
Love Heals All Wounds

How would you feel if a stranger knocked at your door? This situation is what happens to Mia which startles her, although she wouldn't want to live with her aunt, who manipulates and maltreats her. How will she deal with going to school for the first time and getting pestered by the most popular guy at school? She knows that she has to stay away from him, but something is just pulling her toward him. What was this emotion that she was feeling?? This is a sad story with abuse and foul language. If you want to know what happens with Mia, click fast on the READ button. This is my own story, so don't COPY anything here. Also, I give all praise of the cover to the owner of the cover!! I DON'T own this cover!! I did all the editing myself! Love:)))) FAHHZ

fahhz · Teen
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36 Chs

A surprise

Mia's POV:

Today, I am going back to college again.

I am feeling nervous a little, but with Nathan's help, I know I haven't missed a lot, either.

I quickly put on my clothes and a little bit of make-up and go downstairs.

As always, Dad was waiting for me in front of the door.

"Just make sure to come back if it's a lot for you," he says, kissing me on my forehead.

I smile at his caring behaviour.

I nod my head.

"Make sure to have fun as well," he screams after I leave.

I looked at my dad, who had a cheesy smile on his face, and then I looked at Nathan, who was smirking my way.

"Good morning, sweetheart," he says, having the smile on that I loved the most.

Is there something I should know? I ask him, ignoring the fluttering in my heart.

"Not really," he says, acting like everything is fine.

Okay. I say, still being suspicious.

I put on my helmet, and Nathan starts the engine.

In no time, we were in college.

Nathan parks, and I go off.

I put off my helmet and was fixing my hair when I noticed Nathan looking at me like I was the most exciting thing on earth.

Why are you looking at me like that? I ask.

"You look so hot when you do that," he says, grabbing my waist and putting me close to him.

Nathan, we are in college. I say, trying not to look like a tomato.

"But what can I do when you are doing this to me?" he says, putting my hand on his heart.

His heart was beating so fast, just like mine, like they were one.

We stayed like that for a minute.

Nathan, we have to go to our lessons. I tell him, trying to break free from his grip on my waist.

"But I want a kiss first," he says, acting like a kid.

I smile at his cute behaviour.

I give him a quick kiss and look away from him, blushing.

"What? You can't call that a kiss," he says, whining.

Nathan, we have to go. I say, finally freeing myself from his grip.

"You know I will get my kiss later," he says in my ear, sending a shiver down my body.

I chuckle at his behaviour.

I hear someone screaming my name and look at where the voice came from.

I smile when I see Violet running towards me.

She puts me in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh, I am so happy you came. You don't know how much I missed you," she says.

I missed you too. I say, hugging Violet back.

I see Ian and Lucas walking towards us.

I could see the girls whispering and giggling when they passed them.

I look at Lucas with a questionable look.

"I came here to check on you and to see our lover boy as he decided to give his time to you and forget about us," says Lucas, joking.

"How are you feeling?" asks Ian.

I let Violet go and smiled at them.

I am feeling much better, guys.

Thank you for everything. I thank them genuinely.

"You don't have to thank us. We didn't do much," says Ian, smiling.

"That is for you to say. Remember she woke up because of me," says Lucas proudly.

Ian gives him an irritated look, and Violet and I laugh at them.

Nathan says Hi to them.

I could see he was happy to see them again.

My heart melted at the sight.

They leave after they tell us they have something to talk about.

Violet and I leave as well to go to class.

I could hear girls talking about me on our way to class, but I tried to ignore them as much as I could till the devil of the college stopped us.

We looked at her, and as always, she looked gorgeous, unlike her attitude.

"Violet, I can't believe you are taking her side when you know she is just using Nathan to get popular," she says in the most annoying voice ever.

I look at her, shocked.

I still can't believe she thinks like that.

Violet takes a deep breath.

"Zoey, you know Mia is not doing anything like that. You just can't accept that Nathan likes Mia," Violet says, crossing her hands.

I could see Zoey getting irritated.

"Just because you are using your looks to get him doesn't mean you won yet," she says while giving me the dirtiest look ever.

She walks away, and I sigh.

"Just don't listen to her. She is jealous," says Violet, comforting me.

Jealous of me?

What do I have that can make her jealous? I ask her, dumbfounded at the fact that Zoey was feeling that way.

"She has liked Nathan for a long time. Nathan never gave any thought to any girl, even if she was charming. He was going through a hard time, so when I found out he found out that he liked someone, I was so happy but shocked at the same time, but I am happy that it's you," says Violet, squeezing my hand in a lovely way.

I smiled at her, not understanding why Nathan would choose me over someone like Zoey.

She was gorgeous, intelligent, and popular, and all the boys would kill just to date her.

Trying to get that thought out of my head, I go to my lessons.


After a tiring day, I finished all my lessons and was eager to go home.

The teachers were happy to have me back in their lessons.

Violet and I walk outside.

I stopped to say goodbye to Violet when I saw Nathan waiting for me.

"Okay, make sure to have fun," says Violet, hugging me.

