
Love Hurts - Draco Malfoy

Mariposa Ackerman is a witch, her life hasn't been easy. Always being forced to be like her family, except her maniac brother. Mariposa has never had a choice, being made to do things she dreads. At first, she believed Draco Malfoy was the worst person to ever live, until that one day. Mariposa found out that they have much in common, it frightened her. Mariposa had never experienced love, around her was always hatred. Will this known to be obnoxious Slytherin boy, change her ways? ( I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, and some characters are just made up )

bruisedbutterflies · Teen
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- hi my butterflies, I hope you guys are well this week. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As the days drag by, the weekend finally arrives, Melanie and Mariposa were to meet at Hog Head's Pub. For once, a hangout that didn't include dense Pansy. Merlin, that girl got on Mariposa's nerves so fast.

Mariposa gets up after laying for the most of the day, she hasn't gone down to eat, she thought Melanie would come to see her, saying something like "Why didn't you go down to eat?" Foolish thoughts, Melanie didn't come to see her, maybe she was out with Pansy she thought. Mariposa heads to the bathroom and splashes her face, and brushes her teeth. She brushes her hair, pulling out strands of it, she just rolls her eyes.

Mariposa looks through her wardrobe and pulls out a grey sweatshirt and jeans. She puts it on, and looks in the mirror, disappointed, she never has liked her appearance. She grabs her pink converse shoes, that have been used WAY too much. Mariposa sprays herself in perfume, flower field smelling, it's a radiant smell. Mariposa reaches under her bed, she tosses everything down there. A beanie, her signature touch for the past few months.

Out she is headed towards the Pub, walking alone. Before she would walk with Melanie, talk about anything. As she enters the Pub, she spots Melanie, and sees Pansy right next to her.

"Fucking Pansy." Mariposa muttered.

"Mariposa!" waved Melanie.

She approaches the table, and there he is, the platinum blonde scoundrel.

"Mariposa? I didn't expect you here." He scowled, looking up to Mariposa.

"Well, I'm here." Mariposa replied with a glare.

"It doesn't seem like your type of place to be." Draco muttered.

Mariposa slides onto the bench where Draco is sitting. Pansy and Melanie order some butter-beers for the group. But they don't take their eyes off of each other, it's cute in Mariposa's opinion. Even though Mariposa's intentions were to talk with Melanie.

"Wanna get out of here?" Draco whispered, very close to Mariposa. If she turned to face him, there would be no space between each other.

"Um, sure." Mariposa said, she was questioning why she said yes, as curious as she is, she doesn't know where Draco might possibly take her.

Draco grabs onto Mariposa and pulls her out the Pub, his cold hands grasping onto her wrist. They exit out Hogsmeade into a field, it's a beautiful sight indeed. Mariposa stares in awe, the flowers stretch out into afar, it seems never ending.

"It's beautiful, but why did you take me here?" Mariposa asked, walking into the field.

Draco follows her, answering her question, "Figured you might like it. You're the type of people who would."

"What type of people are those?" Mariposa wondered, turning to walk backwards to face Malfoy.

"I don't know actually." Draco says, rubbing his head and grinning. "Your name is Mariposa, it means butterfly. Right?"

"Yes it does mean butterfly. But since when do you care Malfoy?" Mariposa snickers.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Don't think you're special, I've picked up Spanish over the summer!"

"Oh my god, look at this flower!" Mariposa exclaimed, stopping to admire the different types of flowers.

"What about it?" Draco questioned, he had stopped right behind her. "They all look the same."

"Don't ever say that again." Mariposa grumbled, "This is a Common Bluebell and this one over here, is a Harebell." she said, pointing at the purple and blue flowers.

They continued to walk through the fields until they found a new patch of flowers, where Mariposa had stood to admire.

"How do you know so much about flowers?" Draco asked.

"Uh well, we used to have a garden, and I've always been amazed by nature."

"What is this one?" Draco says, reaching out to touch it.

Mariposa grabs his hand before he can touch it, "That's poison ivy, stupid."

"WHAT?" Draco shrieked out.

"I think we should get back to the Pub."

"And third wheel? I'll pass." Draco scoffed.

"Do you have a better idea?" Mariposa sneered.

"I mean, I have weed on me, we could go to your dorm." Draco suggested.

Mariposa stared, she had never tried weed, she never had any time for that, she was either moping or disassociating with the world.

Mariposa shrugs, "We'll stop at my dorm first to get my bong and we'll head to your dorm." Draco said.

