
Love in Hell

Akilah Moonlight is an Alpha wolf who ends up being mated to a self centred narcissist Alpha wolf of the Shadow's valley pack.He tries to save his miserable relationship but eventually gives up after he almost lost his life due to His mate's carelessness. He tricks his mate into rejecting him and runs away hoping to go back to his old pack, unfortunately due to unexpected events he ends up lost and winds up in the territory of the most dangerous rumoured wolf eating wolf. The Waltou pack. Will Akilah manage to find his way back home or will he find a new home and love in the house of Drago? Read on to find out! See you in chapter one!!!!

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Drago's home


I have just woken up in Drago's home and just a few seconds ago him and his lady witch friend have just informed me that my heart was frozen. I feel okay.. I think.

"Are we dead?" I ask nervously almost as if I really believe we were ghosts.Drago rolls his eyes and this is the first expression other than a stone face that I have seen him do.

"The only person who would be dead here is you." He responds with a yet again cold tone while still keeping his stoic poise.Shouldn't he at least talk nicer to a patient?. Rude.

"We only froze your heart, you can't die from it. You just won't be able to feel the love emotion like most of us kind of do." Sky speed talks while nervously wrangling her hands together, before I could ask her any other question she continues.

"You now don't feel any pain from the rejection cause your heart has been stopped.Later, when you really genuinely love someone and they love you back, the spell and portion will break. You will get what we call an ice break where all your pain will come flooding through your veins at once and all those bad feelings will be flushed out of your system and you will feel just fine again. The pain process only takes a maximum of thirty minutes. I think. "She concludes.

I don't respond.I don't know how to feel. Well, I can't feel anything but I also don't know how to think...or what to think.

"Did you freeze my brain too? " I ask sombrely.

"Do you remember who you are?" Sky asks with a sarcastic tone.

"Yes." I answer back to her.

"Well..who are you ?." She asks as she settles herself on the only sofa in the room.Drago just continues to glare at me with those furious eyes of his but I don't care.Thank you for taking my heart Sir Chevaz.

"My name is Akilah, I am originally from the Moonbright pack but had found my mate in Valley's shadow pack. My family moved to stay with me until I adapted but unfortunately I had a fall out with my mate so I wanted to go back home. I had hoped I would be there by the time the rejection pain starts to react but I guess I miscalculated and I definitely should use google maps next time."I answer briefly while covering a little bit of my background ,I am not special but I won't be specific of who my other family members are , what if they go kill them?..for whatever reason.

"Oh!" that is all Sky says before Drago leaves the room. Silence becomes our unexpected guest.i guess Drago hoped I would say more but , I am not that stupid , I know one or two things about how people like them work.

"Well, welcome to our side of the world Akilah , I don't know what is going to happen to you but security in this part of the woods is really tight, the mere fact that you entered our base without being detected is the reason why you almost got killed but weren't. I think they will further investigate you. I am sorry you ended up in this situation. " Sky says with genuine concern written all over her softly wrinkled features.

"Its okay, it is no body's fault really. I am just really horrible with directions." I answer back and continue laying still.

"Pardon me for being rude, but were you already married to your mate?, Their pack could have a problem with us or Moonbright if we keep one of their own ..we are not a really well sort pack. everyone seems to have a problem with us." Sky says but her face show no other emotion except for that maybe she is used to being in one of the most hated or feared pack.

"No, no, no!...thank God I saw that bastard was a devil from the very first day..I just hoped he would change but ..that change never came. " I reply to Sky and immediately I understand just what a great favour they did for me although I am a stranger to them, and yet my own mate made it sound like my life was just another one of his toys to play with.


"Thank you. Non of you know me and yet you have all taken care of me way much better than any of the people I knew would have . Thank you." I say to Sky , I hope she feels or at least believes that I am being genuine .

"It is okay, you remind me of my son, plus we are not bad people, yes.. I am aware of how the world outside paint us but most of what they say is not true. They just don't like us because we do what we feel and live a little different from most packs around but as you stay here during this time you will see it for yourself that we are not bad people."She says while she picks up her staff and heads for the door.

I instantly get up and sit on the edge of the bed. " Are you leaving?".. I ask her

"Well, yes, I will come check on you in the next two days.. in the mean time , you belong to Drago's mansion. You are his now. Well, not bed boy or whatever, but he will tell you what to do, so see you soon Akky." She says before she disappears through the door. I don't even know where I am but the only person I trusted is gone.

I now belong to Drago.