I let go of her, and she winks at me, walking away.

She waves at Nathan, and so does he.

Why is everyone acting so weird today? I ask myself.

I walk to Nathan.

So, are you going to tell me what is going on? I ask him.

"It's a surprise," he says, handing me my helmet.

I take it from him and put it on.

I go on his motor, and we take off.

After a forty-minute ride, we arrive in front of a gate.

The guards open the gate when they see us coming.

After a minute or two, Nathan stopped in front of something I couldn't call house. This mansion was more significant than ours.

It was so beautiful and elegant with a bit of vintage.

It screamed wealth and luxury.

It was beyond my imagination.

We both got off the motor, and I took off my helmet, still not taking my eyes off this mansion in front of me.

"Shall we?" asks Nathan, gesturing for me to take his hand.

Where are we? I ask him, still amazed at the beauty in front of me.

"We are at my house. Well, I don't really come here that much after my father.." he says, stopping midway.

I look at him, knowing what he means.

I smile at him and take his hand, squeezing it a bit.

Was this the surprise? I ask him.

"It is still in the house," he says.

I take a deep breath and nod.

We walked towards the door, which was opened before we even knocked.

I stood there in shock.

Did the door just open itself? I ask him, confused.

"Welcome home, young master," say two maids out of nowhere.

I look at them, startled.

Oh, so you guys opened the door? I ask them.

Nathan laughs at my state, and I slap myself mentally.

Just how stupid was that?

The two maids laugh as well.

"Just call me Nathan and this is my girlfriend, Mia," he says, smiling.

"Oh, welcome young madam," they say at the same time, and Nathan rolls his eyes at the fact that they didn't listen to him.

We go inside, and I am not lying when I say that inside is even better than out.

I have no words for it.

A woman who looked like she was in her thirties came walking towards us.

I gasped at the beauty in front of me.

She was so beautiful.

Her hair was midnight black, and it beautifully flowed over her shoulders. Her dress fitted perfectly on her, complimenting her curves.

She was an older version of Nathan.

I got nervous the closer she got.

Her smile was so warm.

"Hey, Mom. How are you?" says Nathan, leaving my hand and hugging her.



Are we here to meet his mom?! I ask myself.

"Mom, as you know, she is Mia, my girlfriend," says Nathan, looking my way.

I stood there like a statue, not knowing what to do.

"Hii Mia. I am Camila, Nathan's mom. I am 45, am an actress and so happy to meet you," she says with a big smile on her face.

"Mom, you are acting like you are having a job interview," says Nathan, whining.

"What? Can't I be nervous while meeting my daughter-in-law?" she says playfully, glaring at Nathan.

What? Daughter-in-law?

I blush at the word.

"Ahh, look at her blushing. I was soo excited to meet you," she says, putting me in a hug.

I slowly hug her back.

Nathan gives me a reassuring smile.

We break the hug.

"Oh darling, you are so beautiful," she says.

I thank her shyly.

"Why don't you guys go change while I go check on dinner?" she says.

"Yes, Mom," says Nathan, and she walks away.

You should have told me that we were going to meet your mom.

I must have looked like a weirdo in front of her. I say to him.

Nathan laughs while walking towards me.

I glare at him.

"That is why it is called a surprise," he says, grabbing my waist.

I pushed him away, but he didn't even flinch as always.

"And mom has been wanting to meet you for a while now," he says, connecting our foreheads.

But I would have prepared myself, at least. I say, looking into Nathan's eyes.

"You are just fine the way you are," he says.

But still... I wanted to say something when he cut me off by connecting our lips.

I gasped at the move, and he took this as a chance to deepen the kiss.

After a minute or two, we let go, panting for air.

Nathan smirks at seeing my flushed face.

Do you always have to do that? I ask, slapping him on his chest.

"You talk too much, darling," he says, still having that smirk on his face.

I looked away from him, acting like I was mad.

He hugs me from the back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"And that is how you are supposed to kiss me next time," he says in my ear.

I could feel his smirk on my skin.

I froze at how he was casually just flirting with me.

Who said I will kiss you again? I say, elbowing him in the stomach.

"Owwh," he says, acting like he is in pain.

"If I knew that you were this strong, I would have sparred with you," he says.

You box? I ask him.

"Huhu, with Ian and Lucas."

You should teach me. I say, smiling at him.

"You sure? It may not be your cup of tea," he says.

I wanna try it out. You never know; I may need it someday. I don't want to depend on people. I want to be able to protect myself when I am in danger. I say.

"Sure, no problem with me, but it's not a bad thing to depend on people either. You can depend on those that love you," he says, looking at me with the softest expression.

I know, but this way, I can protect myself emotionally. After all, you guys won't be there all the time.

He nods his head and gives me a hug.

"I understand, but I also want you to know that you are not a burden. You can always depend on me, and I will do my best to tend to your needs and desires."

I hug him back tightly.

I know, and I appreciate it, but I don't want to take you for granted. I say, smiling.

Hi guys!

Has been a while since I have updated but hopefully you guys will enjoy this chapter just I have :)

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