
Chapter 299

Savanna immediately reached out, wanting to close the door. But Rex blocked the door with his arms. No matter how much force Savanna used, the door did not move at all.

Rex had no intention of retreating. Instead, he squeezed half of his body in. Savanna was furious. "Who are you? What do you want? I can sue you for trespassing."

Rex paid little attention to Savanna's words. He forcefully pushed open the door and walked in from her side. Savanna became nervous seeing that Rex was so calm and indulgent. She chased after him and said, "Get out, or I'll call the police."

Rex saw that there was only a simple bed and a leather suitcase in the room. There was no kitchen, no pots, bowls, and pans.

Rex glanced at the trash can and immediately understood what kind of life Savanna was living.

She lived on take-outs.

Rex stood in the middle of the room, making the already narrow room seem even more crowded.