
chapter one

Hey my name is lisa. Im a 16 year old second year in high school. My parents own a big company in tokyo were multi billionares. When i was 9 my parents bought me a mansion far from home. I always went there to live for two months every summer vacation. There is a small worn old shed next to my mansion its always been lonely and for rent, nobody ever lived there since my parents bought the mansion it didn't bother me tho. Now i live alone in a apartment .Well to keep on with the story, In two days its summer vacation and that means i will go to the mansion. Right now its 9:26 pm i have school tomorrow i will go to sleep now see you in the morning. * yawns* ( fun fact i actually yawned when i wrote down yawns) oh shoot its 7:45 im going to be late for school ! i need to get ready. im done getting ready after 47 mins dont say anything im a slow person alright also it dosent help that im not a morning person.