
Chapter 729 Escape

Walking out of the shabby door of the clinic, Spencer quickly got into the SUV and started the car.

Just as he was about to leave, his phone rang as if it was going to kill him.

Spencer looked down at the caller ID. It was Lilia.

"What are you doing?" Spencer picked it up and tried to step on the accelerator. The sound of the engine roaring was very loud.

"Spencer, are you my cousin or not? Aren't you afraid that something will happen to me if you leave me alone in this wilderness?"

"If you follow me, something bad will happen." Spencer was cold. He exerted strength in his feet and the SUV suddenly jumped out, like a black sword leaving the bow.

Hardly had Lilia figured out why something bad would happen if she followed Spencer when Spencer said, "They called the police. The police will come to arrest me soon," Spencer said.

"Spencer, what did you do?" Lilia realized fear.