
A fall into the dark abyss (1)

When he returns to the villa, Bai Yun is in the shower and Richard can't help but think about the sound of the water rushing in. The phone rings, he answers it, leaves a note for Bai Yun and rushes off with the pilot.

The gardens of the Place de la Concorde in Paris still exude a unique elegance and romance at night, and the nearby flagship shops of the world's leading brands are all stylish and luxurious, with people of all colours moving freely through them.

"Doctor, have you got the results?"

"Richard, the results of the medical examination are already available, but I haven't told you yet."

"Why? For the sake of knowing each other for so many years, you should have told me the results as soon as possible."

"Richard, I know, it's because I've known you for so many years that I don't know how to tell you that your medical report is not very optimistic ... because you have cancer ... "

"Tell me honestly, how long do I have?"

"It's hard to say, some people have a few years, some have a few months, and some are cured after treatment, but the most important thing is to take care of your mind and have a happy outlook ..."

"Okay, thank you doctor, I have another matter to deal with today, I will talk to you about this topic some other time." Richard was in a state of confusion, he felt so full of energy when he was with Bai Yun, he thought it was just because he was so tired that he was physically exhausted, but he didn't expect it to be so serious, what should I do? But who knew? Was this a joke from the gods?

The clacking of high heels interrupted Richard's musings as a brightly coloured woman approached the corner where he was sitting, a slender, sexy figure wrapped in the latest GUCCI evening dress.

Richard smelled the strong perfume and suddenly missed the elegant lavender scent of Provence, and of course the pure, kind, angelic white clouds.

With her golden waves stroking her half exposed breasts and her sexy eyes on Richard, the woman said delicately, "Are you really that busy? It's been so long since I've seen you ..."

At the woman's words, Richard pulled back from his distant thoughts, "I've been a bit busy, but I've been working on some personal matters, Lisa, and there's something I think I need to clear up with you ..."

"The wedding date thing? That's not urgent, we'll talk about it when you're done ..." Lisa smiled understandingly.

"It's not that, I just don't think it's right for us to be together, your father raised me, he treated me like a mountain, he treated me like his own son, in every way I should fulfil his last wish, marry you and take care of you, but it's really not right for us to be together ... "

"How is that inappropriate? We grew up together, we played together, we went to school together, we graduated together, don't you think we're a perfect match? I can't live my life without you ..." Lisa asked back, putting away her smile.