
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

I will have her if you don't mind

I lift my head and look at him.

Was it him?

The boy I bumped into in the restaurant and the one on the flight.

They have the same eyes and voice!

It is him!

But what is he doing here?

"Ian and Lucas, cover me!" he screams at two other boys.

They nodded their head and covered us while he ran with me.

He stopped when he brought me somewhere safe.

"Stay here," he says.

He wanted to walk away, but I grabbed his hand.

"What now?!" he asks.

Don't you recognize me? I ask him.

"And why would I recognize you? Like you are someone important," he says while jerking his hand from mine.

But... But my sister is still out there.

I can't stay here, not knowing whether she is safe or not. I say to him, hoping he will help me.

"Don't worry. I will make sure no one innocent is harmed," he says while running off before I could even say something else.

What shall I do now?

Where can I find Evelyn?

What if she is in danger? I say, panicking.

I ran and went where she left me last time.

They were still shooting around, so I hid behind the bench, wishing I could find her again.

Without me noticing, someone comes behind me and grabs me by my neck while holding his gun to the side of my forehead.

I scream in fear.

I tremble.

"Nathan! Are you going to give up now that I have your lover?" says the man holding me, laughing.


What does he mean?

Was this seriously fun to him when I was peeing in my pants?

"What made you think that she was my lover? I told you I am not interested in anyone," he says.

I know that voice.

It is him.

So his name was Nathan? I ask myself.

Why was he here, and why was he involved in this stuff?

"And wasn't one of our promises that we wouldn't hurt anyone innocent? She has nothing to do with this," says Nathan.

"If she isn't your lover, then why are you defending her soo much?" asks the man.

I am not his lover!

I don't even know him! I say to the man.

"Stay still and don't talk. Don't blame me for hurting you for real if you talk again," he says while strengthening his grip around my neck.

I cough.

Why was this happening to me again?

Wasn't everything else enough? I say, tears leaving my eyes.

The man starts to laugh again.

"Nathan, if you don't give up now, you won't see her again. I will have her if you don't mind. She is gorgeous, " says the man while disgustingly touching my cheek.

I jerk my head away from him.

Feeling disgusted by his touch, I shake in fear.

Nathan looks me in the eyes.

He slowly goes down and puts his gun down while gesturing for the others to do the same as him.

The people with the disgusting man were still holding up their guns.

"I give up. See. Now let her go. She has nothing to do with this," says Nathan, still looking me in the eyes as if he was telling me something.

It was as if he was telling me that he was sorry.

It reminded me of Dani.

I didn't like the fact that he was pitying me.

I don't know where my courage came from, but I gathered all my strength in my hand and squeezed the man's private part.

The man screamed in pain and loosened his grip on me.

That was my chance to get away from him.

I ran as fast as I could towards Nathan's side.

Nathan quickly picked up his gun and shot the man in the leg, and the shooting started again.

I covered my ears.

Nathan took my hand and put me behind him.

That is when we heard the police siren, and the men started going into their cars while helping the man Nathan shot in the leg.

I guess he was their boss, seeing how they were soo devoted to him.

Nathan turns himself to me and looks me in the eyes.

"Nathan! What are you doing? We have to go!" says one of the boys he called their names earlier.

He puts off his jacket and puts it on for me.

"I am sorry about what happened today," he says.

I thought you didn't care. I say to him rudely.

I didn't mean to be rude, but everything was too much for me.

The fact that it happened because they thought I was close to him annoyed me even more.

"It all happened because of a misunderstanding, so I should care," he says.

He gently tilts his hands up toward my face and wipes away my tears with his thumbs.

"It was courageous of you to fight him like that. It made it easier for me to save you," he says.

Huh, don't think so highly of yourself.

You didn't save me. I saved myself. I tell him sternly, looking away from him.

He chuckles.

I look at him, not believing he just laughed.

Wow, I can't believe you find this situation funny because it isn't a joke to me at all.

"Okay, Okay, I am sorry. It is my fault," Nathan says.

"Nathan, you can spend another time with her, but we have to go now!" says the other boy.

"Will you be fine on your own?" he asks me.

Why should you care? I say.

Just go!

I hope we will never meet again. I say to him.

He slowly lets go of me and walks toward his fellows.

They all go in a car, and one of his friends pulls him towards the car.

Nathan got in the car, and I noticed his friends weren't happy about what Nathan was doing.

I don't know why but I had this disturbing feeling in my stomach at the fact that he wasn't here anymore.

After a few seconds, the police come running towards me.

"Madam, are you okay?" asked one of the policemen while the others examined the place.

I nod my head at him.

"Do you know these people?" he asks me.

I shake my head.

I didn't know any of them.

The man nods and brings me to sit down somewhere.

I don't know why I lied.

But honestly, isn't it true that I don't know him.

I don't want to meet him anymore, either.

I don't care what he is involved in.

We won't meet again anyway.

"You can calm down now. You are safe here. Do you have anyone we can contact for you?" the policeman asks me.

While I wanted to answer him, I heard Evelyn's voice.

"Mia! I am so happy I found you. Are you okay?" she asked while checking to see if I was hurt.

I am fine.

Luckily I didn't get hurt at all. I said to Evelyn so that she would calm down.

"I don't know what I would have done if you got hurt," she says, crying.

I put her in a hug while getting emotional myself.

I got reminded of everything that just happened to me.

I start to cry as well, and Evelyn hugs me tighter.

After a few seconds, I hear a voice that looks like our father.

I look at the way the voice was coming from and see father running towards us.

I brake the hug and look at Evelyn.

"I called him here after I couldn't find you. I was petrified at the thought of something happening to you and stressed out. I didn't know what to do, so I called him here," Evelyn says.

Father put us both in a hug the moment he reached us.

"I am so relieved that you both are okay," he says while hugging us tighter.

The police come to us.

"Hello, Mr Mason. I am the captain. We feel honoured that you came here," he says.

I look amazed at dad.

He seems to be a respected man.

Now, I see why stepmom is acting like that.

Dad greets them as well.

"No need for the formalities. Do you guys know anything about what happened today?" asks my father, the policeman.

"The only thing we know is that they are gang members, but why they were fighting, we don't know yet. They are getting followed by our fellow members," says the policeman.

So, he is a member of a gang? I say, not believing everything that I just heard.

"Darling, are you okay? You look distressed," father asks me, and I look at him.

I fake a smile at him.

I am okay.

Don't worry about me.

Can we go home?

"Of course, let's get going," he says while taking Evelyn and my hands and taking us towards the car.

Uncle Robin sees us coming and opens the door for us.

Evelyn and I go in while father goes in the front seat.

Uncle Robin starts the engine.

We left the house thinking that I was going to have fun today.

I would have never thought that this would have happened.

I still can't forget how that disgusting man touched me.

I could still feel his hand touching me, but when I think about Nathan, weird enough, that feeling blurs.

I still can't believe that Nathan is part of a gang group.

But why is it bothering me soo much?

Why do I care if he is alive or part of a gang member?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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