
Love In March

The snow had caught the delighted city for a time being, and Harper, a very successful writer sat still against an empty screen, his mother has been troublesome for him since she was paralyzed yet he has his respects for his mother, though the same night his mother dies due to medicine overdose and then he found himself all alone and with already an existing sadness that appeared when his beloved wife lost her life but till now he had support of his mother but now it is taken away from him as well! After a month, he saw a woman, Chloe, and he knew that he had formed some feelings for this lady, though later he found out that she is married. Chloe's relationship with her husband Mason has not been riding in a righteous way since they lost their beloved son, and though she suspects that her husband has been cheating yet she can see the love for her in his eyes so she decided to stay with him until the nightmare of her son kept pummelling her and then Mason decided to let her stay at her brother's apartment for some time to stay away so that she can only remembers their son for good parts and not for his death. Her brother informed her that their favourite childhood writer Anna is his neighbour. Now when she was 16 she heard of the terrifying news of her paralyzed condition and she was depressed for quite a time and with time Anna has been recovering well from it and now is in a stable condition, so she wanted to meet with her though did not get any chance yet before that her brother has informed her about Anna's Son and his novels and she was lost in his books before she met with him personally. Two People who have lost someone dearly loved by them and now find comfort in each other before everything can go away for once again!

Prashantpal_12 · Realistic
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10 Chs

Chloe's Life - 4

The snow had already hovered over her shoes and her hands were quivering. "I just hope that he's on his way now," she had the thoughts of only the warm bed and Harper. She'd wanted him to slant a smile at her but it wasn't the time she knew. The apartment's light glimmered and she Thank God. She strides to the apartment with a competent smile and soon she felt warmer as she walked inside. "Sis, thank God you're finally here," said Lucas, "Was there anything important that you went out in this weather?!"

"Don't ask Lucas, you wouldn't get it," she took off her shoes and felt her legs as cold as her hands. "And where's my jacket?" Lucas lifted a brow. She disengaged herself to her room, ignoring Lucas. "Where did you leave my jacket?" He followed her. "Lucas your jacket is fine," she said, "I found a friend there on my way and he had no sweater or anything so I let him borrow your jacket, he said he'll return it to me tomorrow." She opened her gate and let her feet step into the room inflatable with silence. "So now would you please leave me alone?"

"Really? I think you're lying, I mean you don't have any friends here,"

"Well yeah, he's my new friend here, any problem with that?" she felt his prickled eyes slashing at her, hurting her. "Wrong, very wrong,"

"I don't know why you're lying, just tell me the truth sis," Chloe rolled her eyes. "Oh Lucas, why don't you believe me?"

"Sis, just tell me the truth," he stopped, "Are you seeing somebody here? You know what I mean," she knew her face was battered with lies but couldn't expect Lucas to see it. "Are you crazy Lucas?" her breath hitched once before she controlled it, "I'm married for god's sake,"

"But your marriage is a mess, isn't it true?" she'd wanted to get out of this conversation and felt now she had the chance. "Alright Lucas, now that's enough, I'm going to sleep,"

"Listen to me Sis," she shut the door against Lucas and stood still in the cold and dark room. Anna's death had prompted the sadness in her heart but she was more worried about Harper. He had, as far as she could see, dejection in his eyes, which she knew it was expected. The lights turned up and she fell on the quilt, tried to rest but her heart just caught bafflement, she wanted to make sure about Harper. She rose and walked to the window and pushed the curtains away, she slanted her eyes to his house with the hope of seeing Harper. The lonely road against his house stayed the same and the grief and pity waddled the walls of his house but there were no movements, nothing. She then retrieved her disappointed eyes but soon enough heard the door, it opened. It was Harper. She looked at him, surveyed him, and opened the damn window. "So you finally made it, huh?" he lifted his gaze and his eyes caught her, and then he slanted a sneer at her "Yes, and I'm making a dinner for myself," he said, "Wanna join in?" the breeze floated again and the snow kissed his hair. "No, I think I'm good, I just ate my dinner too," she stopped speaking for a moment and let her eyes survey him thoroughly. And she saw him, hoarding his grief and regrets. "You know what, I can join you if you don't have any problems," she smiled

"Well, I don't," he rose his shoulders, "I'm waiting for you here, come quickly," she nodded as she stared at his smile and him walking away to the house. She quickly shut the window closed and silently peeked through the door, there was no one. She walked out. The snow felt so cold and she rubbed her palms as she walked to his house. The door stood open and she walked inside, "Hello?" she stood at the door with the pristine snow behind her. "Yes, come in," she heard Harper and took off her shoes. She walked inside with her small feet. She peaked at a room and was quickly caught by the thought, it was Anna's room, she surpassed it and walked to the kitchen, there he was, Harper. With the plates in his hand. "Dining room is just the left, can you wait for me there?" he asked. She smiled and slouched in front of a sofa with the dining table beside it, she sat down on the wooden chair and waited for Harper. The clock kept producing a ticking sound and she felt nothing moving. "Harper? How much time is it gonna take?"

"Just a minute, it's almost ready," she turned her eyes with the footsteps seeping, Harper came with the plates evident on his both hands. "Can you help me?" she took a plate and placed it on the table. "What dish is it?" she asked.

