
Chapter 2




I’ve had trouble sleeping since I can remember and the only coping mechanism I’ve come to love is working. My eyes was glued to my computer screen, scanning through the endless pages of contract that I was about to issue out to the new female model Leleti my secretary had approved off. I didn’t care for trivial matters like this, but she had made it clear that this particular model was highly demanded in the fashion market and she did a lot of work to get her to work for us, thereby making her very expensive. I scoffed at the ridiculous amount she was demanding but decided against calling off the contract because of the popularity she had in the modelling industry. After a few minutes, I approved the contract and sent the email to my mom.

Just as I moved my eyes away from the screen, I see Leleti, walking into my office, holding a file in hand. I take of my reading glasses and avert my gaze towards her. “Have you read through the contract?’’ she questions and I nod at her, humming in response. She outstretches her hand and I take the black file from her. “In there is the hardcopy you requested for, a photocopy of the contract to be given to the modelling agency and the model herself.’’ She blurts in one breath and I nod again, looking back on my screen after wearing my reading glasses. From my periphery, I see her still standing there, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, indicating her discomfort. I raise a brow ‘anything else?’ I ask, and she shakes her head, turning on her heel to leave my office but stops midway turn to look at me. My irritation for a nuisance has me rolling my eyes at her 'what?' I snap and she jumps a little out of fright. 'I-I erhm...I was wondering if you would go out with me tonight. like for drinks or something' she stammers. 'No.' i state simply and focus on my computer screen, ignoring her disappointed stare and existence all together.

I stare behind her as she closes my glass door with the gentleness I warned them to use. I go back to my work, forgetting everything and everyone around me.


The day goes by quickly, in a blur and I’m grateful when all the endless meetings and human interactions. I gather my things, closing my computer before heading out of my office after one last sweep around to make sure I’ve turned on my security lock.

It has been quite a day, and it starts to manifest when I sit in my car, as the day’s fatigue, wash over me. The ache from sitting upright all day, and the burn in my eyes from having my face buried in a computer came with a force that had me wincing. I put my key in my car and started it, pulling out of the parking space, and onto the road. The drive home takes a little why all thanks to the Johannesburg traffic. When I get down and walk into my house, I find my mom sitting on the couch, reading something from her phone. Her gaze momentarily moves from the screen to my face. I walk upstairs without acknowledging her. I was not interested in the small talk she had conjured all day. I slam the door close and relish in the temporary silence, enjoying the comfort that came with it until a knock sounds on my door. I groan in anger, walking towards the irritating sound and peeling the door open.

It was the little girl my mom hired to clean around the house, Stephanie, I think that was her name I’m not quite sure. I didn’t care enough about that conversation then, to register her name in my memory. I sighed, trying my best not to lash out on the poor girl who was already scared out of her mind.

My eyes move to the cart, with a plate I presume has food in it as she stands there, avoiding my icy eyes.

‘Leave.’ The words come out sharp and she nods before practically running out of my sight. I pull the cart inside and lock my door. I breathe in some air into my lungs, before walking into the bathroom to take a shower. After thirty minutes, I come out with one towel wrapped around my body and one wrapped around my head. After I’m done with my evening routine, I pull the cart and sit at the edge of the bed to eat. I take slow bites of the Bobotie, eating barely anything before drinking water and calling it a day. I spend the rest of the night reading, as sleep eludes me as usual.

The fatigue becomes unbearable and accompanying it is a pounding headache that’s makes my vision blurry. I get out of bed and pull open my bedside drawer, revealing a small orange bottle that contains my sleeping pills. I tilt the bottle up, as several pills fall out and fill my mouth and swallow it dry, hoping this helps me sleep. Twenty minutes later and I feel the numbness creep into my system, slowly taking over my senses.

I dropped the book or so I believed I did because I head the distance thud but my brain was too fuzzy to comprehend or digest the activities of my surrounding. Before I see darkness again, his face appears behind my eyes, clear in my vision. A gunshot wound straight through his skull and eyes that hold no life, his skin pale from the cold a contrast to the healthy brown skin he had. Slowly he slips away, leaving me with only nut a memory, of happiness I once had. Memories I am sure will slowly drown me and take the last bit of sanity I am holding.

The thought engulfs me, as darkness pulls me in its claws and I allow it to take me away.