
Chapter 292

Afraid that Veronica would not believe him, Gordon kowtowed and blood flowed from his forehead.

Seeing Gordon's face covered with blood, Veronica was heartbroken and angry. When she was about to faint, Seth helped her in time. Gordon was scared. He got up from the ground and shouted to Seth, "Seth, please send her to the hospital. Thank you! I will help Mr. Cassel to find Chandler."

At this moment, saving Veronica was the most important thing. Seth carried her and rushed out of the prison.

Brandon was leaning against the car, lowering his head to smoke. When Seth carried Veronica out, he saw that Veronica was twitching.

When Seth carried Veronica into the car, Brandon had already sat in the driver's seat. He started the engine and headed to the hospital.

With Rex's help, Veronica finally was saved and out of harm's way.