
Chapter 79

Savanna had a dream. It was a dark and deep alley, and someone in black ran in front while holding Mandel. Savanna couldn't see the face, and she chased after the person in panic. Finally, there was no way ahead, and the person slowly turned back. Though it was dark, with a faint light, she saw the person's face, which was like Winnie's.

The woman looked at Savanna with eyes full of resentment. The woman's rosy lips opened and closed, and she enunciated each word, "Savanna, I lost my child. You must bear the same."

Winnie angrily threw Mandel to the ground.

Mandel cried loudly, tearing Savanna's heart apart. Savanna trembled and screamed, "Mandel!"

Then Savanna weakly crawled over and picked up Mandel who was on the ground. She reached out, and she felt nothing but sticky bright-red blood on her fingertips.