

Great! Let's start with a brief outline to get us started:

*Title:* "Love in the City of Angels"

*Setting:* Los Angeles, 2023

*Main Characters:*

- Karden: A successful, witty, and slightly sarcastic marketing executive in his late 20s.

- Dora: A free-spirited, creative, and kind-hearted artist in her mid-20s.

*Plot Idea:*

Karden and Dora meet through mutual friends at a trendy LA coffee shop. Their initial banter and sarcastic remarks mask their instant attraction. As they continue to cross paths, they realize their connection goes beyond physical attraction. However, their relationship is put to the test by:

- Karden's high-maintenance job and fear of commitment

- Dora's artistic passion and desire for stability

- Interfering friends and family with their own opinions on love

- The challenges of navigating relationships in the city of angels

*Supporting Characters:*

- Karden's best friend and co-worker, Alex, who provides comedic relief and advice

- Dora's eccentric artist friend, Luna, who encourages her to take risks

- Karden's overbearing mother, who wants him to settle down with a "suitable" partner


- Witty and sarcastic dialogue

- Heartwarming and humorous moments

- Realistic and relatable portrayal of relationships and personal growth


- Embracing vulnerability and true love

- Balancing personal goals and relationships

- The power of supportive friendships and family


Karden groaned as he waited in line at the trendy coffee shop, scrolling through his phone to avoid eye contact with the overly cheerful barista. He was already running late for a meeting and didn't need any more small talk.

Just as he was about to order, a flustered young woman with a vibrant purple streak in her hair and a paint-splattered apron bumped into him, spilling her coffee all over his shirt.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, her bright blue eyes wide with panic.

Karden rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "It's fine, I needed a caffeine stain to match my mood anyway."

The woman laughed, a melodious sound that caught him off guard. "Well, at least it's a matching set now!"

As they waited for the barista to remake their drinks, Karden found himself bantering with the woman, exchanging witty remarks and sarcastic comments that left them both giggling.

When their drinks were ready, she turned to him and said, "I'm Dora, by the way. And you are...?"

"Karden, the coffee-stained marketing executive," he replied with a smirk.

Dora smiled and handed him a napkin. "Well, Karden, it was nice colliding with you. Maybe I'll see you around?"

As they parted ways, Karden couldn't help but feel a spark of attraction. Little did he know, their chance encounter was only the beginning of a whirlwind romance that would turn their lives upside down.


Chapter 2

Here's a continuation of Karden's reaction:


As Karden walked out of the coffee shop, he couldn't shake off the feeling that the encounter with Dora had left him with. It wasn't just the caffeine buzz or the stain on his shirt; it was the way she had made him laugh, the way her eyes sparkled when she smiled, and the way her quirky artistic vibe had drawn him in.

He found himself replaying their conversation in his head, wondering what she meant by "maybe I'll see you around?" Was it just a friendly goodbye, or was there a hint of something more?

Karden chuckled to himself as he walked to his meeting, feeling a sense of excitement he hadn't experienced in a long time. He had given up on dating after a string of failed relationships, focusing instead on his career and his sarcastic humor to shield himself from getting hurt again.

But there was something about Dora that had piqued his interest, something that made him want to put down his defenses and see where things might go.

As he arrived at the meeting, Karden's mind was still on Dora, wondering if he would indeed see her around, and what might happen if he did.


Chapter 3

Let's delve into Karden's past:


Karden's past relationships had been a series of short-lived, high-intensity flings, each ending in a blaze of drama and heartache. There was Rachel, the aspiring actress who had used him to get ahead in her career; Mike, the charming entrepreneur who turned out to be a compulsive liar; and Sophia, the beautiful but manipulative artist who had played him like a fiddle.

Each relationship had left Karden feeling like a pawn in someone else's game, a feeling that had only reinforced his sarcastic armor and made him more determined to focus on his career.

But beneath the surface, Karden was still hurting from the wounds of his past. He had grown up with a critical father who had always made him feel like he wasn't good enough, and his relationships had only perpetuated that sense of inadequacy.

