
love in the spirit world

In the world of Eridoria, where magic and spirits reign, Amuche, a young woman with a rare gift, embarks on a perilous journey to find her lover, Jidenna, who has gone missing in the Spirit World. Guided by Nedu, a mysterious and powerful being, Amuche braves treacherous landscapes, fierce creatures, and ancient magical forces. As they delve deeper into the Spirit World, they uncover hidden secrets, unexpected allies, and formidable foes. With each step, Amuche discovers more about her own destiny, her connection to the Spirit World, and the true nature of Jidenna's disappearance. But as the stakes grow higher, Amuche must confront her fears, harness her powers, and make impossible choices to rescue Jidenna and restore balance to the Spirit World. Damuck's smile faltered for a moment before he sighed. "There's no such thing as equal treatment or being fair. The winner is king, the loser is a bandit. The winner writes history, while the loser is mocked by history and generations to come. Equal treatment is not always fair, and fair treatment is not always equal. Enjoy your last days, Jidenna. I will soon refine you and take your memories. Then, I will know the knowledge I seek." "Amuche's eyes shone with excitement, her voice barely above a whisper. "What type of pearl do you think I'll awaken, Nedu? Will it be a rare and radiant one, or a common yet resilient one?" Amuche was gripped by shock, but then she heard noise nearby and saw four men appearing from the woods opposite her. Amuche released a sigh of relief and rose up slowly as the four men approached from the distance.

Littlefinger2912 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 12: Hundred Lion Academy

Early the next day, the 120 students gathered together, eager to take the final test and become students of the prestigious Hundred Lion Academy. Mazi Haruna, the academy's representative, addressed them with a serious tone.

"Congratulations to all of you for reaching this far. However, as always, the Hundred Lion Academy only accepts a hundred students from each region as new recruits. Therefore, the final exercise will test your strength," he said, pausing for emphasis. "We have already tested your potential, talents, determination, endurance, comprehension, and understanding. All these qualities are crucial, but in a world where the strong survive and the weak are prey, your fighting skills are your greatest weapon. You will understand the importance of strength when you face dark spirits cultivators in the future."

Mazi Haruna paused, his eyes scanning the crowd. "So, in the final round, you will all be climbing up that mountain," he said, pointing to the tall and majestic mountain behind the recruitment center. "The first hundred people to reach the summit will be considered official Hundred Lion Academy students. Good luck!"

The students looked at each other nervously, then gazed up at the mountain, its peak shrouded in mist. They knew that this was their last hurdle, and only the strongest and most determined would make it to the academy. With a deep breath, they prepared themselves for the final challenge.

As the students gazed up at the mountain, they felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Some of them had never climbed a mountain before, while others had experience with rock climbing or hiking. But they all knew that this was no ordinary mountain.

"Remember, the first hundred to reach the summit will be accepted into the academy," Mazi Haruna reminded them. "You must use all the skills you have learned during the recruitment process to overcome any obstacles you may face on the mountain."

With that, the students began their ascent. The mountain was steeper than it looked, and the mist made it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. But they pushed on, their determination driving them forward.

As they climbed higher, the mist grew thicker, and the air grew colder. Some students struggled to breathe, while others found their footing unsure. But they refused to give up.

Suddenly, a loud rumble echoed through the mountain, causing the ground to shake beneath their feet. The students froze, looking up to see a massive boulder tumbling down the mountain towards them.

Incoming!" someone shouted, and the students scrambled to get out of the way.

The boulder crashed to the ground, sending rocks and debris flying everywhere.

As the boulder crashed to the ground, Amuche's heart raced with fear. She quickly scanned her surroundings, relieved to see her friends, Kael, Nneoma, Adaobi, and the others safe and sound.

"We need to keep moving!" Amuche shouted above the din of the falling rocks. "The summit is within reach!"

But as they began to climb again, Nneoma stumbled, her foot slipping on a patch of loose gravel. "Help!" she cried out, flailing her arms wildly.

Amuche and Adaobi rushed to her side, grabbing her arms and pulling her to safety just as another boulder came crashing down.

"We need to stick together!" Amuche yelled, her eyes locked on the summit. "We can do this!"

The group continued their ascent, their hands linked together as they navigated the treacherous terrain. Kael, with his impressive strength, took the lead, clearing a path through the rubble.

As they neared the top, the mist grew thicker, making it impossible to see more than a few inches ahead. But Amuche, with her keen instincts, guided them forward, her eyes fixed on a faint light in the distance.

Suddenly, they stumbled into a clearing, and there, in the center, stood the summit marker. The group let out a triumphant cheer, hugging each other tightly.

"We did it!" Amuche exclaimed,

"We made it to the top!"

As they gazed out at the breathtaking view, they were interrupted by a voice. "Congratulations, and welcome, students! You have made it to the prestigious Hundred Lion Academy!" Mazi Haruna said, his voice booming across the summit. "The hundred of you can now be considered students of the Hundred Lion Academy."

Mazi Haruna's words were met with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The hundred students who had reached the summit cheered, relieved to have made it into the academy. But their joy was short-lived, as they realized that the competition was far from over.

"You will be divided into three groups," Mazi Haruna explained, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Outer students, inner students, and elite students. The privileges and treatment you receive will depend on your ranking. And to determine your ranking, you will compete against each other in a series of challenges."

