
Chapter 683 Deal

In the city center of Oklahoma City, in a high-class single apartment.

The curtains were tightly closed, and one could not see their fingers when they reached out. The air was filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and the room was extremely quiet.

"Beep, beep, beep." The sound of a password unlocked came from outside, and someone twisted the doorknob.

At this time, the woman lying in the bedroom in the apartment did not realize the movement outside.

She was so drunk that she was completely unconscious. Her hair was plastered on her face and she looked extremely slovenly.

A box rolled over the ground and knocked over a few beer bottles. The glass bottles crackled.

The person who entered the door walked to the window and opened the curtains with a whoosh. Sunlight poured in.

"Lilia, wake up! Why are you so drunk? I'm so worried!"