sorry a was the one who pushed her..." he ran his right hands through the hair, his was full of regret and guilty was all over his face.

Tayna hearing that she start to mourn again 'No that is impossible, it is not true is she going to lose him too? through the two never had a decent relation but he still her family'

Eric hugged her closer to himself this was the first hug from him as long as she remember but strangely she felt comfortable in his embrace.

" I di... it wasn't intentional...i swear Tay... (sob) i din't mean it" Eric said with difficulty

" Please sir lets go" say one of the police approach Eric, his was handcuffed and start to pull out the room. Tayna remove the drip on her hand and stand up to follow them out unfortunately, she collapse and lost consciousness again.
