
Love In March

The snow had caught the delighted city for a time being, and Harper, a very successful writer sat still against an empty screen, his mother has been troublesome for him since she was paralyzed yet he has his respects for his mother, though the same night his mother dies due to medicine overdose and then he found himself all alone and with already an existing sadness that appeared when his beloved wife lost her life but till now he had support of his mother but now it is taken away from him as well! After a month, he saw a woman, Chloe, and he knew that he had formed some feelings for this lady, though later he found out that she is married. Chloe's relationship with her husband Mason has not been riding in a righteous way since they lost their beloved son, and though she suspects that her husband has been cheating yet she can see the love for her in his eyes so she decided to stay with him until the nightmare of her son kept pummelling her and then Mason decided to let her stay at her brother's apartment for some time to stay away so that she can only remembers their son for good parts and not for his death. Her brother informed her that their favourite childhood writer Anna is his neighbour. Now when she was 16 she heard of the terrifying news of her paralyzed condition and she was depressed for quite a time and with time Anna has been recovering well from it and now is in a stable condition, so she wanted to meet with her though did not get any chance yet before that her brother has informed her about Anna's Son and his novels and she was lost in his books before she met with him personally. Two People who have lost someone dearly loved by them and now find comfort in each other before everything can go away for once again!

Prashantpal_12 · Realistic
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10 Chs

Harper's Life - 4

"You found me," said Chloe and the breeze waddled passed him. "N---No I was just exploring the town," and the nervousness swashed in solemnly. Chloe smiled engagingly, "Oh, and here I thought you came here looking for me," the ocean shone before his eyes and she was like an angel sitting against the giant flowing waters. "Hey, how about taking a walk?" she rose with the sand slithered out from her dress. "Are those guys with you?" Waves crashed slowly against the beach, and the tide was coming in. A strand of hair stuck by her lips, making her face alluring to him. "No, I'm here all by myself," and he guessed it right, she was waiting for him. "So shall we go?" and without a word, they began to walk. "Your hair seems to grow much since the last time I saw you,"

"Is it looking good on me?"

"Yes, you look gorgeous as ever,"

"Oh, thank you," she slanted a smile companionably on him. He felt the wind again, carrying the grimly affection. Their feet pressed up against the clammy sands and the ocean was glimmering with the moon's light, matching perfectly with her comeliness. In fact, he'd found the town pompous and that's what he thought happens without any love or affection but not right now. He loved the ocean, the sand, and those fumes lying in the sky. She stopped and kneeled down. At first, he thought her action seemed flamboyant but then he saw the sands clasped between her palm. "You know, I grew up playing in these sands, when I was a kid I used to come here very often to play with my friends," she said, "But now I just want a chance to somehow get out of here and leave all of my memories behind," Though Harper failed to see the correlation but he'd understood the sadness of her heart. "I know, being adults is fuckin hard, I too wish sometimes that I somehow relive those amazing moments once again," the tedious water kept running and the halt of the wind wasn't anywhere close. Chloe strolled off to the edge with those sands slithering from her palm. "But still, this place is my favorite, somehow I always feel relaxed here," though he knew he could disconcert her relaxation but he'd wanted to know. "Hey, can I ask a question?"

"Go on," she settled herself to the edge and her feet kissing the cold water.

"Why did you return after that night?" he asked with discretion in his voice. And he saw the depletion and the tentative in her face. "Well," she said being ambivalent, "I panicked, I guess," a chuckle with nervousness slipping in. "Joke aside, I'm a married woman,"

"Really?" Though being known to the fact, he acted as if he didn't. "Yes, I think you saw him, in the diner?"

"Oh yes, I remember him,"

"So you can say I felt guilty but now I'm at peace with my feelings, I mean there's nothing to be bothered by a one-night stand, right?" he enjoyed her lively reaction immensely. He settled himself beside her with his arms straddled and the gritty sands gripping onto his palms. "So how's your writing going? Have you written anything?"

"Yea--- Yeah I wrote like a page," He lied!

