
Love In The Castle

In the grand royal palace of Valtoria, a forbidden love blossoms between Prince Richard, the charming and rebellious youngest son of the king and queen, and Lisa, a beautiful and strong-willed slave captured from the defeated kingdom of Azura. As they navigate the secrets and expectations of their social roles, they must confront the dark forces threatening their love and the future of their kingdoms. Will their love prevail, or will the weight of duty and destiny tear them apart?"

Erhovwo_Erhovwo · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 6 - A Family Intervention

The palace was abuzz with tension as Edward, Amber, and Jane gathered in the throne room, their faces etched with concern. Richard, seated on a chair, his eyes fixed on the floor, knew what was coming.

"Richard, we need to talk," Edward said, his voice firm but gentle. "Why are you risking everything for a slave?"

Richard's gaze lifted, his eyes locking onto his siblings. "Lisa is not just a slave, she's the woman I love."

Amber's expression softened. "We understand that, Richard, but think of the consequences. Father will never approve, and Princess Luan is a suitable match."

Jane added, "And what about your duties, Richard? You're the prince, and you have responsibilities to the kingdom."

Richard's voice rose, "I know my duties, but I can't ignore my heart. Lisa makes me happy, and I won't give her up for anyone or anything."

Just then, a guard burst in, "Your Highnesses, the king summons Prince Edward and Prince William. It's urgent."

Edward nodded, "We must go. Richard, we'll talk more later."

As Edward and William left, Amber and Jane turned to Richard, their faces filled with love and concern.

"Richard, we want you to know that we support you, no matter what," Amber said, her voice trembling.

Jane added, "You deserve happiness, and if Lisa makes you happy, then we're behind you."

Richard's eyes welled up with tears as Amber and Jane hugged him tightly.

"We'll always be here for you, brother," Amber whispered.

Jane planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, "Be strong, Richard. We love you."

As they turned to leave, Richard called out, "Sisters, wait!"

Amber and Jane turned back, and Richard opened his arms, "One more hug, please?"

They smiled and embraced him again, holding him tightly.

"Thank you," Richard whispered, his voice cracking. "Thank you for making my childhood enjoyable, even with all the critics. I don't know what I would do without you both."

Amber and Jane held him for a moment longer, then released him, their faces wet with tears.

"We'll always be here for you, Richard," Amber said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Always."

As I wrote this chapter, I realized that family is not just about blood ties, but about the bonds we form with those who support us unconditionally."

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