
Love Hate Relationship

"Three rules: Don't talk to me, Don't touch me, Stay out of my business." Hearing that from her supposed husband on their wedding night, Sasha White or rather Sasha Brown had to question herself about the meaning of marriage without those. Being married to the handsome billionaire, Michael Brown. Sasha for one was the most happy because she has been crushing on him since their school days but can't pursue him because of the fact that it was known in the whole school, that he is gay.

Goodness_Shadrach · Urban
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37 Chs

He is not gay

Michael wanted to reply but he suddenly felt a burning feeling all over his body, his ears turned red, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, he creased his brows but Amanda had noticed his discomfort immediately "are you okay?" She asked.

Michael looked at her but he can't even answer, the burning feeling was only increasing minutes by minutes. Amanda got up from her seat and walked to him, she placed a hand on his shoulder "are you feeling unwell, would you like to lie down?" She inquired.

Michael looked at her hand on his shoulder, he doesn't like her touching him but now he can't even push her away, rather he wants her to touch him more, he was surprised at his feelings, how is that possible? Amanda reached to unbutton his shirt "you are hot, why don't you take of your suit. Oh, I almost forgot, you will never do that in public. I have a room upstairs would you like to go up or better still it's your hotel, you have a suite here, should I help you up there?"

Michael was feeling less and less comfortable and more and more horny and hot, all her offers were tempting but he can't get himself to accept any. He looked out the glass wall and saw Gary looking at him, he looked worried. Michael in his life has never felt happy seeing Gary like he did now. Seeing the look in his eyes and how the lady was touching his boss and he let her, Gary knew something was wrong and rushed into the hotel immediately.

Amanda was still trying to get Michael to go upstairs with her when Gary arrived "boss?" He said and Michael looked at him, gratefulness full in his eyes which Gary froze for some seconds on seeing.

"Take me home" Michael whispered.

"Yes boss" Gary walked to him immediately and helped him up. Amanda watched Gary help Michael out of the hotel and anger flushed on her face, she had planned everything well, how did it end up in ruins? She knew Michael will hunt her tomorrow but she thought the deed would already be done and will gladly face whatever punishment he will bring to her and now? What's the point of suffering when she didn't get what she want in the end?

Out of anger, she picked up the bottle of wine and smashed it on the floor, a waiter approached her but she slapped him and picked up her phone to make a call "book me a flight to Amsterdam now" she got up and left the hotel.

Michael rest his head on the backseat of his limousine "how are you feeling now boss?" He heard Gary asked through the intercom.

"Hot" was his reply and Gary swallowed "what do you think she did to me?"

"Em, boss if I'm to answer, I will say she drugged you."

"But when? I was sitting right opposite her the whole time."

"She might have had everything planned before you arrived."

Michael licked his lips, his whole body was on fire and he was feeling really horny "what I'm I to do now?"

Gary wanted to curse, his boss is intelligent in every other thing but when it comes to women, he was still a novice and pretty much naïve, what did he want him to answer now? To tell him to make love to a woman? Hell no, he still values his life "I'm waiting Gary" he heard his boss say.

"Em, I don't know boss...I'm not familiar with drugs."

"How can you not know?" Michael snapped.

"I don't know boss, I have never been drugged before" Gary swallowed.

Michael sighed, he wiped his eyes with his index and thump fingers "take me home then."

Gary heaved a sigh of relief, don't worry boss, you have a wife waiting at home, you will know what to do when you see her, it will come naturally to you, Gary thought with a smile.

They arrived at the mansion minutes later and Gary helped him out of the car "should I help you in sir?"

"No, I don't want her thinking something is wrong" was the answer Michael gave him and walked into the house. Gary watched him go and wondered why his boss always address his wife as 'her' is it that he doesn't know her name or what? He sighed and parked the limousine in the garage and left in the Toyota.

Michael removed his suit and shirt while climbing up the stairs, he went straight to his room dressed only in his singlet and pants, he opened the door in time to see Sasha sitting on her dressing table and applying cream on her shoulder. She was wrapped in a towel, her right leg was crossed on her left. The towel was short that from her thigh down was exposed. Michael gulped as his eyes traced the length of those legs, and for some reason, the burning in him became unbearable.

He walked into the room and Sasha turned then to look at him, her hair was still damp and a few strands fell on her face here and there, her lips were pink and her golden brown eyes were crystal clear like there is water in them. Her lips were half opened when she looked at him and Michael had to gulp again.

Sasha stood up when she noticed how he was half dressed, holding his shirt and suit in his hand and was just staring at her, she has been married to him for a month now but never has he looked at her like that "are you okay?" Her voice was soft and low and heavens, it did something to his body. He took another step closer to her and all he wanted was to devour her.

