
Love Hate Relationship

"Three rules: Don't talk to me, Don't touch me, Stay out of my business." Hearing that from her supposed husband on their wedding night, Sasha White or rather Sasha Brown had to question herself about the meaning of marriage without those. Being married to the handsome billionaire, Michael Brown. Sasha for one was the most happy because she has been crushing on him since their school days but can't pursue him because of the fact that it was known in the whole school, that he is gay.

Goodness_Shadrach · Urban
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37 Chs

Three rules

Sasha fectched out a black lingerie from the bag she carried into the bathroom and put on, she also applied her deodorant and her perfume. She brushed her hair and then applied her facial cream, she checked her side view in the mirror and smiled, she is beautiful, she knows, which is why the guys find it difficult to let her go but it was not satisfying since she couldn't catch the eyes of the most handsome in school, Michael Brown.

All that has change now, she is his wife and she is going to do everything within her power to make him see the goodness in women. She smiled at that thought before giving herself one last glance at the mirror and nodded, satisfied with what she saw, she stepped out of the bathroom into bedroom.

Shocked to see her husband in the bedroom, sitting on the stool with his laptop on the desk, she gasped, when did he come in? Well it doesn't matter, he is here now, she stood at the bathroom door and stared at him, wanting to know if he will look at her but he seemes so engrossed in whatever he is typing into his laptop, she pouted and walked to her dressing table and sat down, pretending to brush her hair again while staring at him through the mirror, damn, his back is awesome, she wondered what it will look like without the shirt on.

She watched him save his file and shutdown the laptop, it is time, she thought and turned to face him, he too was facing her with his legs crossed, his black hair so flat on his head and shiny like he had just stepped out of the shower, his shirt was half opened, his crystal blue eyes burning into hers and his oh sweet sexy pink lips, closed in a thin line, she found it hard to stop staring at it and was called out of her reverie with the sound of him clearing his throat.

He smiled faintly, watching those lips arched upward, Sasha felt her heart beat increasing "I believe you are done and relaxed now" his deep sensational voice penetrated into her mind.

She stared at him and slightly gave a nod and he nodded too "good, course I want what I have to say now to sink in deeply" he stopped for a moment "being my wife comes with some rules and should you abide by it, we won't have issues."

Rules? Rules in marriage? Since when did that become a thing? Sasha thought but she can't get herself to question him now.

"Three rules:

Don't talk to me,

Don't touch me,

Stay out of my business."

Sasha eyes widened in shock, what will be marriage without those things? How can she be married to him but she is not allowed to talk to him? Not allowed to touch him? Forget about the business one, she can handle it but the other two?

Michael stared at her wide eye expression without uttering a single word again, when he was sure his words had sink in, he stood up and walked into the bathroom, leaving her staring into empty space in shock.

She watched him as he stepped out of the bathroom, there were beads of water on his body and a towel round his chest, he walked into his walk in closert she didn't know was there when she entered. After three minutes, he came out and went straight to the bed. He laid on his own side of the bed and turned off his bed lamp.

Sasha sat staring at him, is he for real? What has she gotten herself into? What kind of marriage will this be? She couldn't get herself thinking of all the possibility and slowly walked to the bed, she lay on her side and stared at him, he seemed to have fallen asleep immediately his head touched the pillow and she couldn't believe anything. She reached out her hand to touch him but then it froze in mid air as his second rule rang in her mind 'don't touch me' she swallowed and slowly let her hand fall, she turned her back to him and turned off the bed lamp while she prayed for the night to just be a dream.


Waking up in the morning, Sasha was surprised because the room was not familiar, she frowned her brows and only realized then that she was married, well you won't blame her since she didn't wake up in her husband arms.

Husband? She turned to the other side of the bed but he was not there and then she heard the sound of a running water and knew that he was in the bathroom. She got up immediately, went to the wardrobe and got a robe and draped over her lingerie, she walked out of the room, went downstairs and got into the kitchen. Damn, she can get lost in this kitchen, she thought.

Everything was where it was supposed to be, nothing missing. It's really good to marry into a rich family not that she is poor herself, after all, she has been living a very comfortable life. She settled to make breakfast and decided to make the fastest since he was already preparing to leave the house, or is he not? She can't really tell after all, he can't be going to work since today is actually Sunday. She made pancake with sauce, she also poured him a glass of milk and arranged everything on the dinning table that is big enough for ten people.

She was about to go upstairs when she heard the sound of a door being closed and knew he was coming downstairs. He was dressed in a black suit and a white shirt. His hair as always was plastered on his head and wet like, where is he going? She thought, he looked really dressed up. He dropped his briefcase on the sofa and reached to do his cufflinks.

"Good morning" Sasha greeted but he didn't hear her or pretended not to. She bit her lip and walked a little closer to him "let me help you."

Michael remained silent and continued with what he was doing "I made breakfast, I hope you like it" she smiled.

Michael seemed to be done with his cufflinks now and only reached down and picked up his briefcase again and walked to the door. Sasha was shocked and watched him go, he stopped at the door without turning to look at her "when I give a rule, I expect it to be followed" with that he walked out of the house.

Sasha blinked twice and stared at the food on the dinning table, what the? Last night wasn't a dream? How is she supposed to live like this? How possible? What the hell does he mean by that, how can she be married to him but nothing, no interaction, nothing? Fine, she get it, he is gay but that doesn't mean he has to be so cold towards her, what wrong have she done?

She felt her head hurting due to the thinking and decided to leave the matter for now, when he is back from wherever he went she will talk to him. She stared at the pancakes and sighed before eating them. She went upstairs and took a shower, got dressed and decided to tour her house. She walked around the house and can't help but think that she really need a housekeeper because she definitely can't look after this mansion in her own, or maybe he already has one?

The house was not only lonely but boring too, she wish to call her friends but don't want to startle them, she just got married yesterday after all. She played away the time with her phone surfing the internet, when she was tired of little screen, she switched to her laptop. Luck finally smiled on her face and the day came to an end but her husband was not yet back.

She made dinner and hope he will be back soon and also to eat it. She sat on the sofa ready to wait for him but she ended up drifting off to sleep on the sofa. Waking up again, she looked at the time and it was twelve midnight, she looked at the dinning table and the food was just the way she left it. Is it that her dear husband is not yet back or what? She felt a sharp pain on her neck and winced, she had been lying down so badly just now.

She got up and walked to the dinning, stared at the food for some time and gave up waiting for me. He can come back whenever he feels like. She walked up the stairs and opened her bedroom door tiredly. She fell on the bed like a lump of wood. She grabbed her pillow and snuggled her face deeper in it.

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