
Chapter 290

After Brandon heard Rex's words, his tense expression finally got relaxed.

"I see."

Brandon had just hung up when Aldo called again. "Mr. Young, old Mrs. Young wants to see you."

Brandon was furious and directly said, "No way, I'm not free."

Aldo said, "Old Mrs. Young has already come to New York. She lives in Riverside Hotel now."

Brandon was going to drive the car back to the Rose Villas, but after thinking about it, he changed his direction and drove directly to Riverside Hotel.

Brandon knocked on the door and entered the top-notch presidential suite at Riverside Hotel.

Lorena, who was dressed in a black suit and had her hair combed neatly, stood by the window and looked at the villa group in the distance.

When she heard the door open, she turned her head, seeing that Brandon was standing still at the door.

Lorena smiled, "You're here."