
The world beyond

The feeling of being alone in school can be very tough. Making new friends all over again is too much effort. All these students smiling as if everything is going to be ok. I laugh sarcastically with a smirk on my face. Please! if anything, they should stop making friends and focus on their own life. I roll my eyes and at a slow paste I walked towards the front gates of the school. Another year of school with all these idiots trying to fit in. I stood there standing while other students walked in. "Good morning Mariya", I turned around to find my step Brother Maaku walking towards me. Maaku is in fact my step Brother, who is a pain in the ass. He may look innocent on the outside with his so called "looks" but in other words he's not worth it. What do you want now? I said in a very annoyed tone. "I'm hungry, can I have some of your lunch?" he said with his huge round eyes and his mouth pouting like he was some kind of puppy. I knew it, such lies, see what I mean? that fake innocent look can't fool me. I look at him with a smile and said "Maaku if your hungry, why don't you eat the air". I stopped smiling, turned around and walked towards the school. I bet he was pretty pissed, I laughed so hard that the students surrounding me stared. I deliberately death stared them until they all finally looked away. I finally made it to my homeroom. I walked towards my desk and sat down. This is my life that repeats itself every year, being unnoticed, no motivation or anything. My life is just a mistake. I doze off during homeroom. "Mariya, Mariya!, Mariya!" I shook my head and turned towards the sound of my name. It was my teacher Mr. Han, apparently his name is King Han because of his great looks and intelligence which I find hard to believe actually exist. So many girls fall head over heels at first sight with many guys, especially my teacher. This thought is so cringy. How can one fall in love at first sight? this is just Romeo and Juliet all over again. Yes, Sir? I replied with confusion. What could he want from me? First day and already got a teacher on me. "Meet in my office during break, I need to discuss something" he said with a smile. I rolled my eyes as if he wasn't important to me.

The bell rang for break and I slowly walked to Mr. Hans office. As I was about to walk in I couldn't help but eavesdrop on his conversation with a familiar voice. It was Maaku, but What was he doing there? I stood there confused. "You know very well that Mariya's powers havnt reached its full potential right?" said Mr. Han. "I understand Sir, but her powers were sealed by Emporer Toshi to protect the princess from dark forces who want her strong powers and only a true king can break the seal within". I stood there clueless, my eyes were loosing focus, my head was burning. Me, a princess? unknown powers? I must be dead. I lose balance and fell on my knees. Both Mr. Han and Maaku came out of the office to help me. I fall back and loose consciousness. Memories of a past life flows through my head. This princess they spoke of wasn't me, it was someone else. I woke up to a whisper saying "Please, help me". I look around to see if anyone was there, but there wasn't a soul to be found. I noticed how my school clothes turned into nicely made clothes fit for a royal princess. I couldn't help but wonder why I was here. "Princess Mariya, Prince Maaku has arrived". Prince Maaku? who the heck is that? the doors with Dragon designs made out of pure gold opens and my own annoying brother walks in. "Princess you finally have woken, you must be starving?" he Said in a formal way. Quit the formality, what the hell are you wearing? and since when were you a Prince? I burst with so much laughter that tears started falling down my cheek. He looked at me like I was some crazy old women. "My dear sister is becoming mental, what a joyful day it is". I stood up and stared at him with a sinister look and beat his ass to a pulp. My brother screaming in pain drew so much attention that people came in and watched our fight. They looked like maids or butler's. I looked at them Wierdly and they all ran off as if they were scared of me. I let my brother go and asked him what year it is. He then answered slowly as he was trying to catch his breath "the year of the almighty Emperor Toshi, the 5th dynasty". My eyes enlarged and my jaws droped. What?! the year of Emporer Toshi? All this information took for ever to process. You gotta be kidding me!