
Love in the monsoon

Being the top student at first she saw the new transfer student as a none with just good looks but on the second day, her impression changed on him drastically as he became the greatest competitor for her in the class. Then after a few days, she expended her hand to be his friend as she thought it was better to be a friend of the enemy to defeat him. But after a few months of their friendship, he refused to be her friend which hurt her ego as the most popular girl in the school and her plan to defeat him also backfired making her hostile towards him more than before from her both heart and mind. What will happen when the most popular and the topper student of the school, Aurora meets a cold calm and quiet but a handsome transfer student with the excellent academic result along with both talent and skills who is a genius and a silent lady killer, Nathan Xavier??? Will Aurora be able to maintain her image as the topper of the school by defeating the genius transfer student, Nathan??? Or, Will Aurora as the prettiest girl in the school capture the heart of the handsome transfer student by making him kneel in front of her??? What will the crashing between the prettiest topper and the handsome transfer student be turning into- a war of toppers with plotting and twist or a romantic campus love with the sweetest and purest love of the youth???

JKT2WS · Teen
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

A charming prince hidden in the silence of library

"Nathan…", Aurora muttered to herself biting her lower inner lips where her astonished eyes were fixed on Nathan who was hiding himself perfectly in the silence of that almost abandon corner of the library.

Nathan who seemed to be so focussed on reading somewhat captured Aurora's that fluttering heart with his mesmerising magnificent charm. His those down casted eyes diving in the book that he was reading along the edges of his long eyelashes that dipping in the heavy concentration was stealing the limelight of Aurora's admiration with their indescribable alluringness while his pinkish lips that time to time getting some soft bite from his playful teeth were perfectly attracting her focus where his almost motionless charming face didn't leave any chance to rob her admiration with its perfection.

Though he was wearing their school uniform with the white long sleeves shirt along with the navy blue tie and the navy blue pants he was appearing mostly like a high-end CEO or a top-notch model than a high school student in his that get up with the strong personality of his and the powerful domineering aura dwelling around him.

Where the time and surroundings seemed to stand still freezing that moment of the charming prince and the beautiful princess with their silent game of admiring and being admired having just a bookshelf as their barrier that separating them from one another's reach.

Nathan who was too much immersed in reading didn't notice the presence of Aurora where she who felt as if her eyes were glued to that charming man in front of her while having herself avoidant from his sight with the shielding of that bookshelf was hit with the sudden curious question of her mind alongside the pouring admiration, "He… is he a prince charming or what??? Who gave him the right to be so handsome??? The sight of his this current self is really soothing and eye-catching. Does he really appear this alluring all the time???"

"But… What is he doing here during the lunch break???", she wondered while biting her lower lips.

"Doesn't he have lunch??? No doubt he never shows up in the canteen…", another thought surrounded her while the memories of those regular lunchtimes in the canteen with everyone's presence but him flashed in her mind.

"He is looking so charming like that. This is somewhat the first time I am seeing him like this, so focused… His those down casted eyes which are so concentrated on the book he is reading, his that alluring face is beaming in calmness… He is really so attractive.", she whose eyes felt as if they didn't want to leave the sight of that charming prince called Nathan who was immersed in reading again admired that young man subconsciously in silence giving into her that restless busy-body mind.

"Is it my mistake or he is really dazzling???", she innocently questioned out to herself while indeed seeing shiny sparkles dazzling around Nathan.

"What am I doing??? This is so ridiculous. This is not my usual self. How could I be like this… Shamelessly checking out a guy…", she immediately looked away after being hit by her that self-aware thoughts where she was totally flushed due to the embarrassment.

"I better hurry up now before he notices me here.", she who didn't want to be found out by him turned to leave hurriedly hugging that book to her chest tightly where the images of that attractive Nathan were flashing continuously in her mind making her heartbeats echoing in her ears, "Thumb… Thumb…", while she was trying her best to be stable back to her usual self.

And at that moment she finally realized that the vague bubbles floating in the air pricked one after another spreading the surrounding with a euphoric gas that dying her whitish cheek rosy pink.

"Mrs Ann, this is the book you needed.", Aurora offered the book to Mrs Ann while stating with slight huffs where she took the book from her with a bright smile and a sigh of relief saying happily, "Oh, Aurora. Thank you so much, darling. Finally, we made it. I am so happy."

And the next moment she added worriedly examining Aurora with conscious eyes, "But dear, why are you huffing??? And your cheeks, they are so red. Are you alright???"

"My cheeks… Oh, they… Actually, I rushed here in hurry so maybe that's why. Moreover, that last bookshelf was kinda dusty. I maybe had a bit of skin redness due to dust because I have dust allergy.", Aurora replied while she was somewhat stammering to come up with a proper excuse with a reliable back story where her mind was filling with the memory fragments from a moment ago with the images of Nathan's charms which was the real culprit that caused her cheek redness.

"Don't worry. I am fine. Do you need any more help from me???", she sweetly smiled while questioning out curiously trying to change the topic from her that little secret moment of admiration.

