
Love in Jade Cosmos

A modern elite in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry falls down from a waterfall and, through the mysterious power contained in a personal jade pendant, her soul is transported into the body of a young girl in the ancient oriental country. In there, she meets the royal family whose son is her destiny. The lovers jump between the real world and her jade cosmos as their mysterious and fantastical story unfolds. In her portable space accessed through the ancient jade pendant, the landscapes of mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas continuously unfold with the protagonist's journey. Advantaged by the time passes at a rate 20 times faster in this space, accompanied by the guardian spirit of this realm, the otherworldly soul, Tong Xiangbei, use her special power and knowledges in collaboratively pioneer and establish a stunning business empire. **Novel Outline: "Jade Cosmos Chronicles"** **Part One: Journey Across Realms** Renowned pharmaceutical chemist Tong Xiangbei unexpectedly finds herself traversing into an ancient oriental realm after a waterfall incident. Utilizing the mystical power contained in her ancient jade pendant, she discovers a parallel space with a time flow 20 times faster and a spatial map unlocking synchronously with her actions in the real world. This part will delve into her exploration and adaptation to the unfamiliar and mysterious world. **Part Two: Shaping Destiny** In the Jade Cosmos, Tong Xiangbei leads her family and mountain hunters in cultivating fields and processing, altering their destiny from poverty to prosperity. Leveraging modern knowledge and the accelerated time in her jade space, she pioneers a groundbreaking civilization, injecting a revolutionary vitality into the ancient oriental country. **Part Three: Prosperity Unveiled** Continuously collecting and transplanting new species, Tong Xiangbei finally activates the ancient spatial matrix left by the elder of the ancient Qi sect. This part will focus on her collaboration with General's heir Qiao Ziqiu, Eastshore Mo Wang, and her maternal uncle Nanyue Cheng Wang, as they drive away sea invaders, explore the southern seas, and establish prosperous trade routes, scripting a brilliant chapter of economic prosperity. **Part Four: Ascension into Mystical Realms** From their initial encounter to love and the grand wedding night, Tong Xiangbei and Eastshore Mo Wang enter the spatial realm, initiating the foundational stage of cultivating Qi. Post-wedding, they venture into the capital, building a harmonious relationship with the royal family, eventually assuming the responsibilities of the Crown Prince and collaborating with royal siblings to usher in a new era of civilization. **Climax: Unveiling the Ultimate Secret** As they break through the high-level Qi stage in the spatial matrix, Tong Xiangbei suddenly unravels the ultimate secret behind her time-travel, adding a suspenseful and gripping twist to the entire narrative. main characters 1. Tong Xiangbei: An eminent scientist in the field of modern pharmacology, unexpectedly transported to an ancient Eastern country. Utilizing modern knowledge and the power of the Jade Universe, he shapes a new civilization. 2. Eastshore DongBin Prince Mo: A prince of the ancient Eastern country, destined to meet Tong Xiangbei. Together, they experience mysterious and fantastical adventures, eventually becoming founders of a commercial empire. 3. Qiao Ziqiu: The second son of the Qiao family, heir to the General’s household. 4. Lord of Southern Area Nanyue, King Cheng:Tong Xiangbei’s maternal grandfather, who supports and assists her in establishing a new life in the ancient Eastern country. 5. Realm Spirit Symbiosis, Gong Sheng:The guardian spirit of the Jade Universe, left behind by ancient Qi sect elders. Together with Tong Xiangbei, they activate the Spatial Array, providing strength for the birth of a new civilization. 6. Cave Spirit, Fox Guardian of Jade Snowflake Cave.

CosmicAirbender · Fantasy
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247 Chs

Picturesque Countryside

In the picturesque countryside of Peach Blossom Township,

when the boat docked at Peach Blossom Pier, the sun had just started to dip westward. Uncle Zhong called over some hands to help North unload a few baskets destined for the town. He then brought a young woman dressed as a housekeeper. "Miss Tong, this is the steward of the manor. You can call her Sister Tian. She will arrange your rest, and you can approach her for anything you need. It's still early, and if you're interested, you can take a stroll around with Sister Tian. Excuse me, I still need to arrange some loading and unloading matters and can't accompany you."

