

"I won't be surprised, if they go bald one day due to their love for each other's hair." -Homeroom Teacher Min Hani and Kang Eric, University's Pride but ready to strangle each other any moment. Where will this enmity take them? Will they fall in love? or already did? A humorous journey of two people who are poles apart. (Author's note-I did add BTS here but they'll be side characters, nothing is related to their real life events.)

Ana_2504 · Book&Literature
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35 Chs

I'm Fine

At the University,

Sana and Hani were just strolling in the college corridor.

Sana-"Dammit!" Hani chuckled

Hani-"What happened Sana?"

Sana-"Arghh!! I need to get this crap in my mind before 10:30, I got a test to give."

Hani-"Where were you all these days? Just mugging things a few minutes before test, idiot." She said giggling.

Sana-"Yah!! Why can't you help me?! Stop mocking me." She whined.

Jake approached them,he was panting.

Sana-"Whoa! Whoa! Kid..why are you out of breath?"

Hani-"Let him breathe girl!"

Jake-"Have you guys seen Eric since morning?"

He said when his breath got normal.

Hani-"Uh..no..I didn't see him today." She said as she remembered yesterday's incident, blood rushed on her cheeks making them red, which didn't go unnoticed by Sana.

Sana-"Ohhhh~ I see someone is blushing, blushing." She said nudging her elbow on hers.

Jake-"Oh my God, our ship is sailing Sana."

He said squealing and they started being all dramatic and wiped off their fake tears they even fake sniffed.

Hani-"Yah!! Both of you stop it."

Sana-"Hani sweetie look your prince charming is coming here." She said pointing her fingers towards Eric who was running towards them.

Eric-"Yo! Sorry guys I got late today."

Jake-"No dude it's alright you aren't late."

Just as Hani was about to greet him he said

"Have you guys seen Eunha?"

Sana-"Huh? No..why?"

Eric-"Umm...I have some important work from her.More like I need to ask her something." With that he waved his hands and went towards the class to search for Eunha.Meanwhile Hani stood there dumbfounded.She thought it might become awkward among them but she never thought he's gonna behave like the kiss never happened.

Sana-"Hey..Eric was rude he didn't greet Hani."

Jake-"I know right? that's so rude." Both of them were looking towards Hani who was thinking something deeply, facing the ground.

Sana-"Hani? Are you good?"

Jake-"I swear I'm gonna break his bones how dare he ignore you."

Hani looked at them and smiled.

Hani-"It's alright guys i don't want to be greeted by that jerk either."The bell rung.

Sana-"Oh I've to go, bye Hani take care."

Jake-"Me too." She nodded and waved them with a smile on her face, but as soon as they left her smile dropped as she remembered Eric's behaviour.

That day they didn't have any classes together and even if they did Eric didn't speak a word to her.She shrugged off thinking he might be mad because of yesterday.The class got over, Hani thought atleast he'll join them for lunch.She came out of the class and headed towards cafeteria,but what she saw in the midway shattered her heart.She saw Eric talking to Eunha while her both the hands were held by him it seemed he was convincing her for something, she nodded and suddenly Eric hugged her smiling widely as if he got some jackpot.A tear drop rolled down her face as she felt a pang in her heart, she wiped it off and left the place immediately.


She came back home, she was hurt and heartbroken.She was confused why was she feeling this.She entered the house,

Seokjin-"Baby see I tried this new recipe today, wanna taste?"

Seokjin-"Are you okay?"

Hani-"I'm fine."

Hoseok-"Sunshine, want to eat some pizza? I ordered them?" She shook her head and went upstairs.Yoongi and Namjoon were there too, observing how silent she was, they were confused as to what happened to a girl who was always cheerful and ready to yell at them.

Namjoon-"Should I talk to her?"

Yoongi-"Leave her alone for sometime, she needs her own company right now." Namjoon nodded understanding what the elder one was trying to say.All of them looked at her walking figure with sad eyes.


She came to her room and threw her bag on the bed and went to the bathroom to take shower.

After a long relaxing shower she went to her bed and laid down.A lot of questions were lingering in her mind.

"Why was Eric ignoring her? Why was she so heartbroken? What did Eunha and Eric talk? Why did he hug her like that? Will he ignore her like this? Why was Jimin short? Why did he got no jams?Why was Jungkook afraid of girls?Why Taehyung calls her caller girl?"

Hani-"Wait WHAT?! Yah author nim! Why are you making me think these things?"

Author-"Shut up! It's up to me i can make you think whatever I want."

Hani-"Huh?! Here I'm all depressed and you're shitting."

Author-"Language honey.And yeah you forgot it's a romantic COMEDY? I need to add humour"

Hani-"Are you...for real?"

Author-"No sweetie I'm anime too.Now back to story, chop chop."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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