
Love Held in Abeyance

Love is a very important part of one's life, and if there is uncertainty, it should not be pursued. Astrid Blaire Pierce is one of the thousand people who have lost the true meaning of love. She is one of those people who have looked for love at the wrong place, and also at the wrong time. After some failed relationship experiences with Audrey and Cameron, at last, she has found her true love, Hunter. Will she be able to overcome all the odds? Remember, the struggle to find one's perfect match is worth it in the end.

nixrsr · Teen
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21 Chs



"It's okay." I smiled hiding the irritation that I'm feeling.

I muttered a soft curse. So soft that no one probably heard it.

Really. Is she an actress? She acts well, huh? She managed to change her reactions real quick. I heard she's a model. Maybe she should audition change her profession. An actress really suits her well.

"Oh no, did I ruin your shirt?" she looked worried but no. I won't get fooled by her.

"Yes. But it's okay." I said while trying to remove the stain with tissue.

What the hell? It won't come off!

I groaned.

"I'm really sorry. Maybe I can buy you a shirt? Or I can pay you, cold cash." I felt that as an insult. Her smirk seemed natural but it did not pass my eyes. She started to look through her wallet and I was shocked to see all her cards and mind you, she has tons of cold cash!

"Here take this." She said as she pulled out the cash from her wallet and she's giving it to me but I quickly declined it while waving my hands.

"Oh no. I can buy one myself later. No need to give me cash." I smiled with my mouth closed to hide my gritted teeth.

"It seems like you need it. You looked very… poor." She looked at me from head to foot and back up.

I gasped.

Is that an insult?

"Excuse me?" I tried not to sound annoyed but I just can't help it.

"I didn't mean it that way. I was just trying to he-" I cut her off.

"You know what? Stop trying to be nice." I am very much irritated now.

"Oh my, look at you. Even your attitude is poor." She chuckled.

"Back off!" Saph interrupted. She pushed her and that's what makes her step back a little.

I noticed that a lot of people is watching us. Some are even recording. Of course, who wouldn't, right? She is a freaking model. We are very much in a trouble now! So instead of talking back again, I pulled Sapphires arm. She hesitated to come with me for a bit but when I looked at her with pleaded eyes, she nodded and let me drag her out of the coffee shop.

All eyes are on us when we walked out of the shop. They're looking at us with a hint of judgement at their faces.

Gosh. This is embarrassing!


"What is this?" I looked at Maddox with questioning eyes.

Saph and I just arrived at our headquarters. I have just sat down when I heard his exclaim. I have a hunch that it was about what happened at the coffee shop.

"What?" I asked.

"You little witch. Come here and watch this!" Aspen said with gritted teeth.

"What's the matter?" I stood up and walked towards them to see what they are talking about.

I covered my mouth to stop the scream that may come out anytime. I was shocked to see the video of us at the coffee shop. It's been two days since then but the video was released just now!

The video is cut. Every time that Olivia would fire back at me, the video would just be cut then would continue if it's our turn to talk. This is just one-sided, geez! We looked like a villain here.

Someone posted it at the school page with the headline, 'Blaire, a senior high school student, has the guts to oppose the student-model, Olivia.'

The headline really gave me goosebumps.

Honestly, the video was not that bad. The headline is what makes it bad. I appeared as the villain based from it.

"What about it?" I ran my hand through my hair out of frustration.

"This is a mess, Blaire. You are completely misunderstood!" Maddox whined.

"Are you guys okay? Saph, are you okay?" I raised my eyebrows at Damon who is asking us if we're okay but his eyes are only fixed at Sapphire.

"Should I call my friend to take that video down? I assure you, he's such a good hacker." Stephen butted in.

What is this? Call a friend?

"No need. I'm sure it will die down after a few days." I sighed. I just don't want to trouble them. I just hope I can face this myself.

"For sure you'll get a lot of haters because she has lots of supporters." Maddox smirked.

"What do you expect? If it's not haters then what would we get? Lovers?" I scoffed.

I'm a little bit worried. For sure, Tyler must have heard of this. The video was just posted a minute or so ago, it already has a thousand views!

I'm more worried because Cameron doesn't know that his ex just came back from Australia. What would he feel when he finds out about this?

Just when I was having thoughts of what he would feel, my phone beeped indicating that someone just texted me.


What's the video about? We'll talk later.

My heart beat fast when I read his message. I just replied 'okay' then turned my phone off. What was he thinking just now? Honestly, I'm nervous on what he might say. His text looked serious and dry. Normally, his texts would always include his endearment to me like 'sweetheart' or 'darling.'

"What do you want us to do about this?" Damon said looking concerned.

"Nothing. It's fine. It's okay." I gave them a reassuring smile.

They seemed to buy what I said since they stopped asking. I wanted to say that it is not okay but I don't want them to worry.

There's nothing wrong about them releasing the video. What I'm just worried about is that it was only one-sided. It looked like we are attacking Olivia which is not true. My eyes clearly saw how she intended to pour it on me.

Even if we try to explain ourselves, I know that they just won't hear us out. They're too focused at Olivia to the point that they didn't even bother to ask what happened and how did it happened. They just judged us straight up without knowing the whole story.

We just got out of the headquarters and for an instant, I knew that the students were whispering something about us.

'Why are the boys with them?'

'She really has the guts to befriend popular guys'

'She's so stupid to talk back at Olivia'

'I heard that Olivia came back for her love'

What? Her love?

I was just about to turn around and ask them but a hand pulled me back. I looked up and saw Stephen.

"Hey, just ignore them alright?" he said and I just nodded.

I guess I can't really do anything about it.


My palms were sweating out of nervousness when I arrived at the lobby.

Cameron called me earlier to remind me that we'll meet and talk about something. I said that we should meet at our usual dining place but he insisted that we should do it here at his condo.

"Oh, look who's here."

I looked up to see who it was.

I let out a sigh when I saw that it's Olivia. What is she doing here by the way? Don't tell me that she's in the same building as Cameron.

"What?" I said out of annoyance.

"Won't you ask me what I'm doing here?" a smirk plastered at her face.

"No. Why would I?" I raised my brows.

"Because for sure, you will go nuts when you find out." She chuckled.

"Do I even care?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Why not? It's your boyfriend who I visited here. You still don't care?" my brows furrowed at her statement.

She even has the guts to come to my boyfriend's condo. What are they? Friends? As far as I know it's hard to be friends with someone whom you have a past with.

"Oh, it seems like you don't know. Does he even tell you his whereabouts?" she said pointing at my face.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk past her.

I could have gotten away from her when her words suddenly stopped me.

"Be careful. I'm planning to take him back. Do not take your eyes off of him."

It doesn't seem like a threat.

It was more of a warning saying that anytime, she is ready to take him back.