"You don't look so well, are you sick?" He heard her asked again in that same voice. He was already standing before her now and Sasha felt her breath quickened, he has never been that close to her before.

Michael reached out his hand and removed every strand of hair on her face and this time, it was Sasha's turn to gulp. His finger traced every part of her face, her eyebrows, her nose, her lips. He dropped his shirt and suit he was holding on the floor. Sasha wanted to back away, she couldn't understand what has gotten into him but she just can't get herself to move.

Michael grabbed her chin and raised her face to his, he swallowed and slowly claimed those pinkish seductive lips in his. Sasha's eyes were wild open and she watched him kissed her, is this day blessed or cursed? She can't tell. Her eyes slowly closed when he dipped his tongue into her mouth, she opened her mouth to kiss him back and she felt her towel dropped to floor.

Michael's hand traced her backbone, he loved the feeling of that flawless back in his palm and hugged her tightly. Sasha's hands slowly circle on his neck and she pulled herself closer to him. Michael lift her off the floor and walked to the bed, he gently placed her there, his mouth left hers and traveled to her neck bone were he placed wet kisses, his hand caressing from her thigh to her rip cage and back to her thigh again.

Sasha sighed, he really is a novice, she thought and slowly turned on the bed with her on top him. She was afraid he will push her away but he just laid there looking at her, she lowered her head to his and nimble his lower lip before his upper one. Her tongue traced every part in his mouth. She tugged at his singlet and he sat up while she pulled it out of his hands and he let her like an obedient boy he is. His sexy body now open for her to watch. She marveled at his body building.

He watched every move she made and when he saw the look in her eyes when she looked at his body, he couldn't explain the joy he felt and the wave of feelings it sent to his stomach. Sasha bent and claimed his nipple in her mouth, she moistened it with her saliva and stroked with her tongue.

Michael closed his eyes and a soft moan escaped through his lips, his hand subconsciously pressed on her head and she let her hand wandered on his body. She released his nipple and kissed him from his chest down his tummy. She got up and unbuckled his belt, she unzipped his pants and pulled it out of his legs and also removed his shoes and socks. She doesn't know what is wrong with him today or what came over him but she is not going to let this opportunity slip her by.

She dipped her hand into his underwear and brought out his already erected shaft. She rubbed her hand on it and he moaned softly again, she smiled and bent down, claiming him in her mouth. She started sucking him and he moaned loudly this time, his eyes were shut tightly and his right hand grabbed her head while his left hand clutched tightly on the bedspread. Sasha brought him bliss with her mouth and he climaxed soon after. She went back to his nipple and started sucking it too before reaching for his mouth.

Michael has never felt like he was feeling now before, the way her mouth worked on him like an expert mesmerized him and she almost burst his brain out with pleasure. He kissed her back and let his hands caressed every part of her body, he turned her on the bed that she was beneath him now and he reached for her nipples and claimed it in his mouth, repeating everything she did to him on her.

Sasha moaned this time and her hands grabbed his head, pulling him more tightly to her. Michael was surprised how his body works for he was already hard and erect again, he let his instinct guard him this time and he slowly parted her legs with his. He placed himself in between her legs and slowly entered her.

Sasha moaned and he reached to cover her mouth with his own, his body rippled with pleasure and she wrapped her legs on his, her hands on his neck and she moaned which each thrust he made. Minutes later and they both climaxed.

Michael slumped on her body and she hugged his head to her chest, she caressed his face and wiped away his sweats with her hand. Michael knew he was in her arms and can't believe that finally he get to have her hug him to her and it takes him to be drugged for her to do that, he knew he should be angry about what just happened but he didn't even have any strength left in him and his body was still shuddering with the aftermath of their passion, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep soon after.

Sasha on the other hand can't believe that she has finally have her wedding night, she hugged his head tightly to her chest and kissed his hair, if only he could be this loving every time, her marriage would be perfect. A part of her warned her that a storm is coming tomorrow as she wondered what might have happened to him to make him like that. Just then she remembered she had tasted something when he kissed her, she smacked her tongue to find the taste again, wine, of course, she thought, was Michael drugged?

She replayed the nights event in her mind and remembered he had walked in with his shirt and suit in his hand, he had kissed her without any much thought and she finally concluded, Michael was drugged, but by who? And how did he escape the culprit to come to her? Have she just eaten the food prepared by another?

Sasha smiled, yes, she has eaten the food prepared by another and she will also suffer the consequences come morning, she hugged him tightly to herself again, but at least, she got to have a special moment with her cold husband and what they did tonight had just confirmed her thought, Michael is not gay.


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