
Chapter 470


Brandon shut the door and left with a darkened face after being provoked.

Roya, who was sleeping soundly, was scared awake and burst into tears.

"Darling, be good. Don't cry." Savanna quickly held her in her arms to pacify her.

Feeling her mother's breath and hearing her mother's voice, Roya quickly stopped crying. Instead, she quietly held Savanna's arm and smelled the aura on her.

Savanna paced around the room with Roya in her arms as she thought about how to deal with it.

Even if she was locked up, she would not just wait without doing anything.

Walking to the window, she lifted the curtain and looked down. There were two doors on the side of the villa. They were guarded.

"Roya, do you think I look like a canary?" Savanna teased herself.

The baby naturally didn't know what she meant. She just stared at Savanna and smiled sweetly.

"Ms. Thompson, lunch is ready."