"Uncle Zhong, you're busy. No need to be polite; I can manage on my own."

"In that case, I'll head down. Take care of yourself."

"Yes, Uncle Zhong." Sister Tian was subtly surprised, wondering how a seemingly ordinary girl could make the Grand Steward so courteous and even cautious. Suppressing her curiosity, she greeted, "Miss Tong, let me take you to your room first."

"Sister Tian, thank you."

North walked along the broad plank road, passing through a five-meter-wide embankment lined with peach and willow trees. It was spring, with new willows sprouting green, and peach blossoms in full bloom. The river was filled with lotus leaves, connecting to irrigation channels and ditches in the farmland. Ducklings, with their fluff still intact, floated on the water like tiny grey cotton balls. Groups of white geese proudly paraded on the ridges, while terraced fields displayed rows of young seedlings, golden rapeseed flowers, and flooded fields awaiting spring plowing, creating a picturesque scene of spring.

The burden carried in North's heart for five years was now set free. This was the most genuine dream, one that North believed could never be realized after losing his parents. Miss Tong, thank you. Thank you for bringing me to your world. I will treat your family with kindness and concern, in your name, may your soul rest in peace.

Sister Tian led North to a courtyard about three sections wide, arranged in the second section. In the main bedroom, the desk was adorned with stationery. A teapot sat on a charcoal stove, bubbling with water. Four drum stools were placed around a few cushions, and a golden embroidered cushion lay on top, looking thick and soft. Behind the spacious flat bed was a screen depicting mountains and water, covering the washroom. Outside the room, through a hollowed-out flower window, one could see the river channel adjacent to the courtyard wall, as if utilizing a deeper natural stream that merged with the Qingbo River. This stream passed in front of a row of warehouses, each about thirty to forty meters long. Turning around, she saw three or four fifteen or sixteen-year-old girls bringing water buckets and wooden basins.

"Miss Tong, the water is here. You can freshen up and rest for a while. If you wish to go somewhere, these girls can accompany you. I will arrange dinner later."

"Sister Tian, go ahead and busy yourself. Let them help you. I can manage by myself."

"Miss Tong, this older one is from my family, named Duo'er. If you have any requests, feel free to ask her. If there's any oversight in hospitality, she will be the one to inquire. Now, I'll take my leave."

Sister Tian showed impeccable manners, appearing more like a respectful manager than an ordinary housewife. Without further words, North took out the blue-dyed cotton jacket from her original body, took a simple bath, and changed into it. She didn't refuse as Duo'er combed her hair into a double spiral braid with a tail, the most troublesome hairstyle for long hair in this ancient era.

"Duo'er, I'm going out by myself along the riverbank. You don't need to follow. Help Sister Tian instead."

North stepped out quickly, heading toward the ducks and geese that had caught her eye before. With a time difference of 20 times the speed in the spatial realm and the constant mist and a temperature of around 36 degrees Celsius in the oasis, it would take less than two days for the eggs to hatch. Taking without asking would be considered stealing, but borrowing for a night should be acceptable, right? Yes, I'll borrow a few groups, stay in there for about ten days, lay some eggs, and there should be no problem putting them back. At this moment, the smoke from the village scattered around, and the farmers had all returned home. North crouched down, took out the river shrimp that she had dried in the valley, crumbled it in her hand, and scattered it in the water channel. Duck groups swam over. As they approached the nearby lotus leaves, they mysteriously disappeared. Not far away, the half-flooded and half-dry reed swamp seemed to be the main base for the swelled-headed geese. Mother geese, sitting on eggs, disappeared from their original locations when North turned to face them.