"I really don't want to trouble you. See I have already caused a lot of inconvenience for you. So I don't want to more…", Mrs Ann hesitated with silent guilt buying Aurora's cooked up story of cheek redness to be true.

"Mrs Ann, please… Don't be like that. Please say it out if you need help. I am here at your service.", Aurora immediately requested out acting adorable to divert Mrs Ann's attention from her cheek incident as somewhat she was finding it upsetting for making Mrs Ann felt guilty in vain for her little lie.

"This really not fair. With your that cute face how can I hold myself tight???", Mrs Ann complained pinching Aurora's face.

"Fine, I will ask you to do me another favour.", Mrs Ann sighed giving into Aurora's those dilated round cat-like eyes which she was using her best to play being adorable like a kitten trying to emotionally blackmail its master.

"See, those piles of books. Will you help me to arrange them??? I mean, actually to shift them to the shelf before the last one in the corner???", She added with another sigh full of tiredness showing a few bundles of books placed on her desk.

"Oh no!!! The one before the last shelf is the opposite shelf of the one from where I found that book. Mean... I will have to again go there... But there is that... Nathan...", Aurora sank into a wave of hesitation and kind of regret while catching the thoughts of her mind one after another, "But now that I agreed to help Mrs Ann, there is no back out."

"Sure, Mrs Ann. I will help you to carry them. You don't have to worry. You just sit here and I will take them one after another.", she said with her bright sweet smile pulling the chair out for Mrs Ann.

"But... How can I...", Mrs Ann struggled to talk out when Aurora interrupted her, " No, there is no but. You are sitting here and I will take them."

"Fine, I can never win with you. You are stubbornly generous and kind.", Mrs Ann sighed taking the seat obediently where she added with a soft caress in Aurora's face, " Don't tire yourself. I will ask Bella to help you too. She must be coming here soon after completing her search. Oh no!!! I completely forgot to inform her that we already found the book. Let me send someone to call her.", Mrs Ann freaked out where Aurora said, "Don't worry, Mrs Ann. You just send someone to call Bella. I will just keep taking them until she comes and when she will be back, she can lend me a hand. This way it will be easy and fast.", Aurora carried a bundle of books while Mrs Ann was asking a junior male student to pass her message to Bella.

"Aurora, wait a minute.", Mrs Ann stopped Aurora attracting her attention where she added, "You don't have to exhaust yourself. I have one more backup to offer you a helping hand. A handsome student is using the table with the wall behind the last shelf. I will ask him to help you. He is such a gentleman."

"By the way, didn't you see him when you went there???", the next moment she questioned out curiously where Aurora was hit with the sudden hesitation along with a bunch of thoughts bit her inner lower lips, "Oh no!!! If I am not wrong, she is talking about Nathan... I will just ignore it..."

As a result, she replied with an awkward smile while pretending to be curious the next moment, "No, I didn't notice anyone. By the way, who is it there using that almost abandoned corner of the library???"

"It's a new transfer student if I am not wrong he must be in your class???", Mrs Ann stated while taking out the entry registration of book borrowing of the library where Aurora asked out to conform her rising doubt, "What??? You mean to say that it's the new student in our class called, Nathan???"

"Yes, his name is Nathan. I remember it now. See this is his regular entry section. He is such a sweetheart. So kind beside being too good looking. He often comes to the library during the lunch break and uses that table as it is the only zero crowded place. Moreover, what else can that poor thing do???", Mrs Ann replied pointing to the name entry of Nathan in the registration book where the next moment she praised him activating her full-on fan mode while ending her words with a tired sigh.

"Mean???", Aurora whose curiosity was triggered by Mrs Ann's that tired disappointed sigh at the end asked out where she replied with another sigh and a look full of pity, "Don't tell me, such trouble. It's really tough being good looking. He is always harassed by both junior and senior girls whenever he steps into the library. As a result, I asked him to use that seat secretly as you know there is another entrance door to the library from there. So, he can just enter the library from there without letting others notice him and quietly go and take over that table in the corner because after all that table is placed in between two shelves and a wall so none use it because it is located too deep in and many complain that it feels kind of suffocating to use that table. But that cutie doesn't complain at all and using it for a long time now. After all, what is the point of complaining as it's the only place where he can have his peaceful own time to read."

"So, does he come here in every lunch break???", Aurora who was somewhat curious about to know more about Nathan's visit to the library questioned out where Mrs Ann replied casually while placing back the registration book, "Yes."

Aurora's curiosity meter reached to another level hearing Mrs Ann's reply and without delaying a second she again put forth another question, "Then what about his lunch???"

"I once questioned him about the same thing and as a reply he said that he was on a special diet because of some health reason. Though I found it so cruel of the physician to put him through such a strict manner of eating no matter what health issue he had." Mrs Ann replied where at the end of her words she fumed in irritation expressing her disdain to the unreasonable suggestions of those physicians.

"Oh!!! You are right, Mrs Ann. Physicians are sometimes so unreasonable and go overboard.", Aurora stated with a sigh only to support Mrs Ann's anger toward physicians where the next moment she was forced to wonder due to Nathan's diet regarding statement was kind of too hard for her to buy, "What kind of special diet requires to be stay starve??? Weird..."

