
CHAPTER 36 Sneaking into the Scorpione Fortress

  The captain remained calm as he overheard the driver of the van being questioned; he guessed they had arrived at the entrance of the mansion and whoever was on guard was interrogating the incoming van for security purposes. Well, he might have come up with a very silly plan on achieving his goal, one that might probably get him killed before the end of the day.

  Marco Vincenzo had disguised himself as a worker when he learnt that the Scorpione family was going to get food items from one of their illegal warehouses. He had snuck into the car without their knowledge and hid behind the sacks of foodstuff.

  “Code word,” the manly voice on the outside requested.

  “Amico dello scorpione,” the man replied in Italian.

  “Hmm, alright amigo, procedere,” he instructed and the driver moved on.