"It's an Indian dish, it's called Masala Dosa,"

"It looks delicious,"

"It is, try it out and I'm sure you'll like it," she looked at her plate and began to eat. It was delicious. "It's delicious," she said and deliberately smiled at him. It was his turn to eat. She'd watched him as he took a bite. Although he had a smile on, still, she'd find the plain colors and the lack of happiness illuminating. "Hey, how about a nice music, it would be much fun to eat with some music," he said and rose to play some music. "You like old songs?"

"Yes, I love those songs," she caught his smile and watched him as he put a disc on the player. Soon the piano music hummed out of the CD player, followed by the guitar and she quickly caught the song. And the delicate voice of Harper permeated the room with the rhythm of Freddie Mercury's voice. "You suck my blood like a leech, You break the law, and you breach" he danced his way to the chair with a vibrant and yet disheartened vibe. "Do you like this one?" he asked with a petrifying smile.

"Yes, but don't you think this one isn't going well with the dinner?" he sighed and then chuckled. "Are you scared of me? I know I'm a crazy person who got even crazier after his mother's death but still don't be, I don't kill women," She could feel herself vibrating with temper, and wondered how much satisfaction he gained by making fun of her. "Are you making fun of me?" he chuckled again. "Aw…. Look at your eyes, you look so cute right now," he said, "Here, let me take a picture,"

"Enough now, I'm going home!" she rose with her feet plunged and her temple tensed. "Relax, I was just joking," he said with holding her hands. "Sit down, please," and she saw innocence wobble in his eyes sedately. She sat down with her hands on her thigh. "You know why I chose this song?"

"No, Harper, Enlighten me please!" she said and rubbed absently at a pain between her eyes. "It's because of my mother," he said, "The first time when I heard this song, I was in my friend's house and I even borrowed the CD from him but my mother, she didn't like this one so she never let me listen to it," she caught bafflement, discomfort with a hint of a smile on his cheeks. "But now, I can listen to all I want," She rose and stepped towards him and the shimmer of light from the lamp played between them. She lifted his face by the chin and locked her gaze on his eyes. "I can see fatigue in your eyes," she said, "I think you need to rest, and don't be sad, it's just life, we all are gonna die someday,"

"But my life is hell, my world doesn't spin anymore, it just turns itself around and I wanna scream but I don't feel like having enough breath, I'm losing control, I don't want to!"

"Listen," she clamped his elegant wrists, "You're not losing control, you're fine, stay calm and be happy for your mother, she's in a better place now," the wind hurled at the window again and she stood there few inches away from him, and his breath kissing her cheeks. She was lost in him, with only the sound of The Queen's same song on repeat. She found his eyes implacable and his lips inflatable with redness. And before she could withdraw her mind, his arms were around her and his eyes whipped to her, and then came the most magnificent moment of her life as his lip brushed against hers. She was shocked but stood still in his arms and stared into his eyes. And the only thing evident was the grief. Still, that light touch sent shivers through her nerves and she wanted more. In an instant, he pulled her again and nibbled her bottom lip, letting his hand slide down to toy with her butt. The world could have turned upside down but she knew she couldn't care less about it. His mouth was soft, persuading, and possessive. Her heart was hammering with the heat in her lungs. His lips nibbled hers open so that he could let his tongue slide over them, and before she knew she could hear the hum of her thoughts. "I'm a married woman, I need to stop!" but she didn't. "Stop it!" she'd wanted more than his mouth, she'd wanted all of him. She closed her eyes with the feeling of his tongue running around hers and his hands passing so swiftly around her butt and breasts. She opened her eyes with a smile glimmering on her face. "Don't you think we should go to bed?" and the enticing smile made him debilitate. "Whatever you say, lady." He plunged from the chair holding her hand and taking her to the bedroom. She felt nothing but unfathomable about her feelings. She'd wanted to make love with him but her mind kept thinking about Mason. Soon the smile did falter as they entered the room. It was dark and she caught the bafflement and the enormous silence waddling onto the walls with the grey and dull paint. "Isn't this—"

"Yes, it's my mother's,"

"Then we shouldn't be here,"

"Don't be bothered by my misdemeanor," he said, "I'm sure my mother would not have any problem if I use her room," the silence had the snapping bite of a child which she felt every fuckin second. And there was still the aroma of weirdly hassle perfume which she guessed was of Anna. She'd wanted to get out of there but the heat in her lungs and the flow of desire for sex helped her to stay. "So," he said, "Shall we?" she gave a nod and jutted with a smile, and in an instant, his lips were on hers. Softly at first, and then with passion and profound of much intensity. He took off her jacket and then her white shirt. She reached down to her waist and caught the hem of her brasserie. Without hesitation, she pulled it over her head and let it fall on the floor. She splayed her hand on his chest and felt his heart, humming with the sound of perhaps sadness and grief. The room was still dim and without a voice, they walked to the bed. And she fell on the quilt with her hair dispersing into the pillow. And against her eyes, he stood there. "Let me take a nice look at you," he did and then rest his head on her belly with his unshaven cheek. "I can see the devil in your eyes,"

"Is it a bad sign?"

"I don't think so." She smiled and pulled him up and did kiss him and felt his breath. The cold night outside wasn't pretty at the time and the snow glimmered on the window with the cold shimmering up a bit by bit. Later, she found herself lying beside him and his fingers weaving through her hair. "Can I ask you a question?" said Chloe

"Go on."

"You still don't remember me, do you?"