"You know what I don't like?" he shook his head. "Whenever someone lies," she said with a whiplash temper but there was still a smile wrinkling behind her tensed brows and those endearing lips. "So tell me already," though he didn't expect her to find out about his obnoxious lie but still he wasn't surprised. "Well writing isn't my forte," his eyes glittered for a moment, with his heart being free from the burdens or the saddened truth, he wasn't sure himself. "But you're a writer, right? One of the most famous writers of this generation so what's the problem?" he chuckled. "You see," he said, "Everyone expects me to write effortlessly because I'm a writer but I don't like it, I didn't want to be a writer, my mother forced me to be what I am,"

"Oh, so you rich kid had problems too?"

"No, we weren't rich, my mother hadn't had much money until she got that movie deal," He tilted his head to see her hair fluttering onto the prettied face in the nasty little wind. "Sexy," he thought

"Come on let's go," and with the rhythm of the breeze with the sand slithering and shifting beneath her, she rose. "Where?"

"Around the city to keep my promise dummy, there are many historical kinds of stuff which could help you to write,"

"Okay, but don't you think it's not the time for that, it's too late to wander around," and he looked at her as she walked to him and clasped his wrist. "Let's just go!" he rose, and with her being walking in front. "Stubborn and Sexy," their feet left the beach solemnly and she stopped, turned, and met his eyes, he thought he caught the flash of unfathomable happiness lying with the grieve. "You're here with your car?" Harper took a moment to survey her, her face and her dampened lips, and nearly kissed her. "Well…. Yeah, I came here in my car," he said tentatively. "Great, we'll go on your car then," the wind prowled again and this time he felt much better rather than detesting it. He led her to his car, and gestured her inside. He felt the warmth of the car rattling onto his skin "So where are we going?" He asked.

"Here," she said, "Let me drive, okay?" her smile had a great amount of cajole and pleading that he couldn't reject. He took himself out of the car without a single word spoken and watched her as she slide to the driver's seat and gestured himself into his car. "I'll take you somewhere better," she began to drive and with an instant, the wind began to buzz in through the window, and he enjoyed watching her stringent face as she drove. "There's a place which is rumored to be haunted, I'm sure you'll find it exciting and you could write something about it," The road was silent under the nigh hot night and he felt nothing besides the inscrutable presence of her. "Is it okay for you to be out this late?" he asked, "Your husband wouldn't mind?" and the smile marred her cheeks. "My marriage isn't going in the right way so I doubt he's gonna care much about me," he could feel the sizzling breeze and the equivalent of woefulness in her voice, and soon she veered her feet on the accelerator. "Don't you think you're overspeeding?"

"We'll be fine, don't worry," and the jarring road stayed still with only the sound of trees fluttering the leaves with the breeze. "Where are we going?" he asked with nigh excitement. "Told ya, it's a haunted place," she smiled and soon idled the car. Her feet kissed the lonely road as she got out. "Come on, let's go," He stood out, and watched the big trees hovering over the silent roads. "Follow me," she said and without a second thought he followed her, pouring his feet behind hers, the path was interment by the leaves and all he could hear was crunching beneath his feet and her solemn voice kissing through the leaves and the trees. Then the house, The dark edifice shone in front of his eyes. "So this is it, it's the house," and he could feel the frenzied vibe radiating from those walls. "It's really haunted? Whose house was it?" the petulant silence stood between them for a moment. "It was my parent's house," she veered her voice to break the silence. "I grew up here and lived till I was 18," He could imagine, a lively little girl slowly growing to be a statuesque woman. "But you said it was haunted?"

"It is for me, it's haunted for me," he stared at her, but this time her eyes felt sharper like they could hew through him at any time. "What do you mean?" he asked, and found a sheer sadness within her face, though her eyes could not avert themselves from the sight of those walls, "I lost my drug addict, abusive mother here when I was 18 but the horrifying thing for me is no matter how much I try I can't let those memories bury down in my mind and….." she stopped, let out a short breath. "And I keep coming back here no matter how hard I try to stay afar!"