
Chapter 137 You Plot with Lucas?

Savanna looked like a frightened bird, making Brandon feel very uncomfortable, as if he got a plague.

"What? I don't have any infectious diseases."

Brandon was dissatisfied.

"Didn't you say that I'll send you off? Drive back to Blue Bay No. 1 and I'll take a taxi back."

What was Brandon thinking about?

Savanna had nothing to do about Brandon, so she could only let him do as he pleased.

Brandon felt a little dizzy because of the alcohol. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to rest. He suddenly remembered what Ben had said to Savanna. According to Ben, Brandon seemed to have something to do with Judy.

He lifted his lips and said, "Don't believe Ben's words, I..."

Brandon hadn't finished speaking when Savanna said, "I know. Ben has never been serious. I won't take his words seriously too."

Savanna thought, Ben said that Brandon's hair became white because of her.