"Why can't we stay at your dorm?"

"Because! Umbridge came up to me yesterday saying 'I hope the smell isn't coming from your room' I hate the stupid witch." Draco said, mocking Umbridge.

Mariposa giggled, "I thought you were her favorite!"

"That's what I thought too. Guess not!"

Mariposa and Draco talk the whole way back to the school, for once they didn't despise each other. Both socializing like human beings do, no hatred at all. Talking about anything and everything, from flowers to stupid childhood memories.

Mariposa stood outside Draco's dorm, peeking through the door, he rummages through his stuff to find his bong. He comes outside, tucking the bong under his green hoodie.

"Lead the way!" Draco said.

"Follow me, ferret boy."

"OH CMON, it was ONE time!" Draco shouted.

"Hey, you'll get Umbridge called on us." Mariposa warned.

Draco rolled his eyes and followed Mariposa to her dorm, she walked in and held the door open for him.

"Hurry up, Umbridge would slaughter us if she saw us together, she separates the girls from the boys now."

"I despise that decision of hers, how the hell am I supposed to shag girls now?" Draco groaned.

Mariposa laughed, even though that did hurt her feelings, Draco had no interest in her, she truly believes Draco can like her. Mariposa locks the door behind her and saw Draco look around her room. His eyes didn't know where to start, either the messy clothing pile, the posters hanging up, the random cassettes around the room, the undone bed, or the notebook pile.

"This room of yours?" Draco hesitated, scratching his head. "Very, hmm unique."

"I think there was a compliment in that?"

"I don't know, but let's get to the point." Draco said as he sat down on the floor, lighting the bong up.

Draco takes the first hit, Mariposa watches attentively to not mess up when he hands it to her. Draco inhales and then exhales smoothly, Mariposa tries to avoid to find that hot. But Merlin, Draco looked hot when he was smoking.

"You go." Draco said pointing to it.

Mariposa grabbed the bong, and put her lips against it, inhaling the smoke, she looked up and exhaled, not as smoothly as Draco but it was close.

"How do you feel?" Draco asked.

"Very, funny."

"That's normal for a first timer. You took it very well, fast learner." Draco chuckled.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW I NEVER TRIED IT!" Mariposa stated in a defensive tone.

"First, you were staring at me. Second, you got really defensive just now. And third, doesn't seem like your thing."  Draco explained.


"Also you're a good girl." Draco mumbled before taking another hit.

Mariposa just looked at him, he looked up and smirked. That stupid smirk, ever since he knew how and when to use it, he pulled girls left to right, but Mariposa struggled to not let herself go.

"What are all those notebooks?" Draco said nudging over to the pile.

"Oh, those. They have doodles, drawings, notes, anything really."

"Could I perhaps see them?" Draco said in a mocking voice.


Draco grabs the blue notebook and flips through it, looking through every other page carefully.

"You can really draw Mariposa. I had always underestimated you." Draco said pointing to a drawing of her mother. "Is that?-"

"Yeah, it's her, my mom." Mariposa says.

"Could you draw me?" Draco asked, switching the topic of the conversation.

"I guess so." Mariposa gets up and looks for her current notebook.

He tilts his head and smirks, of course Draco Malfoy would pose in that way, he truly is cocky. Mariposa sketches him and starts to draw the most important parts of him.

The cheekbones that stick out his face.

His mesmerizing eyes. 

The funny nose he has.

"Here, look at it." Mariposa says handing over the notebook.

"It really does look like me." He says, looking at the carefully drawn boy.

"What are you going to write about me?" Draco asked.

Mariposa starts jotting down something in her notebook and signs the drawing. She hands the notebook back to Draco.

"Draco Malfoy, an interesting boy in my opinion. One day, he can be cocky and arrogant, but other days, he can be a little more tolerable. Draco can go ghost on you after talking to you. I believe there's good in every bad, and Draco has good in him." Draco mocked.

"What did you want me to write? Draco Malfoy is a rather annoying character, I would throw him off the stairs if I had the option." Mariposa rambled, she was quite embarrassed. Mariposa thought he would like what she wrote about him.

Draco chuckles, "I find that funny, because I know you wouldn't."

Mariposa rolls her eyes, "I hope you twist and turn in your grave Malfoy."

Draco gets up and looks over around Mariposa's room, looking at the small snow globes she has, the pile of books she has, and the random crystals.

"Little Women?" Draco asked, picking up Mariposa's favorite book.

