
Chapter 312

The smile on Mia's face froze. "Who are you? What right do you have to say that? What proof do you have?"

Savanna said, "Since I dared to come to you, I naturally have evidence."

Savanna clicked her phone and played a video. She then held it in front of Mia.

Mia stared at the video. In a dimly lit room, a blurry shadow crept in. The moonlight from the window fell on her face, lighting it up. She reached for the medicine bottle in the compartment of a desk near the windowsill, pulled out the bottle cap, and poured out the medicine in the bottle. After that, she took some pills of about the same size and filled the bottle up.

Looking at the video, Mia narrowed her eyes slightly, a dangerous glint flashing in them. "What do you want?"

The smile on Savanna's face was gentle, but behind this gentleness was viciousness.