"By the way, Mrs Ann, I think I should just carry some of these books. Because seems like Bella will take some time to reach here and the time duration of the lunchtime of us is going to be over soon. So, this way it will be fast.", Aurora suggested pointing towards the books with a touch of concern due to the running out of time.

As Aurora got a strong point Mrs Ann agreed to her suggestion after taking a peek at her wristwatch, "Sure, then if you think it's better, I won't interrupt you."

"Thank you Mrs Ann.", Aurora carried a bundle of books with a sweet smile to receive Mrs Ann's permission where when she was about to turn to head to the bookshelf area Mrs Ann interrupted her once again saying, "Wait, Aurora. Let me ask Nathan to help you with those books until Bela reaches out to you."

"No, no, no, Mrs Ann. I can manage. No need to bother him. Moreover, If he comes out here, those sisters in the library may create a mess and make him feel uncomfortable. I don't want to cause any inconvenience for anyone.", Aurora hurriedly replied being hyped up a bit with Mrs Ann's suggestion of seeking help from Nathan as he was the last person she wanted to see at that moment for the well being of her heart health as well as her.

"But Aurora....", Mrs Ann was about to put forth some words when Aurora paused her saying with an adorable puppy face trying her best to emotionally blackmail her, "Mrs Ann, don't you trust me??? Please, I can do it. Trust me just once. I don't want to trouble anyone..."

Mrs Ann who didn't have the chance to say a word against Aurora because of her that overloading cuteness gave into her words with a helpless sigh, "Okay fine, dear, I trust you. You can have your ways and do this. I won't ask him or anyone to help you. Happy now???"

"You are the best, Mrs Ann. I love you. Oh no!!! We are running out of time. I will be going... See you soon when I come to collect the next bundle of books.", Aurora stated cheerfully where the next moment she worked up remembering the ticks of running out time.

As a result, she rushed immediately away from there without letting Mrs Ann to have another chance for striking a conversation to delay her work where Mrs Ann was watching her disappearing to the bookshelves with a helpless sigh and looks of slight guilt beaming on her kind face while she was suddenly hit by her thoughts full of concern and care for her little helper, "Aurora, such a sweetheart. Always kind and generous. Never thinks twice before rushing to help someone no matter at the end how exhausted she would end up being. May God bless and protect this darling child from every evils and danger."

"I should hurry to place them on the shelf and then carry the next bundles. I don't have time at all.", Aurora who was surrounded by the thoughts rushed to the shelf in hurry and began to arrange the books hurriedly without wasting a second where in rush she almost forgot the fact that Nathan was present a shelf away from her and while being in the hurry of arranging and carrying books she ended up making some slight noises which were kind of echoing in that silent corner.

"En??? What are those sounds???", Nathan who heard the sudden sound of busy footsteps and the slight noises of the clatterings reaching him through the bookshelf raised his head drawing back his attention from the book he was reading.

"Is anyone there???", he who was hit by the sudden thought gulped where the next moment his inner self hyped up in frustration, "Oh no!!! If there is someone, then that person... Did he or she see.... Shit...", he facepalmed while the memories of his call with Roy were continuously flashing in his mind.

"Calm down... Let's just check first before reaching to any conclusion. My phone is hidden inside the diary and my laptop was left in the car.", he took a deep breath fixing his sharp gazes on the diary lying next to the scattered books on that table running his fingers through his bangs and moving them a bit backwards.

"Whoever the person is if she or he has got the slightest idea of why I come to the library every day and my secret then I am not going to show any mercy...", Nathan stood up from his seat immediately fixing his sharp eyes on the shelf next to him which were burning up like that of an eagle approaching its prey while his charming face was sinking in the sudden darkness of gloom.

He took steps gradually to the shelf and hiding himself properly behind the shadow of that shelf he took a peek through it after slightly moving some of the books on one of the racks only exposing his eyes.

"Eh??? It's...", Nathan's eyes widened up with the shock to witness the view served in front of him while being hit with thoughts full of astonishment.

Hello, my beautiful souls. Hope you all are doing well.

First of all, I want to thank my lovely reader, Mastanbi_Syed, thank you so much dear for your continuous voting. I am so grateful to you. Your support is so precious to me. Thank you so much and please, continue supporting my book. May God bless you.

Now coming to today's topic, here is another chapter of Aurora and Nathan. What do you think- will Nathan encounter Aurora first or Aurora will encounter Nathan first??? When Nathan got to see Aurora is the one trespassing his secret territory, how will he deal with it, will he let her off the bait or will he take her to his custody???

Please, share your thoughts in the comment section down below. I love to read your sweet comments.

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Creation is hard, yet I will try my best to offer you all a good piece of work. So, please keep cheering me up.

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If you have some idea or suggestion for my story, then don't forget to comment on it and let me know and also don't forget to pen down your precious reviews because they help me to grow in this long journey.

Take care and have a nice day. See you in the next chapter and also stay tuned to know about what will happen next...

Moreover, because of the trouble going on in my personal life, I will only update a chapter per week for a period of time. Hope you all will be with my work in this tough phase of time. Thank you so much...

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