
Love In Another World! ...Or something like that

After being invited and accepting this invitation of his own free will (or as he would say: "kidnapped"), Walter arrives in a world beyond his comprehension, where space and time seem to become one and two god-like beings give him an impossible mission to achieve... to fall in love!

CaramelNovel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ice Palace, Kingdom of Gods



<<Can someone tell me what's going on?>>

Until a moment ago I was in my room, worrying only about how I would approach my next novel. If it weren't for the burn on my hand and the burning sensation coming from it, I would think this is a dream right now... No, forget it. The only explanation for this surreal scene is that it's a dream.

I find myself outside a palace made of pure ice, with enormous columns that could be compared to skyscrapers, the floor is non-existent, as I am suspended in the air... I would say I risk falling, but...

<<Where would I fall?>>

At my feet there is no cliff, no river either, not even clouds. In fact, there is nothing. Only the infinite void of space, with some star dots decorating the fearful darkness. There is not even an opportunity to feel fear... This surpasses any kind of human height or logic.

The ice pillars are on both sides of a staircase, also made of the bluish crystalline material, which leads to what I assumed would be the entrance to this abnormal building.

There are no walls because, apart from the pillars, the staircase and the huge door, the rest is an infinite void. I can't move in these conditions even though, where I am right now, it feels like standing on some kind of invisible floor. I can't know if by taking a step I will fall to float lost for the rest of my days.

<<Yes, this is a dream.>>

I told myself, letting a smile out on my face.

<<Well, here is the miracle I asked for, maybe this dream will give me some ideas for my novels.>>

Convincing myself that something as extraordinary as this could not be real, I decide to speak to the... Person? Who has been patiently waiting for me next to one of the pillars. That person has a humanoid form, but that's the only normal thing about him.

His body seems to be part of the same cosmos, you could say he was naked, but it's not like he had anything to hide. Every inch of his body is covered by the same void of space, decorated with stars and even galaxies. Looking closely, I could even, as unreal as it sounds, see a black hole as a mole on what we could call his "chin". He had moons as eyes and his mouth was formed by stars that stood out from the others thanks to their exceptional whitish glow, contrasting with the darkness that formed his face.


I let out a sigh.

<<Calm down! It's a dream... You imagined this world, you created it, don't get nervous!>>

I doubt a mere mortal could even imagine the wonders you are witnessing, much less create them.

"Excuse me...?"

<<Did he just respond to my thoug-?>>

Concepts such as thought are things that only you mortals need, for your communication is quite primitive. Inventions like what you call "thinking" only lead to lies, secrets and betrayal, another pathetic concept invented by you.

<<Well, this guy is quite more bitter than I thought.>>


Although I could admit that he was somewhat right in that keeping secrets and thinking could lead to consequences such as lies, it could not be denied that it is also a way to meditate on your decisions and analyze your words clearly before even saying them.

The fact that he knows what I'm thinking makes me feel quite uncomfortable, as if he were invading my privacy... And, worse, the serious grimace formed by his stars as a "mouth" did not move at all while he was speaking. I simply heard his voice in my head, as if the distance of about 20 meters between us meant nothing to this being.

Dealing with Juliet's toys is starting to wear me out... But someone has to look after her until the day comes...

<<Isn't Juliet the girl who called me...? Yes, it was just before ending up here... My cell phone suddenly started emitting that intense glow and I... Wait! Did he call me a 'toy'?!>>

Follow me.

Before I could even finish my train of thought, I was already in front of that being, just a few centimeters away. I hadn't moved, I barely had time to react to his request.

<<How could this guy...?>>

That being began to climb the stairs slowly, while I followed at a steady pace against my will. I could not defy my own body, my legs did not react and, although I tried to stop, I could not. I just kept walking.

We're here now.

Seeing up close that majestic door, which extended to infinity, much farther than my sight could reach, I realized it was more beautiful than I could have imagined.

Engravings of constellations I had never seen in my life, with heart-shaped galaxies, roses consisting of an aligned set of stars and a mini sun, whose rays shaped the petals around it. All decorating the eternal void of that door.

The first word that crossed my mind upon seeing such majesty was "immovable". It was like seeing a door made of space itself, of infinity, as if the entire universe was there just to protect what was on the other side.

And, even with all this, it opened without either of us moving a single finger. As if the universe itself recognized our presences, it began to open in two, dividing the infinite void and allowing me to see what was on the other side of the door.

If we compared it, there would be no way to match that door... The atmosphere inside felt much more human. It reminded me of some ballroom, with decorations worthy of the most elegant castle, marble floor and even red sofas arranged to allow a large number of guests.

Even so, it still had cosmic details, as if the universe imposed itself on these decorations, refusing to be overshadowed by merely human creations.

The curtains were made of the same void I had seen before, with all kinds of constellations as ornamentation, small windowpanes without glass that allowed to see the space that surrounded us and, at the end of it all next to two small golden sofas with a small marble table in the middle of both, it could be seen how a wall was missing... I could say it was missing, but it was clear that the intention was to be able to enjoy the wonderful views provided by that immense void when seated on those golden sofas.

And, in the middle of this ballroom, was the most beautiful thing of all. A woman with soft and well-defined features, with skin as white as snow and a body that appeared to be small and delicate. A precious and hypnotic smile on her pale pink lips, which would paralyze anyone who saw her. I myself could not keep moving if it were not because I could not control my own body, being that it was getting closer and closer to that beauty.

She wore a short golden dress, which gave her an elegant appearance worthy of the greatest royalty and, yet, all this was overshadowed by her eyes and her hair...

Her eyes were literally two small white suns, so bright and beautiful that it hurt just to look at them. While her hair, which reached down to her waist, followed the same illogical rule of being formed by the void, with beautiful stars and galaxies accompanying it.

I had never believed in gods or demons, but I was sure that, if they existed, I was in the presence of their living image.

<<A goddess...>>

How dare you make me wait, Walter

She mentioned, with her voice feeling like a soft whisper in my ears despite having her in front of me.

But I can forgive your offense, since I have noticed that you know how to flatter a woman. Look at you comparing me to a goddess...

And at that moment, seeing her mocking smile, I knew my life would change forever.