
Love In Distress

This Novel tells us the tale of Arielle Lardon hopes and determination to find love before she turns thirty and gets too old that no man approaches her anymore. It also holds a twist of how her love from the past is constantly stopped from meeting her in the present by an evil friend. Will their love story be like every other fairytale or just take it own turn and dissapoint you? Actually the dissapointing part won't really happen, so please read. Try to find out by reading till the end. CASTS: Arrielle Lardon. Rachel Lardon: Arielle's mom. Katie Joel: Arielle's best friend. Jason Anderson.

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He fell to his knees and started pleading with her. In his mind, he hoped she will not sack him.

Katie was fuming with anger, she didn't want anyone to find out the truth about Arielle being the owner of the company until she has accomplished her mission but now it was all ruined.

Arielle left Marcos on his knees and went away in a hurry, her mother went after her.

For several weeks, Arielle stayed indoors and refused to eat unless she was forced by Mrs Rachel.

You won't starve to death on my watch for a stupid man. Said her mother to her.

Katie came in the evening to see her friend after ignoring Arielle for weeks. She had a genuine smile on her face and she opened her arms for a hug she also kissed Arielle on her forehead.

You just abandoned me. Arielle complained like a child.

No, I didn't. Baby! Everything I have been doing that has kept me so busy that I didn't come to visit was all for you.

Really? Awwn you are too sweet. Arielle said in a judging tone.

I am sorry baby. Can you please forgive me? Katie pleaded making a cute face.

Arielle folded her arms and kept on with the upset charade but then she looked at Katie's cute face again and smiled.

Oh goodness. How will I not be able to forgive such a cute girl? Come here.

They gave each other a tight hug. They both went out together and came back later in the night.

But girl. I am still upset about that fake. Arielle said as she remembered him again.

Don't start Arie baby, just forget it. Forget him, he hurt himself not you because if you had dated him, you would have worshipped him and he would have treated you like trash. Katie said to her stroking Arielle's hair.

You are right. Arielle agreed.

They both got a big bowl of ice cream and sat down to talk. She suddenly remembered something.

If only I can just remember his face.

Katie looked at her confused.

Whose face? She asked Arielle.

The guy. The guy from five years ago. Arielle said and smiled.

His blurry image remained in her memories, his hoarse voice when he was yelling at her to wake up. And his soft touch as he carried her.