
Love In The Dark

Luca, a reclusive billionaire without family or friends is in a wreck and develops temporary amnesia from the injuries. Without any identification of his background, just his first name, he falls in love with Ava, the nurse who nurses him back to health. As his memory slowly returns, he realizes that friendship and love have been missing from his life, and he has found both in her.

fallon_west · Realistic
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3 Chs

Chapter 03: Love is an Illusion

Quincy asked her. "So, what now? Would you give him a third chance?" mockery is audible in her tone.

Quincy shook her head and drinks wine.

Ava and Quincy went to a club. The blaring sound of the music resonated in the building.

Ava drinks wine directly from the bottle.

She was drunk already.

"I'm such an idiot, Quincy."

Quincy nodded. "And stupid too."

The two ladies had fun and spent the night dancing and drinking at the club

Quincy pokes Ava's shoulders while they are dancing on the floor.

"I'm tired and sleepy," said Quincy.

Yelling is the only way they would hear each other

Ava heard her. "You can go now. I'll stay here."

Quincy wasn't sure if it was a great idea. "I can't leave you here."

"You can," Ava responded.

Quincy was exhausted already. "But I don't want to leave you alone."

Ava stopped dancing. "But you must go now. I'll be fine here. Don't worry too much," she said.

Quincy contemplated what Ava said.

She hugged her goodbye and left the club.

Ava dances the pain away.

Her chest was heavy. And the situation was so tough for her.

But she must choose to forget him.

In order to move on and start new.

An hour passed.

Ava decided to sit on the bar couch. And opened her phone.

She wasn't surprised to receive tons of messages and missed calls from her fiancé.

Ava spoke drunk in the air. "Probably I'll just read text messages and voicemails of Zach apologizing and defending himself in different ways possible."

She didn't open a single message or voicemail.

Ava deletes it without hesitation.

Her lips were quivering. And tears fall from her eyes.

While she was deleting, a call appeared on her screen.

Ava answered it.

Without reading who's calling her.

She thought that it was Zach.

"What!? Will you fucking apologize again!?"

Philip on the other line was stunned.

He removed his phone from his ear and checked if it was Ava he was calling.

Philip's forehead creased. "Um… Nurse Ava? Are you at the club?"

The anger she felt, vanished immediately.

The voice on the phone call was different from Zach's.

She looked at the screen.

And read Philip's name on it.

Ava facepalmed. "P-Philip. S-Sorry for yelling," she apologized quickly.

Philip and Hanz looked at each other.

"It's okay. But you need to come here to the hospital," said Philip.

"Why?" Ava asked.

She immediately walked out of the bar.

"Your patient. Luca. He's throwing tantrums. And we can't control it," he informed.

Ava went inside her car. "No doctors available there?"


"I'm on my way."

Ava drove as fast as she can.

Amidst smelling liquor and drank one too many, she managed to arrive at the hospital.

She heard loud screams coming from the hospital room where Luca was confined.

"Get the hell away from me! Leave! Argh!"

Philip and Hanz were relieved to see Ava.

Hanz greeted her first. "He's all yours, Ava. Good luck."

Philip didn't say anything at all. He just left.

Ava closed the door.

Luca and Ava were staring at each other.

"Are you alright?"

Luca didn't respond right away.

Ava walked closer to him.

She was amused that the man was able to mess up the table beside him.


"I-I'm sorry," the man apologized.

Ava sat next to him. "What happened?"

"I-I was dreaming. A man was coming for me. It felt so surreal! A-And he wants me dead," Luca confessed like a kid that just overcome a nightmare.

Ava combed his hair. "It's from the painkillers and medicines, Luca. It creates hallucinations. It's alright."

Luca sniffled. "I-I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'll stay with you."

"W-Would you?"

"Yes," Ava smiled.

Luca wiped the tears forming in his eyes. "D-Don't leave me, okay? I have nothing."

Ava felt the last words that came out of Luca's mouth.

Because she had nothing too.

The future she thought she would build.

The husband that she thought was perfect and loyal to her.

It was all an illusion.

An illusion that originated from love.

Ava was blinded by love.