
Love In Lost

"Rosa,Iam sorry...bu-but let's stop this engagement.I couldn't do this anymore" His cold voice was like a sharp edged knife cutting through Rosalind heart. "Lady Rosalind, Iam so sorry.Please don't blame the Crown prince,It was my fault" The crying lady voice ,who Rosalind once treated like her own sister. The betrayal both by her lover and her friends had shattered her. The story Revolves around Rosalind, who at a very young age is trained to be Queen.She was a tool used by the emperor to keep the West clan in check.But when the Crown prince falls in love with another girl Rosalind, life and first love came crashing down. Follow Rosalind journey to see what she does to overcome this tragedy, when a shining knight duke in arms come to her life.Will it be enough to save Rosalind and her clan, which she cherish the most. See how the emperor play with lives ,to keep his monarchy. _______________ Excerpt: He could see her face in contempt looking over the moon, her hair falling over her face,moonlight highlighting her beauty.He could not look elsewhere, in her eyes he could see been captivated.ITS been over a half a month since their marriage, the turbulence in his heart could not be talked as he himself didn’t now the answer to it.He sees her whenever he closes his eyes ,when he is not with her he misses her,without her by his side he thinks life is empty. Is this love! ,then I think iam in love!. ________________ Warning : The characters used were truly out if my imagination and not related to any living or dead being or thing.

Drnovel · History
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14 Chs

The Storm Brewing

Rosalind couldn't move nor could call anyone.The duke on the other hand was sleeping peacefully in her lap. Rosalind was in a difficult situation, where one wrong move could ruin her reputation.Anyone looking at them could easy misunderstand them .Rosalind sigh and stayed still,till the Duke wake.

As hours passed,the sky started to cloudy up ,then small drop by drop water started falling down.The drops drenched Rosalind ,The duke was waken by that time.He was astounded to find a Fairy above him.Her pale white skin ,drenched in the moonlight looked as pearls, the pearl droplets was going down to her blossom.Her hair sticked to her face.Her dress became semi transparent in the rain.He could almost see her innerwear.His face flushed seeing her in a seductive way.

Rosalind who saw the duke waking up called him.Duke still in his wonderland touch Rosalind face and removed the water drops from her lips.Her lips was like cotton candy ,and he wanted to take a bite. Mesmerized by the Beauty before him,he was losing all his self control ,which he was so proud off.

Rosalind had turned scarlet on the duke touch.She could not think.It was the first time ,a male was touching her ,that to, her lips.As the thunder strike, the doundvmade duke aware of the surroundings and Looked at a innocently seductive Rosalind, on whose lap he was laying.He abruptly sit down.

On sitting down he felt his injury,and he moaned a little.On hearing the sound, Rosalind went to stabilize him ,But sitting so long in that position made her unstable and she fell towards the duke body.The duke strong reflex hold her waist.Her waist was so smooth that he wanted to pinch her.

Rosalind when looked up ,saw red eyes burning with passion for her. Rosalind in this position was just like a seductress.The duke had to take every bit of control he possessed to not do anythingto her.Rosalind feeling the tension,looked away and try to stand up.The duke helped her standing up.

When the duke stoodup,Rosalind could see the duke well trained body.His six pack was clearly visible between his torn shirt.Rosalind blush a few shades of red.Her face color was as same as her hair.

The duke couldn't take his eyes off of Rosalind.Like a nymph of the night,she was that much tormenting the young dukes heart.With her ignorance and naiveless she was making the duke walk on egg shells.

Carlose saw Rosalind shivering in the rain,he looked far ahead and found a cave .He took his cape and signaled Rosalind to follow him.Rosalind followed him to the cave.He made a fire with some logs and stones in cave .He gave his cape to Rosalind. Rosalind was uncertain why the duke gave her his cape.

The duke cleared his throat and pointed his finger to her dress ,Rosalind blushed a shade darker than her hair.she covered her body with the cape and sat near the fire.The duke removed his shirt and sat down near the fire.Both of them were enjoying the warm.Rosalind peaked at the duke ,and looked at his mark in his abdomen. She shyly asked " Duke are you okay now?,your mark do you always feel pain."

The duke looked at Rosalind ,there eyes meet for a brief second and both of them shyly looked away.

" Iam alright now, thank you saving me "

His thanking made the atmosphere between them awkward.

"Duke how are we going back,we can't go back like this"

Duke understanding what she mean replied"don't worry, when the sunrise,my loyal knight will be here,You don't have to worry,I will ask him to bring your maid and a new dress."

with hearing his reassuring words Rosalind mind calm down.Due to her dress being drenched she was feeling very cold.On sensing her shivering, the duke gave her his now somewhat warmed shirt.She was wearing a shirt top which goes upto her knees and was sticking to her body like a second skin, under it she wore pants.Her top was having a hard time drying up.She took his shirt,and the duke turned his back .Rosalind removed her top and put the duke shirt.The duke blushed when he saw her shadow in cave wall.

Rosalind could smell the faint smell of duke.She asked him to turn as she was done.The duke shirt was lossy fitted on her.Duke appreciate his shirt on her .They both then continued to sit near the fire.

As sensing her tiredness he looked around the cave.The duke saw straw in the ground and made a bed out of it.He motion Rosalind to sleep. Even though she felt awkward but the the day had tired her out.She lay down near the duke, both facing their back to each other.

As soon as she closed her eyes she fell asleep .Some time later,Rosalind feeling cold,searched for warmth and then hugged the dukes back,when she found a source of heat she goes back to sleep deeply.The duke had to lay still and couldn't sleep at all.On feeling Rosalind body near him,his inner was on fire.The duke had to memorize the whole law of lilliet kingdom, to keep his inner heat in bay.Every time he looked at Rosalind, His heart beating increased.He had torturous night near Rosalind.