
Chapter 76 I will not forgive you.

"Mr. Hardy, I've already given Mrs. Hardy had an injection and left you with medicine. As long as you don't have a fever again tonight, you'll be all right the next day.

Yisroel Webb felt he had made the trip for nothing.

If Gabriel Hardy hadn't insisted, he wouldn't have given Sally Frank the needle.

Under Gabriel Hardy's covetous gaze, he steeled himself and ordered a few words before leaving in the rain with a medicine box on his back.

Gabriel Hardy was relieved to see that Sally Frank's face had recovered.

He didn't forget what Yisroel Webb said. Take Sally Frank's temperature every half an hour.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

By three o'clock in the morning, Sally Frank's temperature had gone up a little, and Gabriel Hardy was facing a formidable enemy.

Fortunately, half an hour later, the temperature went down by itself.