Karden's friends had tried to tell him that he was worthy of love and respect, but he had always brushed them off with a joke or a sarcastic comment. Deep down, he was afraid that if he let his guard down, he would only get hurt again.

The encounter with Dora had awakened something in Karden, a sense of possibility that he hadn't felt in a long time. But as he walked into his meeting, he couldn't shake off the fear that he was just setting himself up for another fall.


Now that we've explored Karden's past, we can see why he's hesitant to open up to Dora. But maybe, just maybe, she's the one who can help him break down his defenses and find true love.

Chapter 4

Here's a continuation of Karden's inner struggle:


As Karden sat in his meeting, his mind kept wandering back to Dora. He couldn't believe how much he had enjoyed their banter, how much he had felt like himself around her.

But as soon as the meeting ended, Karden's doubts crept in. What was he thinking, getting all swoony over a chance encounter? He was a successful marketing executive, not some lovesick teenager.

As he walked back to his office, Karden's inner monologue went into overdrive:

"Come on, Karden, you know better than this. Don't get attached. Don't get hurt."

"But what if she's different? What if she actually likes you for who you are?"

"No, no, no. Don't even think about it. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment."

Karden sighed and rubbed his temples. Why was he doing this to himself? He had promised himself he wouldn't get caught up in romantic nonsense again.

But as he sat down at his desk, he couldn't help but wonder what Dora was doing at that moment. Was she thinking about him too?

Karden's eyes landed on the coffee stain on his shirt, and he couldn't help but smile. Maybe, just maybe, this chance encounter was exactly what he needed to shake things up in his life.


Karden's inner struggle is real! He's torn between his desire for connection and his fear of getting hurt again. Let's see how he navigates this internal conflict.

Chapter 5

Here's a continuation of Karden's attempt to distract himself:


Karden threw himself into his work, determined to push thoughts of Dora out of his mind. He spent the afternoon brainstorming marketing strategies, crunching numbers, and barking orders at his team.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was avoiding something. Every time he looked at his coffee-stained shirt, he was reminded of Dora's bright blue eyes and infectious laugh.

In a desperate attempt to distract himself, Karden decided to take on a new project. He would rebrand the company's social media presence, create a viral campaign, and prove to himself that he was still a marketing genius.

As he dove headfirst into the project, Karden found himself scrolling through social media, searching for inspiration. And that's when he saw it - a post from Dora, showcasing her latest art piece.

Karden's heart skipped a beat as he stared at the vibrant colors and bold strokes. He couldn't help but wonder what she was working on next, what inspired her creativity, and what she was doing at that very moment.

With a sigh, Karden realized he wasn't fooling anyone - least of all himself. He was still thinking about Dora, and he needed to face it head-on.


Karden's attempt to distract himself has only led him back to Dora! It's clear he can't shake off his feelings for Her

Chapter 6

Here's a continuation of Karden's decision to take a chance:


Karden took a deep breath and picked up his phone. He scrolled through his contacts, his heart racing as he found Dora's number. He had saved it after their coffee shop encounter, hoping he'd find an excuse to reach out.

Now, he was making that excuse.

"Hey Dora, it's Karden. From the coffee shop," he said, trying to sound casual despite his nervousness.

"Hey Karden! I was hoping you'd call," Dora replied, her voice warm and friendly.

They chatted for a bit, exchanging small talk and laughter. But Karden knew he needed to take a chance and ask her out on a proper date.

"Dora, I was wondering if you'd like to grab dinner with me sometime? Maybe we could check out that new art exhibit downtown?" he asked, trying to sound suave.

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and for a moment, Karden thought he'd misread the situation entirely.

But then Dora spoke up, her voice sparkling with excitement. "I'd love to, Karden! When were you thinking?"

Karden grinned, feeling a sense of triumph and relief. "How about Friday night?"

"Perfect. I'll meet you at the exhibit at 7?"

"Can't wait," Karden replied, hanging up the phone with a spring in his step.

He was taking a chance on love, and it felt amazing.


Karden has finally taken the leap and asked Dora out on a date! It's a exciting turning point in their story ☺️

Help me start Dis journey guys

First time writer and I hope I tried

Suliat_Oritoke_7318creators' thoughts