
Love In Ancient Times

Born as a lowlife bastard, treated like an outcast and ignored by everyone. Never knew how it felt to be loved, dies and was given a second chance to life but this time, time travels back into the Ancient Times. Will she know Love Or Hatred

Maybs_Glix · Urban
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20 Chs

I Won't Mind Dying For You

"Here! stop here!, Zao get back!; I exclaimed as I walked forward towards the a plant known as the burning Wilder, it was as red has blood and as hot has fire. It was located on top of the highest hill, deep within the thicket of the Lonjara forest. As I stretched out my hands to grab it suddenly arrows sprung out of nowhere.

"Your Grace watch out!!!; exclaimed Zao in fright.

I grabbed the flower and managed to dodge the arrows but I was hit by some.

"Your Grace, you're bleeding your is injury serious, let me get someone....

"No!!; I exclaimed there's no need. I managed to lean behind a tree as I placed the flower in a small glass bottle and added some drop of my blood. Here!; I said as I handed over the bottle to Zao, get this back to the palace immediately and pour it into the Emperor's mouth,it will help save his life; I said barely managing to breathe.

"Save his life?!, but your Grace what about you; as Zao desperately.

"No need to worry about me, I'll only slowly you down and there's not enough time. Hurry up go!!

"But your Grace; said Zao in tears.

Zao, that's an order!!! I said sternly barely managing my posture as she stood up and run off some hours later she was back down as I could see the couch ride off in a hurry. I couldn't move due to the arrows one stack at my ribs the other on my leg, I slowly managed to remove the one on my leg and tore up the extra clothes I brought along as bandage, I could barely stay conscious due to my excessive blood lost.

"Faster, faster!!, we have to get there on time; exclaimed Zao.

*A day later*

The couch pulled up infront of the palace with Zao getting off as she run towards the Emperess' Villa.

"Stop right there!!!; exclaimed one guard, you are not permitted to enter.

"You have to let me in please, I can save the Emperor; exclaimed Zao desperately as she forced her way in.

Zao!!! what are doing here?!, where's the Emperess?!; asked cocoubine Jing Feng.

"Please madam, I can save the Emperor, let me save him first; exclaimed Zao.

"But young lady, there's nothing that can be done to save the Emperor; exclaimed the imperial doctor.

"No!! please let me at least try, the Emperess risked her life just for this so please; said Zao in tears.

"Alright go ahead; said cocoubine Jing Feng as Zao stepped forward, soon there was gathered. She lifted up the head of the Emperor and emptied the bottle into his mouth. They all waited patiently but nothing happened.

"See I told you nothing could be done; exclaimed the imperial doctor but suddenly the Emperor started screaming as if his whole body was on fire.

"What... what's going on?!; asked cocoubine Jing Feng anxiously.

"I'm sure she has poisoned the Emperor; exclaimed San Yao, guards arrest her.

"You'll be doing no such thing; said the Emperor as he woke up in a sitting position.

"What?!!(shocked) how..how; exclaimed San Yao.

"But how could this be?! impossible!; exclaimed the imperial doctor.

"I told you it will work, the Emperess assured me!; said Zao in tears.

"Emperess?!, Where's Lin Juluu?!; asked the Emperor as he got of the bed.

"Your majesty, the..the Emperess was stabbed by two arrows and she's bleeding to death!!!; exclaimed Zao as she knelt down crying.

"Stabbed?!!, how could this be?!, where's she tell me?!!; asked the Emperor furiously.

"(sobs)she in the thicket of the Lonjara forest on the highest hill she lyes a day ago; answered Zao.

"A day ago?!; asked the Emperor furiously.

Yes, your majesty; said Zao as she explained the whole situation in the presence of everyone.

"Why didn't she take some guards with her!!!; exclaimed the Emperor furiously

"Your majesty, I presume that she was soo worried that she didn't even think twice about her situation.

"Guards prepare a couch for our departure right now!!!; exclaimed the Emperor, Zao you and the imperial doctor come with me. Lin.. Lin Juluu, why did you have to put yourself in such danger; says through gritted teeth.


I can't hold on anymore, I've taken in some herbs to help with the pain but I'm still loosing too much blood. All the cloth has been soiled ( cough's Blood) it's been two days already, hope Zao made it back on time and saved the Emperor.

(breathing slows down)

It looks like my body can't also hold up much longer, Quan Lun, hope you're alright. Just don't worry about me and try to live happily. I won't mind dying for you.

(Slowly shuts eyes)

"Here!!, here stop the couch; shouted Zao.

"Are you sure?! because here looks very dangerous; exclaimed one guard.

"Yes, I'm sure; said Zao as she got off and walked in a hurried pace along with the Emperor and imperial doctor, hours passed and finally arrived.

"There!!, your Grace; exclaimed Zao as she rushed off.

"Lin Juluu; said the Emperor in shock as he rushed to pick her up gently. Lin Juluu, look at yourself, look at how you've hurt yourself badly.

"Your majesty, let me have a look; said the imperial doctor as he examined her, I'm afraid she can't be treated here!; exclaimed the imperial doctor she has to be rushed out to the hospital for immediate treatment for her wounds are too deep or else she might die.

"No, no I won't let that happen; said the Emperor has he picked up Lin Juluu in his arms and rushed down. Please hold on Lin Juluu, I'm not ready to let you go yet, I can't loose you not now!; cried the Emperor.

I could hear faint voice even though I was unconscious and knew it was Quan Lun's. I'm soo happy you made, just don't worry about me because I won't mind dying for you.