"Yes, that is my favorite book. It breaks all rules, I enjoy it, I wish I could read it for the first time again."

"IT? A very weird title for a book." Draco remarked, shuffling through the pages of the book.

"I mean, if there was a creepy ass clown that you didn't know the name of, it would make sense to call it 'It'."

"Why do your books have writing them?" Draco questioned, showing Mariposa the notes written down.

"Well, I like writing little notes. Helps me and helps other people when I have to lend someone my book."

"The Diary of Anne Frank! Seems girly." said Draco.

"Quite the opposite, Anne Frank is a girl who hid while the Nazi were out to get the Jewish. Not as girly like you think."

"We're going to play a little game, I'll name the books you have, and you give me a short description. One Hundred Years of Solitude." Draco stated, he didn't leave time for Mariposa to say yes to playing, he is quite a straight forward figure.

"The rise and fall of a town, talking about the family generations that lived there too."

"In the Time of the Butterflies?"

"A group of girls who tried to overthrow the dictator of their country but failed horribly."

"The Outsiders."

"It's pretty interesting, it shows the outcomes of being in a gang, and the friendship between Ponyboy and Johnny is just amazing."

"Could I perhaps read this one?"


Draco groans, "Ugh yes, I want to read this book. Is there a problem with that?"

"You can read it. Give it back though."

He starts flipping through the pages, and looks at Mariposa, "Why is your room so dark?"

"I don't know, why have light?" Mariposa giggled.

"Well, I'm afraid to say, that I have to leave." Draco said, picking up his stuff.

"I'll see you around I suppose."

"Later Ackerman." Draco said, while waving back.

Mariposa locked her room, and started writing under the drawing of Draco.

"The boy who's eyes had always mesmerized me, a boy who I want to hate but I just can't, the boy I'm confused over."

Mariposa lays on her floor, wondering of all the possibilities, of her and Draco, the fantasy of living in Northern Italy and the dream life she seeks for. The amount of money she would give for her to become a successful writer in the hidden places of Italy, because she despises tourist Italy. She loves Italy in general, but she'd rather live in small quiet town, which seems as if it had been erased from the maps.

Memories start to flood into Mariposa's head, flashbacks that she didn't think would still linger in her head. 

flashback -

"I'm going to show you something special Mariposa." Her mother said. She held Mariposa's hand ever so gently, with so much love radiating.

"What is it Mommy?" 7 year old Mariposa questioned.

"It's a surprise." answered her mother.

They walk for a few minutes, stopping because Mariposa would name the flowers she would find on her way. Or they would play I-Spy, just like normal mothers and daughters would. After the walk, they arrived at their destination.

"This is a bookstore." Her mother told Mariposa as they walked into the store.

Mariposa stared in awe at all the books, she looked through the shelves until she found the book she took home. "The Polar Express", at the time, it was a very popular Christmas story.

Present Time -

The memory faded away from her head, so she proceeded to get up and light a cigarette. Maybe weed wasn't her "thing" but cigs were, they were there for her when she had felt lonely and empty. As the smoke enters her lungs, it leaves a burning sensation in her throat. 

"Fuck." she muttered.

She burns out the cig, and goes to her notebook. 

september 6th, 1995

i'd like to say this day was normal, but it was quite the opposite. draco, is rather, weird. he's showing some sort of soft side to him, i like it very much. but it's very unusual since he can be such a dickhead sometimes. could this mean something? is it, that perhaps draco malfoy fancies me?

Mariposa closes her book and leaves it on the floor. When she approaches to exit her dorm, Melanie comes in crashing. She's not sober AT ALL.

"I'm tiree-eed." Melanie mumbles. Melanie slams herself onto the bed and falls right to sleep. Of course, Mariposa was always going to be there for her. 

"Now you need me, don't you?" Mariposa scoffed as she left the room. 

Mariposa walks down the cold halls, until she arrives at the library. She had to study for potions, but she always procrastinated and put it off to the side. Mariposa browses the shelves until she finds a few books.

"Ackerman, I figured you would be here." 

"Malfoy, what are YOU doing here?"

"I thought you would be in the fictional section, rather than the potions section... Are you turning into your bookworm friend?" Malfoy rambled on.

"I have to study, we have a potions assessment in 2 weeks. I hope you haven't forgotten."

"I haven't, been studying for the past few days, unlike someone who's been putting it off. But what else can I expect from a little rat?"

Mariposa rolls her eyes, and walks off, what had happened to the Draco who took her to the field of flowers?