The students exchanged nervous glances, their faces set with determination. They had thought that reaching the summit was the ultimate goal, but now they realized that it was only the beginning.

"The challenges will be fierce, and only the top fifty will be considered inner students," Mazi Haruna continued, his voice firm. "And among the inner students, only a select few will be chosen as elite students. The rest will be considered outer students."

Amuche and her friends looked at each other, their eyes locked in a fierce determination. A box was arranged in front of them, and each student picked a paper with a number on it. The rules were simple: number 1 would face number 100, and so on. The arenas were set up nearby, with twenty students able to compete at once. Each fight would take one hour, and if there was no winner within that time, both participants would be eliminated.

The students took a deep breath, knowing that the road ahead would be tough. But they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way, determined to make it to the top fifty and become inner students.

Amuche's heart raced as she opened the box and picked a paper. Her eyes widened as she saw the number 17 written on it. She looked around to see who her opponent was and spotted a tall, muscular boy with a confident smirk on his face.

"Well, well, well. Looks like we've got a tough one here," he sneered, eyeing Amuche up and down.

Amuche ignored him and focused on her strategy. She knew she had to be quick and agile if she wanted to defeat her opponent.

The ten arenas were filled with students, each one eager to begin the competition. Mazi Haruna stood on a raised platform, a microphone in hand.

"Let the games begin!" he declared, and the crowd erupted into cheers.

The first round of battles commenced, with students clashing in a flurry of punches, kicks, and spells. Amuche watched in awe as some students demonstrated incredible feats of strength and magic.

Her own battle was about to begin, and she steeled herself for the fight of her life. She was determined to make it to the top fifty, no matter what it took.

The battles raged on, with each fighter showcasing their unique skills. Soludo's match was a highlight, as he defeated his opponent with a single, lightning-fast strike. Azubuike's battle was just as impressive, as he took down his opponent in a mere ten moves. Chacha's fight was intense, with her opponent eventually fainting from her relentless attacks.

As Amuche's friends emerged victorious, they cheered her on as she prepared to face her own opponent. The boy, determined to take her down, charged at her with a fierce battle cry. Amuche, unfazed, drew upon her expertise in close combat. The two clashed, exchanging blows that sent shockwaves through the arena.

The boy's strength was formidable, but Amuche's quick reflexes and agility allowed her to dodge and weave around his attacks. After three exchanges, she had pushed him back twelve steps, her movements a blur as she landed each strike with precision.

The boy snarled, his eyes blazing with determination. "Time to get serious!" he growled, igniting his fist with a fierce cry. He launched himself at Amuche, his punch aimed squarely at her chest.

But Amuche was ready. With a swift "wind dash," she dodged the blow and countered with her own move, unleashing a flurry of punches known as her "fist of hurricane." The boy stumbled back, his eyes widening as multiple pouches exploded around him, sending him flying out of the arena.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Amuche stood victorious, her movements a testament to her skill and training. Her friends rushed to congratulate her, beaming with pride. "You were amazing, Amuche!" Nneoma exclaimed. "Your wind dash and fist of hurricane were incredible!

Mazi Haruna announced the end of the competition round, and the top fifty students were declared. However, for those who felt unlucky to be matched against formidable opponents like Soludo and the rest, a chance to challenge any top fifty student was offered. Soon, everyone was satisfied with the ranking.

"Well done, students!" Mazi Haruna exclaimed. "The top fifty are now considered inner students. Here are your plaques, identifying you as such."

Amuche, Soludo, Azubuike, and Chacha were singled out as elite students, while the rest were designated as outer region students.

"You all should prepare yourselves," Mazi Haruna continued. "We depart for the Hundred Lion Academy in two days. Your journey is about to begin."

The students dispersed, eager to prepare for their new adventure. The elite students were hailed as heroes, their names on everyone's lips. Amuche and her friends basked in the glory of their achievement, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

After two days, the hundred students who passed the test arrived at the meeting point. Mazi Haruna had already prepared a flying ship, and everyone boarded. The ship departed, and the journey took about four days. The students used this opportunity to get to know each other better, as Mazi Haruna advised them to treat each other as comrades, which would be essential when they arrived at the academy. Amuche got to know a few more students, and since they were all from the same region, it was even better. After four days, they arrived at the academy, a majestic place with old, sturdy, and imposing buildings. The academy grounds were vast, like a small town, and many people were arriving at the same time. When their ship landed, they disembarked and were greeted by new faces. The academy seemed odd, with all doors locked and only Stewards and teachers present; no old students were in sight. After five more ships arrived, the place was finally crowded with people. A middle-aged woman, dressed in a long robe with a gentle smile, stepped forward. "Welcome, everyone, to the Hundred Lions Academy," she said. "My name is Mrs. Shima, and I will be overseeing your training during your stay here." She paused, surveying the crowd. "Notice that there are no old students here; this is not the main academy but the outer region. The main academy is deep within that forest." She pointed to a dense forest. "You will train here for six months, then embark on the journey to the main academy, known as the Chosen Sons and Daughters tournament. Your department masters will fill you in on the other information you need." With that, each group followed their Recruitment teacher to their respective departments.