
The meet

Sunshine Pov

"OMG! Shine! You're still sleeping when we have just ten more minutes before the exam starts huh?!"

I heard my roommate Aliyah shout like a mad woman she is.

"Will you keep quiet, I just went to bed not too long and you're here saying we've got ten minutes before the exam starts" I mumbled still sleeping.

Bitch, Aliyah said and the next thing I felt was a water being poured on me.

What was that for? I asked angrily.

"you might as well want to check your phone for what the time says 'cause I'm out of here" she responded and eyed me before rushing out.

What is all this fuss about for God's sake, I whisper picking up my phone.

"Fucking Christ!" I scream seeing what the time says.

I rushed to the bathroom and did my shit not bothering to cream my body or comb my hair, just changed my cloth and scurried like I'm being chased by a tiger.

I can't miss this exam! Not now! I kept yelling in my head still running off.

Just a block more to my exam hall, my head collided with a very hard well that sent me down to the ground instantly.

"Who the fuck places a wall in the middle of the road?" I asked no one in particular only for me to stand up and realize it wasn't a wall but a human chest in fact what am I saying, he was far from being a human! This is a god on earth! Handsome is an understatement to describe this god in front of me he is mesmerizing and delicious I want to eat him.

He is my type of villain, are we to talk about his black hairstyle nicely or his straight face and pointed nose, heavenly Father his lips are pure cherry red his eyes are as blue as the ocean ready to sweep me away, and the height of a 6ft2 man his shoulder is....

"someone come take this dog out of my sight please!" he said angrily staring at me with disgust written on his face.

"Huh....me?" I asked confusingly looking around maybe there was a dog around the building.

"Yes you, do you even know what you look like and you standing in front of me drooling you're so so disgusting and useless! I wonder who would let a mad woman like you roam around the school building" he completed bringing his phone out to call security I think.

Then his words replayed in my head, this bastard in front of me just called me a dog and a mad woman to add fuel to it he said I'm disgusting and useless, well said then I'll show him what a mad woman can do and undo.

I struck forward and took his phone from his ear and smashed it to the ground smirking, he stared at me lost for words and in shock. "That's what you get for calling me names!" you stupid he-goat.

He then took a step closer to me in an intimidating manner making me regret my action because there is no one here to save my stupid ass

"You stupid winch bamboo for a human took my phone from my ear and smashed it, I can see you are ready to die your life is of no meaning to you anymore woman!"

I quickly muster up the courage and give him a reply. And so? You started it first by calling me names, I did nothing wrong than appreciate your looks! I replied and used my hands to push him away.

I have better things to do than stand here and talk to you, you better pray I don't miss this exam cause if I do...I'll hunt your ass down! I threatened making strong faces at him and walking to my exam hall with him watching me walk out, the anger in his eyes was enough to burn down this school so I had to quickly escape him before he exploded.

Finishing my paper, I walk out of the exam hall to the cafeteria.

I saw my friend waiting for me, I ordered my food and began eating. Why are you looking so down was it the exam?

I asked my friend.

No, it wasn't, I went on and narrated everything that happened that morning to her.

Ohhh!! Shine, you are crazy after all those descriptions you still collected his phone and broke it. You are a psycho.

The week was running out. As the best graduating student, I have to be resourceful. That leaves me open to all opportunities.