"HEY! Don't leave me talking to myself, might ruin my reputation." Draco scoffed catching up to Mariposa.

"That's all you care about, you egocentric fucker."

"Hey." Draco said, grabbing her arm, causing her to spin around to face him. "I was just playing around, take a joke."

"If that was supposed to be a joke. It wasn't funny at all. Now let go of me."

"You don't control me Ackerman." 

"You don't either." Mariposa spat, as she made Draco lose his grip on her.

Mariposa walks off, leaving Draco speechless and standing in the middle of the hall.

Mariposa walks angrily to her room, her mind flooding with questions.

Why did I think Draco would change?

I wasn't going to make him change.

Why would I think Draco fancied me?

Why do I have hopes in Draco?

She gets in her dorm and slams the door, Mariposa is burning in anger. She can't put the blame on Draco because she had already been pissed, Melanie just prancing into her room didn't really appeal to her. Remembering, Melanie wasn't on Mariposa's bed anymore. Of course, she had gone and left without warning like always.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck everyone, stupid asses don't even care about me."

Mariposa slides down the closed door, and starts sobbing. Hot tears stream down her face, she crawls to find her Walkman, and plays "Come As You Are" by Nirvana.

She turns around and lays on her floor, facing her ceiling. Creating puddles of tears on the cold wood floor. 

"Why couldn't I have a normal childhood?" Mariposa cried out.

"You wouldn't be you without it." laughed, a voice, that caused shivers to crawl up on Mariposa.

"Adrian?" Mariposa trembled, as she sat up.

"Yes, your brother dearest." he smirked, an evil look plastered all over his face.

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to see you cry, for once I didn't cause it." Adrian grinned.

"Why do you hate me so much? I'm your sister."

"I've been waiting for you to ask this, for so long." Adrian mumbled.

"Say it now."

"I just hate you, you've gotten everything I wanted."

"You wanted to see mom die?"

"Yes, because then I could've helped her. What did you do? Stand there and stare. You left her there helpless. You did nothing. You're the reason why she's dead."


"Always excusing yourself, typical of you." her hate-filled brother scoffed.

"You don't remember that day? Don't you?" Mariposa said. "You were supposed to come along." Mariposa chuckled, "You can't blame me on everything hermanito."


"You were supposed to come along with us, but you and your jealously. You said 'I would go, but Mariposa is going too. I'd rather die, than going with her.' Oh, but of course you aren't going to remember that."

"That- I- But-"

"Don't worry, I won't tell dear father. We don't even talk, because of you." Mariposa was over the years of tormenting, how he manipulated her throughout the years. "You've always been out to hurt me, now it's my turn."

"What are you trying to say?" 

"Your father, hated me because of you. He disowned me, because you switched up the story to benefit you. You've lied so much, you got trapped in your own world. All made up. You could never see me happy, you always wanted to see me crying. Why? It was all because my dearest brother was an insecure pussy. You destroyed me, mentally and physically. While you cried to your daddy, who did I cry to? No one, I had NO ONE. HOW DO YOU THINK THAT FEELS?" Mariposa screamed out.

"Fuck you. That's why you're cursed, stupid little motherfucker. I hope you and Draco have a happy little life." Adrian said, before he apparated away. 

Cursed? What did he mean by that? Draco? He's been spying on Mariposa, that's the least important thing right now. Mariposa felt powerful, for once. She was able to hurt her brother, her long awaited revenge had finally arrived. Mariposa opened her window and sat on the sill, swinging her legs outside.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill yourself?" Ron Weasley asked.

"I'm okay, Weasley." 

"Don't fall off!" Hermione added.

Mariposa didn't hate the Trio, she just wasn't fond of them. Hermione seemed a bit stuck up, and Ron thinks he can be nice now after the glares he would give her during the first years. Two-faced, was something that described them.

"What could you possibly be doing up there?" Malfoy yelled out from the ground.

Mariposa just ignored him, he laughed and walked into the castle again. 

"You aren't going to fool me anymore Malfoy, no one is." Mariposa muttered.

The sun starts to set, causing the sky to look red and orange, with hints of yellow. Even if Mariposa avoids Draco, she can't seem to not think of him. It's practically impossible, that pale white boy always lingered her mind.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, Draco and Mariposa are going to be on AND off for the next few chapters. But I seem to love the beginning of their story. I wish you guys have a great day, because I have to go to Walmart later with my family. Stay safe butterflies <333