
Chapter 11


Next morning


"you are awake" say Elizabeth with a relieve smile, it been 4 days sense Paul found Aeron on the forest unconscious, the doctor told them he will be alright and put him in a drip to remove the remain drug on his system.

"Mo...m" Aeron sat on his bed by the help of Elizabeth after observing the room his in, he discover it is his room at the winghtons masion.

He felt exhausted and a slit headache he rest his head on the bed back board and close his eyes.

"Let me go get a glass of water". After some minutes Elizabeth came with a glass of water and handle it to Aeron to smooth his throat.

"What happened to you son?, i was scare when i found out your missing"

Aeron looked at his mother the sigh, he felt sorry to make his favorite women sad.

"It is alright, came"

As Aeron want her to go closer, Elizabeth went to his bed and Aeron hugged his mother to comfort her. Elizabeth started to weep as she was happy to see her son offer comfort, the thing his husband never did.

After coming down Elizabeth went to made the soup for him. Aeron look at the bed side and took his phone and made a call.

Half an hour later Elizabeth came back to the room with a tray wich contain bowl of vegetable soup.

She want to offer her son but Aeron was on his phone typing something, Elizabeth frown at him. Aeron look at his mother expression, he put his phone aside and gest her mother to give him the tray.

Elizabeth took the little table and but in his lap follow by the tray of food and start to feed her big son.

Elizabeth mood bright up in that instant, She was happy not everyday she get to see his son this sweet. After feed his some couple of spoons, Elizabeth remember something so she decide to ask.

" Aeron, i..." she wanted to know what happen to him as Paul didn't give any detail but before finnishing her statement she heard a knock on the door.

" Come in" Answer Elizabeth and Aeron looked at his P.A

Elizabeth put down the spoon then Aeron took a nip on the tray clean his lips with it. Aeron stare at her, Elizabeth understood and leave the room with the tray.

After, Elizabeth left the room Aeron stare at Paul... he understand what he want to hear so Paul start to give him the report.

" You were drugged..."

" Do you think i don't know that? is that what am paying you for" his raise his brow and look intersively at Paul. Paul apologise and continue his report.

" The security team lose the attacker but i have order our man to look at this incident, as the drug and ambush it seem someone wanted to harm you..."

"Do you think i don't know that... (raise his brow) so is this a report or story telling young man?".

When paul sense his boss killing stare he spoke again, " Mr Alolas was also attacked that night".

"So you think it wasn't his doing am i right"

Paul nodded and After they discuse other issue related to the accident and the campan. when Paul open the door to leave Aeron spoke again

"What happen to the girl"

Paul pose and turn to look at his boss, "Which girl?" Aeron almost roll his eyes

"Sorry sir, but you were alone when i found you in the forest"

Aeron lay down his bed and close his eyes, Paul took that as a sign for him to get out the room.

'Was i hallucinating?, but am sure she was there... i wouldn't survive without her' he thought for minutes then went back to sleep.

Aeron saw him self stand in the middle of the forest, he saw a girl sit at the trunk of a fallen tree in a write dress with her hair lose at the back when they eyes meet she smile at him and then stand up and start to walk in another direction.

He start to follow her but all of a sudden the girl disappear, strangely he felt pain in his heart then he decide to look for her after sometimes she saw her sit behind a tree, when i went closer he smell blood and discover the girl was bleeding. He open his eyes brutally and he saw i was stell in his room,

Aeron run his hand on his hair he felt frustrated, he got up to bed and went to have a hot shower to came down his nerves.


"Good evening, young miss" winghtons buttler greet Anna who just arrive home.

" Were is my mom?" Anna asked the buttler without repling his greet.

"In the kitchen preparing dinner"

"Aeron is a wake?"

"Yes miss, excuse me i need to get other ingredient the madam asked" with that the buttler left Anna by her self.

An hour later dinner was serve and Aeron join them in the dining table, it was a quite meal as usual while Elizabeth time to time would filed Aeron plate with different dishes.

Anna sometimes envy her brother as she knows they mother dote to Aeron more. The night the found out that Aeron was attacked and went missing, her mother cried and keep on saying that she will kill herself anything happen to her son. Anna knows their mother love them both but She loves Aeron more.